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Everything posted by zfleming12

  1. Uh-oh Fancy Pants is on me! They....um ....Smell....funnny? :D Honestly I have no problem with them, people can do what they please on thier servers. I'm just under the impression (and I may be wrong) that it waas going to keep those things seperate so that people could play their way and not worry about others jumping from a private hive onto a public with tons of loot etc etc.
  2. NEW PLACES, NEW FIXES, ew hives, but at least they won't be part of the official servers! :D
  3. zfleming12

    empty serverlist

    Ah well, just sit tight folks :)
  4. zfleming12

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.114008

    So anyways, hotfix seems in working order :) Looking forward to the next update!
  5. Just hearing the constant noises is unerving for me x(
  6. Long Story short, the system works people. Is it perfect? nope, but it does the job and it is making a difference very slowly. You ask why? Look at the forums, the reddits and the general mood of most people here. The amount of complaints towards hacking, not major, it's there but not major. Compare that to the number you saw in WarZ/ Infestation Survivor Stories (whatever it's called) And you can tell that there is a better effective system that is making a difference here as work continues. Yes there is hacking, there is no doubt but from my perspective it's not as bad as what I saw in the mod (SO FAR) and in other games. :) Cheers Z
  7. zfleming12

    1st Christmas Kill

    So much for the Christmas truce :P
  8. Compare this Alpha to the WarZ Alpha and the WarZ current state. Compare the Mod to WarZ alpha and the WarZ current state. You have your answer. :)
  9. zfleming12

    Bleeding and bandaging

    You clearly have not played the Mod. *head Desk*
  10. zfleming12

    Why did I pay for this shit?

    Haha Nice! XD
  11. zfleming12

    Shocking Number of New Players

    So far it's been a amusing. But it also seems like a majority are just sitting on the coast. XD
  12. zfleming12

    DayZ Hacks already happening

    Works for me
  13. zfleming12

    DayZ Hacks already happening

    Even further, how many of you have actually died to a hack, how do you even know it was a hack? What exactly do we have that actually shows there is hacking already? Links to a website that claims to have useable hacks? Pictures? I don't doubt there are hacks but at the same time, i'm doubtful to the number people are claiming, In fact, mostly I see few people actually talking about what said hacks are that they have encountered and more of OMG WTF FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT....
  14. zfleming12

    DayZ Hacks already happening

    So does anyone have any video proof actually? :/
  15. zfleming12

    Anyone else enjoying the game so far?

  16. Same. Something about green mountain has always been terrifying.
  17. I already AM the ghost of green mountain! :D
  18. Sister actually e.e And that's great and all but HOW CAN I ENJOY SA NOW IF IM DEAD? I'll start haunting people in a moment >8D
  19. Wait so we don't stand on the tracks?! O_O OH SHI- *Gets runned over*
  20. Alright getting back to the focus of this topic. It's possible we may see a release this week BUT it all depends on testing this week. Then again I could be wrong o.o
  21. DUde he just said to talk about the situation in PM.
  22. Hahaha where did you find dat?
  23. OH GOD THE NUMBERS MASON! WHAT DO THEY MEAN! *composes herself* I mean Woo. Edit: Bringing this to everyone's attention right now. On the game trackers forum listing for the locked dev test server page, there are several people trolling with false information. Do not take any of what they are claiming to be legit.
  24. I'm sorry I actually burst out laughing to this xD