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aLmAnZo (DayZ)

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Everything posted by aLmAnZo (DayZ)

  1. aLmAnZo (DayZ)

    A discussion about factions

    Oktyabr: Was that some kind of confirm that factions indeed will find it's way into DayZ? and more on topic to the author of the thread, a faction system is allready incorperated in the core game. When you join a server and end up in the lobby, you have basicly three (or four?) factions to choose from, and these are civillian, east and west, the fourth one that I am unsure of, is "independent". To have multiple factions, the mod maker needs to add playable characters in the editor from those factions. The problem is how models work in ARMA. The reason the mod is dependent on PMC and Operation Arrowhead is due to the fact that ARMA vanilla doesn't support the back back system if I am not wrong. That means, at least I think, that there is limited models who are able to carry backpacks. That means that there is few models too choose from, and those models are (If I am not wrong) connected to one or two factions.
  2. aLmAnZo (DayZ)

    Why the Anti PvP arguments are pathetic

    I also reacted on how you worded yourself. And the reason is simple, you actually have decent arguments. Most people tend to view insults and sarcasm as a sign of lack of arguments. You have a good case, why start out by acting like people who disagree are all twats or little babies? There is no need for that, especially not when you have the skill to properly make your arguments sounds reasonable. And I think that you do. And that brings me on topic. I get your point, really I do. PvP is important for the game, even if you don't kill other players yourself, becouse they are a threat. However, as it is now, I feel it is a bit unbalanced. We share one major thing in common though, the want for more challange in main stream games, and the end of developers holding their players in the hand, showing off all of their "awsum omg lol" stuff. It's a delight to finaly play something that is totaly unscripted. (One of the reasons I enjoy minecraft as much as I do to. There is no particular way to play the game, you find your own way.) The problem with DayZ, how I see it, is that it really doesn't encourage anything BUT pk'ing. Achieving somewhat decent gear without resulting to go the "easy way" takes hours and hours. So, the best strategy, not to say the only found strategy is to kill others for their loot. Now, that might kill the mod, becouse it eats up all the other features of the mod. I don't get angry at players who kill me, even though I don't do it myself. The other day, I was observing three guys at a safe spot with my sniper rifle looting a military camp in Stary Sobor. I left them alone, waited a bit and raided the tents myself. Bam, got killed by them. It was totaly reasonable for them to do exactly that. I don't blame them, I blame myself for not being more careful. I lost only mid-level gear, but it had taken me hours upon hours to achieve it. My point is, there is no real system to encourage people to not PK, or to award people who choose not too. On the other hand, there is a lot of things encouraging you to kill others, and the awards for doing so is large. I think that is the main reason so many players are complaining about it. It's not becouse they don't like a challange, but becouse the balancing is so off. And as you said, I think alot of players kill others simply out of fear or anxiety. That is brilliant. It should be hard to get the trust of others, but the game needs a bit more incentive for people NOT to pull the trigger when they can. As it is now, there is simply no reason not to do it, exept for the fear of your own life. There should be benefits and downsides for either playstyle. As it is now, bandits are favorised by the mod. As I said, I agree that no PvP would kill the mod. The only thing it lacks, is balance. I have suggested a few solutions in a suggestions thread I made, I hope you'll take your time to read it.
  3. aLmAnZo (DayZ)

    Solo play = frustrating

    You are not alone mate... It's freaky how this mod has got so many fan boys allready. Critizism is critizism. Don't asume that a person hasn't tried stealth for instance, especially when he actually states that several times. Critizism helps developers like this. And again, it is of course ok to disagree with the critizism, but if you are doing so, counter the arguments, instead of trying to present the author as a noob. Doesn't help anybody, and it is not constructive.
  4. For now, I am taking a break from DayZ, out of two reasons. My bachelor paper, and out of lack of security. I feel like the main problem with the mod is how insanely unforgiving it is. I like the tention it gives, being afraid to die. But as it is now, dying means loosing hours and hours of gameplay, maybe even days. I think that is a bit to harsh. The reason for this is simple, alot of people will play the game, collect awsome gear and then die. After that, they don't care too play anymore due to the intense amount of work that went into aquiring all that gear. There is a few things that can help this out though. Here is a list of things I would like to see with this mod: 1: The ability to make hideouts and encampments! There is slight indications that this is turning into reality, with the focus on fences and so forth. I really, really like where that thing is going. Having a base of operations, where you can store gear, have an armory, have a garage etc would be great. This also provides some interesting PvP elements. But as I see it, there is one requirement for this to work, it should not be possible to loot other peoples bases when they are not online. If you somehow could bound a base too several players, counting for the group that runs the base, that would be great. When those players are online, the base can be looted. This forces a compromize when going to scavange. Do you leave 5 guys to guard the base, and form a hunting team of 3, or do all go? But to loose everything in the base due to the fact that no one was online is just stupid. Let containers be locked when the owning player is off line. When he is online, it's possible for everyone to loot it, and by doing that it is possible also for his friends to acess his gear. This way, people can slowly but surely build up an armory between them selves, with scattered gear throughout several players containers. When you die, you loose your gear as you do today, but have a place to go to for restocking. Oh, and of course, if all the guys leave the base, the base can be looted by whomever! The other thing that would be a huge advantage, is to be able to place spawn points and form formal factions. When you play together with someone and die, you'd often have to walk for miles and miles to catch up. For me, I've spendt countless hours just walking in the woods, alone with no real gameplay. I don't want this to turn into a hiking simulator, even though I find Chernarus to be a beutifull place. And yeah, vehicles should be a bit more common, at least cars. That I say out of a realism point of view. Most people have cars, and most people don't set their car on fire when there is trouble around. Allmost all of zombie fiction depicts roads filled with abandoned cars, making traveling by car extremely difficult. I'm not saying that they should be around every corner, but a bit more common. Remember, car's arent really that useful anyway. They make alot of noise, and attracts other players as well as zombies. They are also extremely fragile, and if the spawning beacons actually happens, they are of limited value anyhow. They CAN be used tacticly however, as a tool for a fast in, fast out sweeping and for attacking encampments, but even for that, they aren't that good. Choppers, on the other hand, can still be rare. Choppers are insanely handy, and should thus be hard to come by. Or, as another suggestion, uping both chopper and car availability, make fuel more rare a commodity. You might have that fancy truck, able to fit all of your friends, but have fuel only for one trip. You can have all the cars in the world for that matter, and it won't help you at all, if you don't have fuel. Lastly, the hideout or base element would also maybe encourage trade with other factions, often at gun point, as long as we get a fix for the comms. Servers might come with ACRE and TS-servers if must be. If ACRE is implemented, radios should be rare, but not impossible to come buy. Civilians might have them as well, and of course police, health care and fire department. Happy hunting guys!
  5. aLmAnZo (DayZ)

    Bases, vehicle ideas and spawn beacons.

    The main point though, is that it's not a safe spot while you are online. This could actually be possible today, if you had enough people. Say you had a hundred people in a group, you could have guards around tents 24/7. But that isn't going to happen. The reason for this feature is simple. Being robbed while off-line is simply stupid, but being robbed becouse you are somewhere else hunting og scavanging is your own fault for not guarding your stuff, or hiding it well enough.
  6. aLmAnZo (DayZ)

    Bicycles. Please.

    And, according to the Zombie Survival Guide, the best way of travel during an outbreak ;)
  7. aLmAnZo (DayZ)

    Bases, vehicle ideas and spawn beacons.

    Would you like to share why? I'd really like to hear some arguments? And I will add a few more reasons myself. It seems like this is heading towards coop PvP anyways. The real threat out there is other players, and I think this might lead into some interesting game play. It will actually give you a way of being able to guard your possetions, but at the same time risk loosing them. As it is now, there is no real way to save gear, and I that breaks the game for me. And lastly, for realism. If I lived in a world like this, the first thing I'd do, was to find someone to survive with, and build a base of operations. The balance between guarding our stuff, and getting new supplies would be a constant challange in real life too. Why not here?
  8. aLmAnZo (DayZ)

    Bases, vehicle ideas and spawn beacons.

    Oh, yes. I also forgot one thing: I would also like rare spawns of military grade stuff around military vehicles (the crashed/burned out HMWWs everywhere)
  9. aLmAnZo (DayZ)

    territory wars

    Play ARMA II without the mod, and join one of the servers that plays Benny edition map. It is basicly the same thing, and very much fun. Without zombies though, but you should try it. No use in DayZ, as it is a completely different mod.
  10. aLmAnZo (DayZ)

    Character Motivations

    Pray in a church? lol... A game should never force a particular faith upon anyone. You know, not all are christian. Alot are even not religious.
  11. aLmAnZo (DayZ)

    [PvP] Flag

  12. aLmAnZo (DayZ)

    MERGED: Everything poop and pee

    I see some people don't like this idea, but it seems most do. Kneesocks asks what you get from this, now here is my view and my answer to that question. a gameplay element. If you don't pie when safe, you might wet yourself. If you wet yourself, you'll atract zombies. Zombies have a great sense of smell, and they might be attracted to urine. Another thing to keep in mind, I like it. Actually, I like it very much. And it is not hard to implement, codingwize.
  13. aLmAnZo (DayZ)

    Modified Paintball Gun

    Actually, I really, really like this idea. Not top priority though.
  14. aLmAnZo (DayZ)

    Should we scrap bandit models?

    Keep them, or come up with something different. I understand that it's difficult to make as intended, but don't give up. I believe in you Rocket! :D
  15. aLmAnZo (DayZ)

    Fast vs Slow Zombies

    I agree with you totaly on this. But I still think we should stick with the fast zombies for now, for one simple reason... The only reason zombies are a threat, is becouse they are slow. To compensate for their newfound lack of speed, one would need alot more zombies to spawn, and ARMA doesn't handle that many AI, I am afraid. I agree that it would be kick ass to have a horde of slow zombies, but it's not really possible in this mod, due to ARMA II's engine limitations.