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Everything posted by Reverence

  1. Reverence

    List my tents in new update.

    Yeah its common
  2. Reverence

    Your Shoot On Sight Threshold?

    If they have any kind of gun, or in a bandit / ghilie skin.
  3. I'm looking to play the map Taviana, Chernarus, and or Namalsk. I am from the US so it is preferred you are from the US as well. I prefer you have a Microphone and Teamspeak or Skype. ( I do run my own TS server) So if you would like to join me please add my Skype @ PackingPunch, or join my Teamspeak server @ BriansTS.no-ip.org Thanks, Brian
  4. Reverence

    Looking for a team

    still looking!
  5. Reverence

    Looking for a team

    Still looking
  6. I have looked quite a bit and I couldn't seem to find a quality guide with a good video or pictures... Can anyone assist me with a link or let me know if you can even personally host a DayZ server off your computer? + I have looked at that pinned thread but I couldn't really understand it because it seemed to be more toward purchasing a server. Thanks
  7. Am I the only person that notices that time flies by while playing DayZ? I mean the record is like what 5 days + 10 minute breaks every hour or than can add up. The record could be easily broken while playing DayZ. Anyone agree or have their own opinion?
  8. Reverence

    Worlds longest gaming session - DayZ

    I would say that over christmas break I might have done at least 10 hours or more like I've pulled and all nighter and took the next day off
  9. Reverence

    What do new players prefer?

    I would think of making them a bit more common loot? Otherwise that ruins night and people should be able to have the advantage of being able to see at night vs black and white because you can turn gamma brightness and HDR Quality or something like that to very high and be able to see quite well near towns and stuff.
  10. Reverence

    Worlds longest gaming session - DayZ

    Not saying I would do it but I'm sure some people at least out of school could
  11. Reverence

    Disorder's Military Guide

    Um i agree with most but all that about going prone is realllllyyyyyyyy BAD. Never just go prone odds are they have a shot on you and if you just go prone is almost 10x easier to get the kill other than zig-zagging and taking cover behind a tree or a bush. just my opinion and what I have learned about going prone.
  12. I'm looking to play the map Taviana, Chernarus, and or Namalsk. I am from the US so it is preferred you are from the US as well. I prefer you have a Microphone and Teamspeak or Skype. ( I do run my own TS server) So if you would like to join me please add my Skype @ PackingPunch, or join my Teamspeak server @ BriansTS.no-ip.org Thanks, Brian
  13. Looking for some people to play with. I'm an experienced player in my eyes at least. If you would like to join me I would prefer you had a working microphone and Skype or TS. My skype is PackingPunch and my TS server is BriansTS.no-ip.org Thanks!
  14. Reverence

    Looking for a team

    Lots of experience on all maps, and at least 15+
  15. I'm an experienced player looking for a team to either bandit or just survive. I am from Cali, US. I have a mic and I prefer to use Skype, but if everyone else wants to use TS we can use that instead. My Skype is PackingPunch So please contact me through Skype or through a PM. Thanks
  16. I was just wondering if anyone wanted to start a small team. I am from the US so we would play on US servers. We would use Skype for chat so please have a mic. If your interested in teaming up add my Skype @ PackingPunch
  17. Reverence

    g36c SD Camo

    i just got ban because i killing a guy with it and second i picked it up i got ban instantly after :/
  18. Hello I just bought Arma 2: Combined Ops and have it downloaded, I watch plenty of DayZ videos so I for the most part know how to play but I'd like to play with a team. So if your a new player like me or an experience player and would like to join me playing DayZ. I would appreciate it if you had Skype. To contact me add my Skype: PackingPunch I'm sorry if this is the wrong section if so please direct me to the right section.
  19. Reverence

    Bambi looking for some friends/team

    Still looking for someone, im from us too. got a mp5ksd here for first person to join me
  20. Reverence

    Delete me

    No stop fuck WarZ complete rip off of dayZ how dare you even mention it here shame on you
  21. Reverence

    Reason behind your username?

    I think i use reverence because I have deep respect or reverence for players better than me
  22. Reverence

    DayZ Best Date For Release

    I agree christmas break is the only time I will be able to play because I have finials a week after break ends :/
  23. Reverence

    Buying DayZ Question

    So I've decided to get Windows 7 for my Macbook Pro,just so I could play DayZ, but it will not arrive until friday before Christmas. How much longer from then will it take for standalone to release, or should I just buy Arma II Combined Operations?
  24. Reverence

    Buying DayZ Question

    Anyone happen to know the price of SA? I've heard 15-30.