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Everything posted by Reverence

  1. Go ahead and join the teamspeak @ Revolutionary.ts3dns.com
  2. All recruited, Still looking for members, feel free to join the TS!
  3. Sorry about that , It has been fixed
  4. Wanted to see if anyone wanted to join me playing DayZ. Looking for people with a quite decent skill level at not just playing DayZ but combat even as a gunner or pilot. You must have a microphone and Skype, or TS. If your interested add my Skype at PackingPunch or PM me for a TS. Thanks!
  5. Reverence

    Starting a group

    Age:15 The country you live in:US Play style:Fast and Efficient How long you have played DayZ for:4-5 months
  6. Reverence

    Looking for a team

    Still looking
  7. Reverence

    Looking for teammates.

    Please don't make a duel post only one of you needs to make a post...
  8. Ill play with you, add my skype - PackingPunch
  9. Wanted to see if anyone wanted to join me playing DayZ. Looking for people with a quite decent skill level at not just playing DayZ but combat even as a gunner or pilot. You must have a microphone and Skype, or TS. If your interested add my Skype at PackingPunch or PM me for a TS. Thanks!
  10. Reverence

    Dayz Bandit Clan Recruting!

    How Old Are You?:15 How long have you been playing Dayz?:4 months + How do you play when you're by yourself?: Better than a squad of 4 Why should you play with us?:Probably teach you guys a few things and some strategy's What is your playing style?:Getting stuff done fast and efficiently
  11. Reverence

    Looking for players

    This kid -_-
  12. Reverence

    Looking for a team

    Still looking and I am from US but most of the people I play with are from UK so I'm used to their time zone
  13. Just looking for a small group to play with. I'd prefer to play with people at least 15 and older that have a working microphone and Skype or Teamspeak If your interested add my skype at PackingPunch or comment for TS
  14. Reverence

    Someone wanna play together?

    Sure I'll join you, Already have 1 maybe 2 more people, my skypes PackingPunch
  15. Reverence

    Dear Reverence

    We did meet and you left the call and deleted sam
  16. Reverence

    Dear Reverence

    Ok 1 it was my boat I found it I got the fuel for it, you assume ive drove a boat before which I hadn't and you asked so I let you. 2nd I wanted the boat safe. I didn't care if you came to loot with me, who the hell said looting was fun, its annoying as hell with all the zombies and enemys. 3rd again its my boat the least you could do is come pick me up... but no you want to meet half way when you have a boat that goes 60 when i would have to walk the whole way, Then in the end i do meet you half way when i get a uaz again which is mine and you instantly want to do what you want with it even though its mine and you automatically say how you want to drive. And you know what you are by far the biggest ass hole ive played with and you know whats funny, Ive already found new people to play with that completely agree with me and understand that you cant take credit for others work. - also if you didnt like me all you had to do was end the skype call and leave. Literally everything that was on me and in the car and boat was all mine I did the work for it the one time you came with me to do something I ended getting killed trying to save you,
  17. If you want to join me add my skype - PackingPunch I'm an experienced player looking to group up with others
  18. Reverence

    Will Dayz standalone come to Mac

    I would bet that with my mac laptop boot camped to play Dayz played on max settings with great FPS is at least 2x what you have.
  19. Reverence

    Will Dayz standalone come to Mac

    Fuck everyone who thinks a mac can't run dayz just because its a mac, I bootcamped it and can play dayz maxed graphics no problem. Its annoying hearing everyone say how shit mac is well no your wrong maybe you bitch about mac sucking at gaming because you can't afford it. It doesn't matter if yours cost half as mine and runs twice as well because honestly people don't buy macs to game they buy them for school, or work or some of the sort with some gaming in between.
  20. Reverence

    These Guys any good?

    ^ Nuff said