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Calgon (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Calgon (DayZ)

  1. Good evening Gentlemen, * Time that it happened including your timezone. Around 21.20 - 21.35 GMT , so 23.20-23.35 servertime [GMT+2] 13.6.2012 * What happened during the incident. After stealing a huey of some guys which annoyed the coast and my teammates there, I picked up my mate ZeroXiz and headed in direction of cherno. After some flying around Cherno an Apache (Is this an Ah-12?) appeared, which i thought is a normal vehicle, but maybe an easteregg. I was so wrong. After getting the first down, thanks to the good shooting of Zero, we made a big circle and returned in direction of the coast/balota. We saw that one of them landed, so i thought we could maybe steal that one too. Then the second Apache approached, firing rockets and such at us. My last evasive maneuver got us killed, which I wouldnt do without those cheaters around. We respawned and tried to get to the crashsite to get our loot back, but they spawned jets and were trying to kill us. They switched even to daytime. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xr3fEv021fg [attachment=841] Someone spawned Jets. [attachment=842] Jets shooting at me. [attachment=843] While beeing chased i tried to get to our crashsite, found their chopper and wanted to check the damage Zero did. Please Devs, Gentlemen, Ban those cowards. They havent hit us a single time and we would have gotten away if they wouldnt be able to spawn a second apache.. Or jets.. Edit: Teh fug, cant embed the vid. Probably Im too stupid, can somebody explain? Edit2: Firefox isnt showing the embed options. Damn fox.
  2. Calgon (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    I hope rocket is listening to this thread. I love starting without a gun. Fuck balancing, I love this challange surviving the first phase. Its still easy to find a weapon either. You don't need to spawn with a gun. I waited for the implementation of starting without a gun since at least a month, so im totally happy now. Awesome rocket, keep up the good work.
  3. Calgon (DayZ)

    Build 1.7.1 Rolling Update

    Good work rocket, thanks for your time and effort!
  4. Gentlemen, its me again, again killed, now its the third time a row, from a hacker/cheater. This time he/it spawned a chopper, or found it, and loaded it with around 20 ai's. I was watching em getting into the chopper from around 300m, then i got 5 secs later shot by the ai / minigun, which shouldnt be able to hit me in this angle normally. It was 02:20 16.6.2012 GMT. Later as I tried to get to my corpse he flew past me, dropped 15 ai soldiers out the chopper, which gave me the rest, i alt f4'd in this moment, becouse it was obvious that it was the cheater again. [attachment=983] Heres a screenshot while running towards the north.. The scoreboard shows that something was wrong .. Greetings.. and please, give me a notice that you banned/killed him.
  5. YES I want this suggestion realized, with even less starting gear. Grabbing starting gear now is a way too easy atm. At least try it with a patch over some days and see what happens.
  6. Gentlemen, this was our uneven fight against some choppers of some hackers on FR 10. Ive stolen a huey some minutes before the start of the video, which was constantly annoying my mates at the coast. I picked up my mate Zero, after that we headed for cherno.. Then suddenly things changed ... The recording started. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xr3fEv021fg I know my last evasive manouver sucked, but hey, i wouldnt do that if there wasnt any apache around shooting with rockets at us.. They spawned even jets after we were trying to get to our crashsite.. Interested in screenshots of the jets? Go to the cheat forum.. Enjoy
  7. Calgon (DayZ)

    [Video] Chopper battle against hacked Choppers

    Well, it wasnt my chopper, i stole it from them, and the whole situation was making me/us laugh. I mean, we were fighting two apaches in the end and didnt get hit a single once. Why terrible piloting? Should i have flewn in a straight line?... We werent hit a single time. But yeah, my last evasive manuever got us killed, but i wouldnt do something like that if we wouldnt get shot at by rockets. And why terrible shot? My Gunner Zero downed one of them.. All interior stuff was red on him as i checked later. Btw.: This was my first time flying in Dayz, i was just flying some mins in the normal arma 2... In other games im pretty good. And yeah, it was a bit annoying. But not as that annoying like getting killed by some stairs, trees and other bugs, with nvgs, m4sd, coyotes, antibiotics, mountain dews, satchel charges and everything, which happend for me already several times. If you cant laugh over you self, you already lost the game. Edit: I forgot the mountain dews and satchel charges
  8. Same here, playing since 1.5.7 and i was never able to loot any crashsite. Well, how can rocket say that its [fixed] if its appearently not ? Seems like were also fix-testers, besides alphatesters ... im okey with that, if he would just tell us that it isnt probably fixed and that we still have to test it ... Im really wondering how he tested that fix. Btw. loot is overally broken, compas got rare as nvg's ... and clocks are everywhere ... There are like four - five clocks in each market / bar ...
  9. Calgon (DayZ)

    WTF is happening to the server community.

    "Main problems arise from the lack of being able to comunicate easily, unless you do it via outside sources." If you would install the Beta patch, direct comm should be fine. Thats enough for communication.