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Everything posted by Wookieenoob

  1. Wookieenoob

    Suppressor for the Mosin and Other High-Caliber Rifles?

    just carry 3 pristine bottles, 1 on your gun and 2 full of water. that gives you 2 kills and 1 water bottle as a backup the only way you can really ghillie with a suppressed mosin is to have 2 bottles in your hi-cap it's viable if you're surgical and not terrible and also axe zoms. as a note you can put the suppressor on longhorn, and, amusingly: yes, that's a suppressed suppressed gun.
  2. Wookieenoob

    Why snipers aren't going away

    because if i can shoot .22 at 4 players from a roof for three hours with my pants off everyone has more fun than if i were on the floor with an AKM pew pew pew .22 is more annoying to be sniped by than a mosin. prove me wrong.
  3. there IS another breech loaded 7.62 that can be sawn off coming. i just think there should be a lot more you can do with saws.
  4. Wookieenoob

    i got the sucka - revenge tales

    no, the fight was in the "military base" - the one with 4 barracks
  5. there are "crafting recipe" more complex things coming, so i wouldn't rule anything out entirely. what about a bullpup AK recipe
  6. wouldn't it be so much better if you could saw off most of the weapons? perhaps with the "crafting bench" building you could craft improved sawn-off weapons with replaced ironsights and modifications like pistol grips and shortened magazines on repeaters.
  7. Wookieenoob

    Suppressor for the Mosin and Other High-Caliber Rifles?

    that's correct afaik, though i only ever had a PSO a few times and those times i only had an AKM. i do know it doesn't go on the U though (not that that makes any sense.)
  8. i'd love this once we get the weapon modding expansion. also the ability to make the barrel longer and add a scope to the .22 rifles there's nothing more funny than skylining with a trumpet
  9. Wookieenoob

    Suppressor for the Mosin and Other High-Caliber Rifles?

    damaged bottle = useless. only use pristine bottles for suppressor bottles since they degrade in effectiveness with condition rather than how newly they were made. a damaged bottle suppressor is a 2/5 bottle suppressor. the bottle suppressor takes 6 shots from pristine. damaged/badly damaged is only worth dropping. a pristine suppressor bottle will give you one or two good mosin shots before becoming ruined in my experience. the bottle suppressor is also perfect for PU scope since the reticle is just above the bottle
  10. Wookieenoob

    Suppressor for the Mosin and Other High-Caliber Rifles?

    mosin can already be suppressed by bottle suppressor.. am i missing something?
  11. Wookieenoob

    Um... I'm not sure what to say... i'm afraid.

    another player who doesn't actually play (y)
  12. Wookieenoob

    why are there so many novodmitrovsk area spawns?

    yesterday i decided to be a crazy bandit and camped out on the tallest factory in novo with a trumpet. (by the way that's a great way to waste an hour, just sitting up high trying to ping .22 off people) you'd be surprised how many people are in novo without ever seeing eachother. this birdseye view showed me three or four players who would never have met if it wasn't for my .22 coralling them
  13. Wookieenoob

    Trading Post

    that's the most random assortment of wants/has i've seen in a while
  14. Wookieenoob

    Giving people, (mainly Fresh spawns) an incentive to...survive.

    totally disagree. fresh spawns should start with no hunger/thirst and a totally random assortment of civ gear based on RTD, not necessarily bad. spawning away from other players shouldn't be guaranteed either, that's just a given. remove novo/polana spawns and REPLACE them with berezhki.
  15. Wookieenoob

    Giving people, (mainly Fresh spawns) an incentive to...survive.

    i suicide about 90% of the time unless i find enough equipment to survive within about 5 minutes. there's no point in running around as a fresh spawn defenseless only to be shot by the first player you see who in turn spawned at polana/novo and found a gun and full gorka instantly
  16. Wookieenoob

    Giving people, (mainly Fresh spawns) an incentive to...survive.

    no food on coasts encourages suicide until novo spawn
  17. Wookieenoob

    improvised 12 gauge + crafted Co2 explosive shotgun shells

    i want to be macguyverz
  18. Wookieenoob

    Black Mountains

    what's the problem with insanity?
  19. Wookieenoob

    Problems with current state

    how stupid are people? magnum has .357 that's one of the largest rounds in the game, it's pretty much a rifle round even compared to AKM bullets. because what you have to reload it it's low end? i don't understand people. because it's got 6 shots rather than 15 (6 kills for revolver vs 1 or 2 for 9mm)? i don't know.
  20. Wookieenoob

    Black Mountains

    i'd MUCH PREFER a passable "Zagorta" mountain range to the north that resembles namalsk. the black mountains are in this area as we can see the svergo (boo devs, its actually the pobeda estuary but you had to ruin it) estuary i supppose the real question is - will the final game extend to novigrad????
  21. Wookieenoob

    uk vest ruined in 2 hits

    wait this is in suggestions? lmfao
  22. Wookieenoob

    uk vest ruined in 2 hits

    3 zombies hitting twice is like 6 times dude
  23. Wookieenoob

    Swords, Maces, rarity vs function

    i know that exact feeling of knowing you're going to get some specific loot. i did the same thing with chernarus PD uniform yesterday "i'd REALLY LIKE THIS police uniform" *doubletakes at the next police car*
  24. Wookieenoob

    Hungry? Thirsty? Stuffed?

    then it was mookie who bought up a downs syndrome baby, shame on you mookie
  25. Wookieenoob

    Hungry? Thirsty? Stuffed?

    comparing bulimia to downs syndrome is like comparing a sandwhich (however regurgitated) to a mass grave @ash i got this shortly after drinking water from a pond