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Everything posted by Wookieenoob

  1. did a few tests on the v3s today. i already knew that the thing really disagreed with hills, but i didn't know quite how much. for anyone who doesn't know: V3s can't start and go above 8-10mph on even a slight incline. V3s can't get up half of the hills in the game because of this. when it goes downhill it goes at like 70 or something. so at this point the vehicles are what, gravity powered? i think this should be evened out a bit so that the v3s can climb hills and accelerate reasonably easily but only get up to 50 on downward hills. i don't really understand why the v3s doesn't have any bonus from roads. or rather, any detrimental movement effects from grass. __ i found an mp5 today, joy. i realised it was 9mm. oh god. i didn't have any mags. you can probably fill in the rest. __ i kind of feel like the improvised backpack should be able to be attached to a ghillie bushrag. i mean, you have to make them both, why not just tie the bag under some other burlap?
  2. so over the last few days i've been playing with various characters with SKS and ghillie bushrag. i've noticed a few things which i think are minor issues at this point. 1) ghillie 1a) burlap sacks burlap sacks were previously used to cover heads or make a backpack. now the only use for them is really to make ghillie, since they're so uncommon. following on from that even though they are sometimes very scarce, it's possible to find like 5 in the space of an hour. it seems like you should be able to cut other things into strips too, but okay. 1b) nets and berezhki. all you need to do to get a ghillie is go to berezhki and then across the other northern small rural villages for sacks. berezhki will always give you enough nets for full ghillie. i've been through there 5 times and always found 4 nets. one time i found 10. (enough for 2 ghillies) 1c) whenever i've decided to go get ghillie i've been able to do it reliably within a few hours. i haven't found any heli crashes (i think those are in now right?) and those are where i'd have previously expected to find ghillies in the mod. my point is that since i can craft the ghillie suit at any time it kind of kills the feeling of getting one. 2) SKS 2a) SKS is really really common. more common than the M4 was originally. going across the north of the map from around the abandoned military base, ending near berezkhi, i found 4 SKS' not including the one i already had. i also found a mosin. (which i will come on to) i kind of feel like the AK should be more common than the SKS. 2b) SKS can't fit long range scope? sure this has been talked about because it's semi automatic and all, but it just seems strange. 3) items you pick up in your hands it's i kind of feel like i should be able to carry two weapons. i mean, i know i can have as many pistols as i like, and if i had a hacksaw i could have sawn the mosin off, but i kind of feel like the axe i'm lugging around is a waste of a shoulder. as a side-note, i've lost two mosins just to eating while i was carrying them in my hands. would like a fix for this so it goes to the floor, so you can more effectively carry two weapons about. it's just really buggy right now.
  3. Wookieenoob

    instaghillie, SKS and "in hands" items

    also the mosin ammo barely ever / never spawns at the military locations. (isn't this AK47 ammo?)
  4. Wookieenoob

    What the hell no servers ? [Wednesday merging thread]

    *readies duct tape and PET bottle enthusiastically*
  5. i have some issues here. while i'm not exactly new to this effect, i feel like it wastes a lot of the game's potential and first impression value. i'll elaborate. if the screen-greying system isn't changed before full release i think it would be a mistake. ArmA is one of the most pretty games about. it's not particularly new, or even the most detailed game, models-wise, but it just has a unique spark. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ current health system: 12,000 healthpoints. seems very arbitrary to me, and the screen starts to go grey and blurry (and you can't see 10ft) at probably more than half health, but if you even have a couple of hits you start to lose some of the game's beauty. methods of gaining health when playing alone: 1hp/second 3hp/second if fully energised and hydrated i feel like solo players should be able to self-blood bag. maybe add a blood-bag/drip stand that people can set up and use, withdrawing blood for later and then using it when they need it. this means that if you are shot and survive with around 6000 blood or get mauled by some zombies to 6000 blood it would take you a minimum of half an hour to restore your health, and up to 100 minutes of normal regen. this sounds fine and for ALL INTENTS AND PURPOSES IT IS. it's just that the pairing of the lowered health with this screen blurring effect so gradually (as in; you can really see the effects after bleeding for a few seconds) that lets it down. i think that the grey screen should only come when you are at VERY low health. the screen blurring and weapon sway from pain should come whenever you get damage and don't use painkillers or a splint. reasoning: the screen blurring is a fairly good effect. i've noticed it can come with very little actual damage as long as you get hit a couple of times in the same place. it's fine if you look at just this one effect. the problem i see is that the screen greying forces several things on you. colourblind for hours this has always felt like a big problem to me. so much of the gameworld is so colourful and bright but when you have any amount of screen greying you can't really see what's going on and everything becomes very bland. this also has a psychological effect on the player. i definitely have more motivation to do things ingame when everything's so nice and bright. again, the greying ruins the visual experience. TLDR; those are my two cents on how greying should be reduced in prominence so that it only appears sub-3000 blood or something, but screen blurring and weapon shake from damage require more direct attention, and players should probably be able to self-blood bag with specific extra equipment. as a big note, new players when the game is released will obviously take damage a lot. so they will see the lower health status a lot. this could hurt anyone who doesn't have ARMA experience's opinion of the game. since the current number of zombies is nothing compared to what we are probably expecting, i'd think everyone would end up seeing this effect a lot in the finished product. first impressions count, and if your first impression of the game is being blind for two hours (because a new player wouldn't know about hydration/energised statuses being heal buffs) you might not even come back.
  6. why not make dead bodies persistent? don't people already stay for a few seconds after they log off anyway?
  7. Wookieenoob

    Beautiful game, but screen-greying?

    i see plenty of servers on night, but okay.
  8. Wookieenoob

    Small Ghillie Backpack/Fanny Pack

    i think that the ghillie should be able to be crafted ONTO the improvised backpacks
  9. Wookieenoob

    Ghillie suit lovers unite !

    i have about 10 burlap sacks and just got rid of 4 nets (3 left) right now been lugging them around with an already crafted hood in my backpack for hours. looking for a mosin before i drop my pack, since i have so many attachments for it i don't want to drop (dropped bayo already, have (p) LRS and damaged compensator, so i want to get them all together for the ultimate dickmove suit! (oh, i like the double layer spray-camo for the mosin too much to use a ghillie wrap on it)
  10. i'm going to start by asking what's in your house. don't answer obviously. if chernarus is a 2015 area then we can probably expect people living there before the apocalypse would have the same amount of "stuff" comparatively. following on from that, i'd like to point out that putting things in strange places so they're harder to find doesn't necessarily make the experience more organic. less-so, if i'm honest. i mean think about it. if you have no clothing other than ONE PAIR OF TROUSERS you're not going to keep it on top of your wardrobe. is the idea supposed to be that even if the area is unlooted "people" have been through before? because if it's not then the whole idea of loot in most houses makes no sense. if it spawns with all doors closed the house should have enough stuff in it for the people who lived in it, right? some of it might be completely ruined but it should be there..? i'd suggest having some houses "pristine" just like equipment. they have all the loot the people who were living in the house had. comparatively, some houses should spawn with less loot or no loot at all, with corresponding open doors at spawn. the current random random spawn system works fine for military locations and sheds etc since nobody specifically lived there. another thing that seems strange is that there are a lot of factories with nothing of what they were producing lying around. surely they should be stocked with stacks of a particular item? could say exactly the same for shipping containers. _____________________________ i've noticed that when sipping from a 1L bottle it's almost impossible to stay hydrated without drinking the whole bottle. infact, if you're thirsty you have to drink 3-4 liters to become hydrated, when recommended daily intake of water is like 2L right? imho sip isn't right at the moment, at least not from the 1L bottle. (50ml for 1 sip. keeps you hydrated for under a minute of movement, effectively means you need to sip constantly.)
  11. Wookieenoob

    thoughts on loot spawns / volume of drinking swigs

    actually i found that tincture bottles filled with water have the same effect as the 1L bottle for half the space, so you can carry two for one. i got hydrated from thirsty from drinking 600ml, compared to the 4000ml i drank with PET bottle. yet the 50ml swigs are just as useless on both #persistant
  12. Wookieenoob

    Beautiful game, but screen-greying?

    that wasn't really my point. sure, when you're very good at the game or have plenty of supplies it's very easy. but imagine you never played ARMA or the dayz standalone, and bought it on release day. i didn't say i thought the effect should be removed, but i said it should be harder to get the full "grey" effect, since people who perhaps aren't so good would end up in this state regularly, and since the game already forces you into long periods of general colourblindness (night) i don't see any need for the extra level of grey in there. this is a post that considers perhaps an "average" player's experience would benefit from being able to maintain their visual experience even though they have taken light-medium damage. (assuming they control the screen blurring and weapon shake with splints or painkillers)
  13. i honestly think you should be able to respawn as much as you like. there's way too much in this game about trying to stop people from doing X Y or Z. i think that once you have a gun and one bullet you should be able to kill yourself. i've found a revolver with 1 round of .357 before. sometimes it'd be good to end it and start a fresh spawn. that'd be the hardcore version of respawning imho, but respawning while unconscious is a big thing. what happens if i get stuck in a barn at the side of the map and break my legs with no morphine or splint? there was a guy posting on the forums with this very issue yesterday. he was stuck on the prison island and ended up having to get somebody to come kill him. i honestly think that if you get a sudden leg break while not in combat you should ALWAYS have the respawn option right away, let alone unconsciousness. perhaps it wouldn't be so bad if you could see something while unconscious, even if that makes no sense.
  14. Wookieenoob

    instaghillie, SKS and "in hands" items

    we need the original AK47 though. have them spawn all over the place, buried and stuff.
  15. Wookieenoob

    Open discourse about hoarding.

    the whole point of the game is to hoard items, just not by bugging the loot system.
  16. Wookieenoob

    thoughts on loot spawns / volume of drinking swigs

    on the subject of loot, i've seen a lot of conflicting information around about how loot works. as far as i knew loot only respawned at server start, but after having read some stuff about persistance on servers it seems that loot can respawn. is there any solid, current information on how this works?
  17. Wookieenoob

    thoughts on loot spawns / volume of drinking swigs

    not hourly though, and not all at once.
  18. Wookieenoob

    thoughts on loot spawns / volume of drinking swigs

    i think it'd be TOTALLY fine to have an occasional locker full of mosins or something. or at an unlooted police station a stacked shelf with shotguns. obviously they'd be hidden, but people do have hidden armories and junk. i don't think weapons should just spawn randomly on the floor though (guns) how would they reasonably get there? who's going to casually put their mosin on the floor and walk out of the house? and yeah like that thread said i still see zombies going through walls and stuff. they don't seem any different from the mod several years ago. what's strange is that drinking 4x 150ml bottles of alcohol tincture filled from a pump seems to have the same effect as FOUR LITERS, or more according to that post (since the gas cannister is like 5l?) as a note on weapons, i always found it weird that they NEVER spawn with magazines, and always with the same attachments. that should all be random, and so should the weapons condition. i never see weapons go under pristine unless my clothing gets ruined. is that even intended? weapon cleaning kits are useless.
  19. Wookieenoob


    is there a reason for that? are these items being changed currently or something?
  20. Wookieenoob

    Need some help please

    can i ask everyone a question: you see a random player. he's broken his leg, clearly has no splint or morphine. i have neither. so do i put him out of his misery?
  21. Wookieenoob

    thoughts on loot spawns / volume of drinking swigs

    yeah you see i think it's more of a mix at the moment. food is very effective and is all over the place. i'm talking about specificly maintaining hydration with a 1l water bottle. if i eat enough to get energised i usually don't need to eat for like an hour or two. having a backpack full of food is meaningless at that point. it almost wasn't my point that there should be more loot around, more that the distribution of "a little loot here" doesn't make much sense. with the water it was essentially just the volume i was talking about. if i drink a full liter of water i should be hydrated. if i drink two i should be long hydrated. if i drink three or four i should like, throw up. if i drink 50ml of water i should at least quench my thirst. this is all because of the stupid system they put in based on very high numbers for food, blood etc and never changed. (IE blood 12000 and hydration 0-2500 or so)
  22. Wookieenoob

    thoughts on loot spawns / volume of drinking swigs

    what if you were out when the apocalypse happened and couldn't get back? or if the apocalypse was a biological weapon (method of infection wasn't specified afaik)
  23. Wookieenoob

    V3S and the side of the map

    i only wanted to drive up the side of the map to severograd because of the lack of roads in this area. i'd encountered this bug before, where the v3s disappears through the floor of the map and kills you. very annoying, lost ghillie and hicap, longhorn, mosin SO and SKS. ugh. either this is intended and i "survived" or it needs some sort of change. i'd settle for a "leaving mission area" thing like in a battlefield game. (in the mod you could drive across the outside of the map with no obstacles forever, seems weird that NOW it'd kill you)
  24. Wookieenoob

    V3S and the side of the map

    i made a couple of posts discussing different things about the v3s, suggestions would be more like "they should add bakery" or "we need some RPG7s"
  25. Wookieenoob

    instaghillie, SKS and "in hands" items

    tfw walking around with long range scope, compensator, bayonet and all the ingredients for full ghillie, but no mosin for 3 hours so many burlap sacks so fast but crossing half the map to get them all not dropping my backpack until i can offload these attachments onto a gun :((