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About Dj2ball

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  1. Been playing on this server for the last 6 weeks or so - lots of fun to be had, growing population of mature gamers (so far no whine fests when someone gets killed in pvp) ...it's been a good laugh. Got a nice base coming along now and playing as a semi-bandit so come on over and join in :P Btw Box is a great admin - I play as 'Matt' in-game and can say that from personal experience.
  2. Dj2ball

    Looking for camping tents

    I have lots of tents - currently looking for a rangefinder if anyone has a spare...PM me...
  3. I can offer anything from: Mk48 Mod 0 plus ammo FN FAL plus ammo M14 AIM plus ammo DMR plus ammo M107 no ammo :( M4 CCO NVGs GPS If interested hit me on Skype user name "dj2ball"
  4. Topic title says it all really. Add me on skype: dj2ball and we can arrange a trade.
  5. Dj2ball

    Anerag's Guns and Gear

    hey man, I'd like to get an SVD camo - can offer tents (let me know how many), GPS, MK48 Mod 0...
  6. Dj2ball

    -LOST TO ADMIN, US 3949-

    How about an m1a4 cco sd and a dmr for the NVGs and gps?
  7. Dj2ball

    -LOST TO ADMIN, US 3949-

    Am after a DMR rifle - I have NVGs and a GPS ill offer for one? Dont have too much else at the moment after I accidentally run over my tent at the weekend :( Will be able to complete the trade tonight about 12am GMT if you're up for it. Let me know
  8. Dj2ball

    DayZ rare item trading/ give aways

    I'll take a ghillie too with it in that case...
  9. Dj2ball

    DayZ rare item trading/ give aways

    I can offer a FN FAL for a set of NV's?