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Everything posted by Forsh

  1. Did you know you can retrieve bolts shot from the crossbow, for re-use?
  2. Forsh

    Is the 93825 the new patch?

    I read somewhere that you have to wait a while for BattleEye to recognise you are using the latest version.
  3. Forsh

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    I think the solution to the DC issue may be found if the devs can think of a way to recognise if the player is either a) under attack from a survivor and/or b) the target of a zombie (easier to detect). Under those circumstances if the player disconnects then and only then should a disconnect timer be used. Maybe on disconnect, do a quick scan of the area and if there are any nearby survivors or raging zombies then impose the timer. Maybe check if any bullets have landed nearby in the last few seconds? It's not perfect, but it may solve some of the issues. The other issue, of disconnecting and jumping to another server and changing position and then changing back to the original server, thus "teleporting" across the map to gain a tactical advantage could be solved by adding the last few server addresses and timestamp to the player's DB record. On reconnect, if it's within say 5 minutes and the player returns to any of the same servers you give the player a choice: Continue playing and get spawned back at the coast (new life?), or make them wait for the remainder of the timer before being spawned back in the game at their saved position: a reconnect timer, not a disconnect timer. Fuzzy solution to a fuzzy problem...only the player knows their own intentions when playing and if they are legitimately disconnecting then no problem, the timer will expire and they will be safe to rejoin later. If they are trying to teleport then they will be hindered by the reconnect timer thus negating the advantage (a bit).
  4. NO The hardcore may love it, but most players will likely hate being killed on the shore with no defence and give up the game.
  5. Take painkillers / morphine (depending on severity).
  6. Forsh

    DayZ Stories

    June 12th, 2012 Character: Forsh UK7 Spawning in Elektro (hidden in the Church after last night's fun) I got into the fire station and found an AK/M on the floor but with no clips. As I was moving upstairs I saw a survivor outside about 30m away, moving across the big red doors, looking right at me. As I was using free-look, my body was faced away from him and I don't think he noticed I could see him approaching so I waited until he got closer and we briefly lost sight of each other so I span and aimed my Makarov at the door. He entered the room expecting to see my back and we both fired straight away, his AK shot missed but I got a headshot straight away and down he went. One bandit dead, and his 5 AK clips really helped...I got out of there as quickly as I could and moved NW, heading on a trek towards Stary Sabor. 150 dead zombies and a murder later, I was approaching Stary from the south, way up in the hills about 2KM away, not expecting to see anyone close by. I was checking my map, proned in some bushes when I heard it: a pepsi can ring pull and someone glugging drink, followed by munching noises which I can only assume was the sound of beans in action. Staying completely still I waited to hear any other sound to get a better fix on their position, but nothing for a minute or two..I waited. Then another sound, the sound of someone adjusting the zeroing on a military grade sniper rifle..this guy was covering Stary from over 1KM, a proper sniper, and he was very close. I prone-rolled left out of the bushes making no noise at all, and span slowly 90degrees right.. the sniper was proning about 1 metre away in a ghillie suit and I had sat down just behind him for several minutes without either of us noticing each other. Not wanting to become sniper fodder I took my Winchester (I dumped the AK due to lack of ammo) and inserted 3 slugs into the back of his head. One would have done it but I was feeling generous. Another bandit dead. Ten seconds later I died spontaneously..can't explain it, maybe it was divine intervention or my player was simply so excited he expired, possibly a bug. Who knows, but what an afternoon that was.
  7. Forsh

    Massive Lag since 1,7,0,0

    Glad a solution will be inbound soon, the last few nights have been completely unplayable on any server. It's ok until you see another survivor or a zombie...
  8. Forsh

    When do you decide Friendly or Bandit?

    I have never once fired the first shot, and I always type/speak in direct chat first, but nowadays pretty much end up in firefights with everyone who isn't on Teamspeak as they almost invariably try to shaft you from behind. I have teamed up with several random players before but EVERY time they have turned on me when I am not looking. Luckily most of them were Makarov toting beach monkeys who got the first shot(s) in but didn't kill me and were noobish enough to approach me while I lay there unloading a whole clip into them...the flies start buzzing, I patch myself up and go on my way. As a social behavior experiment it's certainly returning some interesting results but it doesn't really reflect human nature as most of these people simply find it too hard NOT to shoot because they are so used to doing that in other games with no real consequences. This game needs a police force...
  9. I know it's a bit late, and I could be wrong, but is your mouse-smoothing set on anything other than zero? By default the mouse smoothing introduces what *looks* like frame-lag (a short delay between moving the mouse and the player moving), and reducing that setting to zero will remove all smoothing = instant motion.
  10. Forsh

    US 2 Server Entire server killed

    Happened to me and everyone else on Virginia 13 last night (Uk time). The entire playerbase died simultaneously for no reason whatsoever, losing all of our kit. For me, I was to the north of Balota (airstrip) butchering a cow.