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About Forsh

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Yeh you were actually shooting above his head, not at him, with that zeroing dude. Done it myself with the .50 cal and thought wtf..then saw the range and it made sense.
  2. let me google that for you....
  3. Sooo, sounds like the only other people in Cherno in a worse position than the Ghillie snipers were you and your friend sat in the firestation. It's not clear from the OP, but were you up the stairs in the firestation? The 3-tiered tower of glass windows with nowhere to move? The snipers probably didn't even have to adjust their aim, and just waited for you to move across their sights.
  4. Forsh

    Banned from se 9 (Using hacked item)

    I regularly play on SE 9 and it does have its problems with degenerative server lag and desync..don't they all? The admin there (Tansien) is experienced and seems like a decent chap and he only usually bans legitimate hackers.
  5. My friends and I all got killed on SE 9 by a Pig of all things a couple of weeks ago. It sniped us...seriously.
  6. Forsh

    poisonous steel bolts!

    While we're on the subject of steel bolts, the player should also be able to equip them as a melee weapon, to stab through zombies' eyes. We've all seen it done....
  7. Forsh

    Still getting LOW FPS, Help?

    Don't set things like shadows to "LOW" as that uses the CPU instead of your graphics card. Switch OFF postprocessing, antialiasing and anisotropic filtering. Try all other texture resolution settings at low/normal, and make sure your screen and 3d resolutions match (to start with) and then pull back on the 3d res if you still have problems. Set your Video Memory setting not to low, but to high/very high and that should also make a difference. Your system *should* run it smoothly enough.
  8. Forsh

    Experimental test patch

    It sounds to me like they've incorporated an animation file from one of the other Arma 2 dlcs, one that some people won't have. I have it because I got "Combined Operations" on Steam, but if you have ArmaX then I'm not sure it will be installed.. Have they made ArmaX players incompatible?
  9. Forsh

    First impression: This sucks.

    If you set shadows to low, it uses the CPU instead of the gfx card so setting it to normal is often quicker than setting it to low. You can switch it completely off but it doesn't make much of a difference tbh. Turn off postprocessing, antialiasing and filtering. Make sure to turn off mouse smoothing in the controls options screen (at the right) and also headbob in the game options. The screen and 3d resolutions should match, and apart from that if it doesn't play smoothly and look crisp (hate the postprocessing bloom) then your PC simply isn't up to the job.
  10. Forsh

    Decrease of view distance by choice

    Even with lower spec rigs, Arma2 can be made to run pretty smoothly with the correct settings and tweaks. One thing that helps is NOT setting things like shadowing, etc.. to "low" as that puts the load on the cpu instead of the card. Setting to "normal" will use the card again.
  11. Forsh

    Luckiest loot you've discovered?

    I wanted to meet up with my friends who were in Berezino and I was miles away, expecting a loooong trek north and in the shed I had disconnected in the previous night. I respawned in the same position and there's a motorbike with half a tank of fuel there right next to me! It was most welcome.
  12. Forsh

    Crashed UH-1Y Dissappointment

    Did you look on the floor in a small radius around the copter? Most of the useful loot isn't IN the vehicle, it's strewn around on the floor.
  13. Buddy, the only person here being childish is you. Sure, the OPs post has limited value, and he isn't taking part in the spirit of an alpha test. But I think what he's saying has merit, in that we've all had deaths that are infuriating in their stupidity, and that these need to be addressed before the game goes to beta. Myself, I was just shot in the back by a server hopper last night, I cleared a room, went to walk out of it and was shot in the back by someone who popped in behind me. 17 day old character dead. It's maddening and people won't be happy with it if this game goes live and they've paid something for it. Now, I turn the argument around on you. What in the hell are YOU contributing here? You go on a fucking tirade against this guy, and for what purpose? Did you calling him a twatsock or wtfever you called him help make this a better mod? Did it help make the forums a better place? No, of course it didn't. All it did is establish the now undeniable fact that you are an asshole hiding behind the anonimity of the internet. Additionally, it likely highlighted your bias towards the game in its current incarnation, and in some fucked up version of stockholm syndrome you're actually defending the game and mod in its current state even though it is obviously an EXTREMELY flawed work in progress. The only thing you've helped here is your extremely low self esteem. By acting the internet tough guy for 15 minutes you've distracted yourself from your overweight frame, cheeto encrusted beard and tiny pecker. Good fucking job buddy, you've officially made DayZ a better mod. Asshat. +1
  14. http://dayzmap.info/ It's the shack in 02-01, the top left shack.