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Everything posted by Cravez

  1. Cravez

    Stable Update 1.07

    The delay between raising your weapon and firing is a bit much in the latest stable update to fix ghost bullets. You can't even fire your weapon right away as soon as it's raised and there's a half second or so delay. Imagine pulling the trigger on a gun then waiting up to a second for it to actually start firing. Could the new server check that's required for this fix happen before the weapon is fully raised? It makes the gunplay feel a lot more "laggy" as it is currently.
  2. Cravez

    DayZ in 2020

    That's because they did: - https://www.pcgamer.com/dayz-developer-acquires-new-studio-to-work-on-standalone-version/ - https://www.gamespot.com/forums/system-wars-314159282/bohemia-interactive-acquires-new-studio-to-work-on-31181428/ - https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2014-03-28-dayz-sales-figures-new-studio-acquisition-revealed - http://allinfo.space/2017/01/22/dayz-developer-buys-slovak-developer-cauldron-on/ To be fair a part of the DayZ experience has been helicopters, and it never really fell out of the immersion of it, there were ever only 2 or 3 helicopter types anyway such as the Huey, Littlebird & some civilian medium transport variation. It was more the mods such as Overpoch that militarized the hell out DayZ, they were basically Wasteland mods with added zombies. Probably a lot of people's fondest memories of DayZ have been getting a helicopter going, or more terrifyingly, being hunted down by one. The adrenaline rush of hiding from a helicopter out to get you is amazing, running through the forests as the Tracers from a Huey's mounted machine gun rains down on you. Or seeing a little bird fly hundreds of meters ahead of you to see a small group of people parachute out to intercept you. Vanilla DayZ never fell into a bastardized game, you can thank the other mods for that, and I don't expect the vast majority of people want tanks in DayZ anyway. Should probably give this a read - https://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/bj3rp5/just_want_to_clear_something_up/
  3. Cravez

    DayZ in 2020

    The game has more concurrent players on PC in recent time than the mod did at it's peak, regardless of how you feel about the game it's certainly not dead and the devs have done some things right (also things that us armchair developers could have felt they done differently). The game still has loads of potential, I just hope the potential isn't wasted by being too late by winding down resourcing for what is their flagship game. I understand wanting to wind down resourcing over time but until all the original planned features/content in scope for what was meant to be 1.0, there should be as much people working on it to get it done for efficient workflow, then consider winding down. Then again we have no 100% certainty how many are working on it atm, they said there are less people since June 2019 but they could be non-programming staff like game designers, level designers, models & artists etc that would not have affected the pace of development anyway.
  4. Cravez

    DayZ in 2020

    Firstly, congrats to Adam, definitely the right man for the job, has been involved with DayZ since the OG days, I hope the pressure won't be too much! Secondly, I'm happy to at least see a plan laid out, especially with broken limbs going to make a return. However it was said that all remaining old and planned new content and features in scope of the original roadmaps were to be re-added over the next two years after the 1.0 release, with 1.0 being a push out of Early Access and the game on a more stable platform but still unfinished, then the first year (2019) was meant to be primarily stability, bug fixing and optimizations with 2020 being the feature/content heavy year. But it seems 2020 is again going to focus on stability, bug fixing and optimizations with not much news on remaining features/content. I think it would be good to know if: Are air vehicles (helicopter/plane) hopefully planned this year? Are single track vehicles such as bicycles and motorcycles hopefully planned this year? Are bows and crossbows hopefully returning this year? Non-lethal weapons? (tasers, dart gun) Environmental Exposures (Radiation)? Barricading? Infected breaking down doors? Also are there further plans along with the broken bodyparts if the health system and ballistic damages will be overhauled to be more simulated rather than "gamey" as it is currently? I want this post to sound as constructive as possible, a year of content/feature drought especially for those that were originally in the game will make it a slow year for many, annoying for some. I think being a bit more forthward about issues of feature/content delivery, even if it's not in layman's terms, would help at least reassure the community that such features/content are at the very least on the radar.
  5. Cravez

    Roadmap etc?

    I think that comment was more saying that they are working on small content, but remain committed to improving the game stability and performance as they move into 2020, not in the whole of 2020 itself.
  6. Cravez

    Experimental Update 1.07

    .357 weapons YAAAAS
  7. Cravez

    Moving into 2020

    Everyone should enjoy their Christmas break, relax and start fresh in the new year. I hope 2020 is a good year for DayZ as I'm not yet wanting to play it until certain issues, features and content are added. I think it might be worth considering making vehicles client-side again if the synchronization issues cannot be fixed to any great degree. Generally speaking the issues primarily happen on modded and populated servers, but they still do happen on Vanilla servers. I'm aware it was for security reasons making a lot of the game server side authoritative, but in the case of vehicles it might be best reverting to client and allowing Battleye to do it's job (I mean 100k a year license has to mean something). Myself personally I never experienced cheaters in any of my DayZ game time from 2015 onwards, and the experiences I did get prior to that time I could count on one hand. DayZ was never really a game I associated with rampant cheating anyway - legacy bugs and performance problems YES, but my playing experience was never detrimental because of cheaters. Thankfully legacy bugs and performance problems are practically eradicated and it's just the new problems that need fixing.
  8. Cravez

    New map for DayZ is coming soon

    Regarding content/features that was planned ages back (e.g Bears etc), will be added to the base game when the DLC releases. I jumped the gun as well but it's clarified in this post back in July: So basically we're getting bears and all the other jazz for Chernarus and if you don't buy the DLC, I'm kinda confused about the Ivy Growth because this was on the Trello years ago with the same building that's shown in the Livonia trailer. Is it just for this building or will it be for all them? (I was under the assumption back then it would dynamically grow on buildings). In regards the map, it's not going to cost the same as Arma 3 Contact. A3 Contact had it's completely own campaign with voice actors, new unique content specifically for it, new weapons and vehicles etc that justifies the price. I do think the Livonia map for DayZ needs to be €5-10 MAX since it's a port, most of the work was already done as part of Arma 3 development which was budgeted for. I could understand a new map being more expensive if it was unique to DayZ SA and had to be budgeted for resourcing and development, that's just part and parcel of project management when creating new projects.
  9. Cravez

    New map for DayZ is coming soon

    Will this be free? If not then Bears should really be added to Chernarus+ also considering they've been an intended feature for years. Potentially locking off certain planned features to new maps behind a paywall would be kind of a kick in the teeth. That being said, new map will always be good for variety.
  10. Cravez

    Status Report - July 2019

    Yes but it's also never in the scope of the original planned content/features. When development starts you have a list of items (features/content/other), like a requirements document or in the case of video game development - a GDD, that become in scope for the software development cycle. Things get prioritised, or moved out of scope in this document. An example of a feature that was originally in scope, but got moved out of scope is helicopters. Anyway that being the case, anything that was originally planned was also budgeted for in terms of resourcing/time etc. If the new content is a new map, it was never part of the original requirements, completely separate and thus required new budgeting for resourcing/time etc. This I have no problem with, because realistically if something new that was never originally budgeted for is created, it costs the company money and thus the consumer should have to pay for it, but that is also completely up to the company's discretion to do so. However if the new content is somehow a content/feature that was originally planned in the requirements, then yes everyone should be annoyed.
  11. Cravez

    Status Report - July 2019

    Thank you @Tom_48_97 for the detailed reply. It's communication like this that we need to stop confusion in the community. However I wanted to ask and if you can clarify: I assume this means that the comments regarding .62 parity of features etc, that the features themselves in the old technology was originally planned to expanded along side the new engine upgrades. But because of the new scripting language and engine creation, you had to lose these already created features in the old engine and that's why the parity was not possible to be created along side the new engine? And then that also does not mean that the features themselves are being got rid of, but that they need to be completely re-made from scratch in the new engine/scripting language and hence why it will take a long time for us to receive these features? (assuming next year we will start to see these "old" and new features?) If this is the case, I think such things need to be made way more clearer, as the community misinterprets what is being said as features on roadmaps not being implemented based on the language used. If we see "Parity" was not possible in the new engine, people will assume that the old/planned features in the new engine wouldn't have been possible, rather than the already created features in the old engine could not be carried over to the new engine. I would have originally found it hard to believe that completely new and proprietary technology would not had been possible to create certain features that were possible in archaic and older technology (doesn't make sense). I again, assume, that this is the case as you follow up with: The last few words seems to mean that basically all the missing features on the old engine, and all the new features to come, are actually coming but in the backlog of which should be coming next year?
  12. They originally said before or after the 1.0 release it would take 2 years to get all the old and new planned content. It seems like next year is when most of the content/features get re-added back based on the latest status report. What I'm a little peeved about is that it was said before 1.0 that they had to decide either: Keep the game in early access, add all the content and features in but the game would still be buggy until then point everything was added in Launch the game out of early access, on a more stable, optimised, less buggy platform and do the remaining content/features thereafter They decided to go with option 2, but the vast majority of people wouldn't have minded option 1. You would have had a few people be like "still in early access lolz" or "missed dates again fml" but anyone who cared wouldn't have minded another year of hard content/feature additions on a less stable platform if it meant the actual DayZ 1.0 launch had everything in it. The 1.0 launch was meant to cater to option 2, but it's looking like the remainder of the year is basically going to cater to bug fixing, polish, optimisations etc which is what was intended for the 1.0 launch anyway, so it comes across as though Option 2 wasn't the best option in the first place. IMO it seemed more like a push to get DayZ out on consoles. I hope that these polishes, fixes and optimisations this year at the very least will: Increase official server player counts Increase Infected A.I number counts Increase Animal A.I number counts If any devs read this, I condemn anyone who gives you guys problem over some of the team leaving such as Eugen, Peter, Baty, Martin etc. It's no ones business but their own and yes it is normal in the Industry for people to move onto different companies/projects etc (many years working in QA to first hand see this). Developers get treated more like celebrities these days rather than folks just wanting to do their job like anyone else and get subjected to toxic fandoms & assholes. However, don't drop the ball on DayZ, you are in a good place and the most popular it has been since the game first launched in Dec 2013/Early 2014. You guys have properly supported your older titles with a lot less of a player base/audience. There's no reason for you guys to not do what was intended/promised for DayZ considering you have more than enough resources, and now motivation with a nearly 1000+% concurrent increase in player base compared to the last few previous years. Most games do not recover a playerbase over time like this. With potential competition with survival games like Dead Matter or Taviana: The Origins hitting player testing this year, it could potentially draw a lot of that player base away if the proper focus on what needs to be done in DayZ, isn't done.
  13. Cravez

    Experimental Update 1.03.151478

    So nothing on the new melee changes that were made about being tweaked/reverted?
  14. Cravez

    Experimental Update 1.03.151457

    I do agree with the sentiments that the melee changes are not that great and makes for a frustrating experience with both Infected and Players alike. I think melee should allow freedom of movement like it did, it allowed to arc your attacks if needed but I think how to make melee better (In my opinion): Pressing the attack button once should do a precise melee attack. (e.g stab with the knife/spear, using the head of a hammer/axe to "stab" etc). Allows for skill based precise striking. Subsequent pressing of melee attacks quickly after the first one should then go into the combo of swings like it does, but allowing to keep movement during the arc movement. Allows for continued damage output for continuous stamina use. Staggering should not be a feature in the game UNLESS being hit by a two handed weapon like a sledgehammer. Adrenaline would shrug off anything smaller and it gives a buff to slower two handed weapons. I think that would make the melee much better and would keep the precise, skill based strikes of .62 prior builds and also the new changes of the new melee system. At the very least the new melee changes added to 1.03 should be reverted.