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AfterburnZero (DayZ)

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About AfterburnZero (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Des Moines, IA
  1. AfterburnZero (DayZ)

    Battleye Kick for corrupt data #5

    worked for me as well
  2. AfterburnZero (DayZ)

    Battleye Kick for corrupt data #5

    i am not currently running any anti-virus programs. have all things up to date. and verified the integrity of the game files through steam. still nothing.
  3. AfterburnZero (DayZ)

    Battleye Kick for corrupt data #5

    i can say that i have all mine listed like that and it still does not work.
  4. AfterburnZero (DayZ)

    Looking for a little bit of help

    I have access to TCADMIN and phpMYADMIN. I am stil unable to locate the section where i edit the spawn gear
  5. AfterburnZero (DayZ)

    Looking for a little bit of help

    yes it does
  6. AfterburnZero (DayZ)

    Looking for a little bit of help

    hello everyone. Last night i took a leap and purchased a server from vert hosting. Now i find myself a little lost on how to set it all up. Could someone point me to an faq or a walkthrough on how to setup the server. I dont really like the idea of people spawning in with no gear what so ever.
  7. AfterburnZero (DayZ)

    Noob looking for a home.

    @ morgan32: Thanks your comment made me laugh. @ Box and SavageUK: Thanks for the info you two
  8. AfterburnZero (DayZ)

    Noob looking for a home.

    Greetings to everyone out there. just started playign this game with a group of my friends and have to say i am loving it. well except that the server i had been playing on has gone and disappeared. So i am looking for a new home for mself adn my two friends. we are a friendly group. we mostly keep to ourselves most the time. but arent afraid to help someone close by. We are lookign for a server that gives you some starting gear when you spawn (mainly the map, watch, and compass) and one that has a low to medium sized player base. (somewhere between 20 or lower), and lastly we have been playing on recuit. would like to play on nothing higher than regular, Well thanks for any info that you guys can toss my way.