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Everything posted by ShallowTech

  1. ShallowTech

    Setting Max Ping...

    Is there a way to set the max ping through command while connected to the server? Additionally, can someone provide a link to available admin commands in DayZ SA? Thank you.
  2. ShallowTech

    Exp Update 0.61.136796

    Day/Night settings for exp. servers? If anyone can help, just setting up a stable server and I have grown used to the day night cycles on the exp. servers :-)
  3. ShallowTech

    Exp Update 0.61.136770

    Yep... should have checked announcements! :-) Anyway, probably switch over for a bit to get setup with a camp or something! However, I am eagerly awaiting more exp. builds, they have been great so far. I can not wait to see how stable players like the harsh cold and new survival aspects!
  4. ShallowTech

    Stable Update 0.61.136770

    That is awesome! Trying to build one on Exp.. but it was difficult.
  5. ShallowTech

    Craft a house lock, and skill points.

    A lock for the doors would be cool or at least make it harder to break the door open when using the lockpicks to lock. Maybe make the lockpick a little more rare but be able to use it to lock and unlock any doors. I think this would help build some type of economy/trading and allow for people to actually build communities. It would definitely add to the game if you could store some items securely, a safe or something too
  6. ShallowTech

    Exp Update 0.61.136770

    Does anyone know if the .61 went to stable?
  7. ShallowTech

    Exp Update 0.61.136770

    Well I got to jump on a little this weekend but only on Saturday for a little while. This build was good. I had an issue at one point where anything I put in my inventory would just disappear. Unfortunately I was not able to reproduce after restarting my game and got no footage :-) not much help I know but I was limited on time. I did however get to play around with farming, storage containers, etc. I have to say, the new survival aspect of the game, sickness/cold, etc. seems to have been modified to increase the danger of these elements. It is AWESOME! I was running on US Southwest 0-3 I believe and spawned in the ran. My first spawn I died from Zombies/Hypothermia :-) but survived a little while before. Even met a guy while warming by the fire under a tree on the outside of Electro. After respawn I setup a house on the coast, I found two barrels and though it would be fun to help freshies get started. So I farmed some pumpkins and zucchini stocked up on wood and other supplies. I helped out a few people, allowed them to eat and stock up. One guy stayed in and hung out by the fire before heading out to look for wolves. Overall it was pretty fun. I ended up dying while looting in town, game across some CoD guy that did not respond to me and we ended up emptying our magazines into each other, not sure how he survived and I did not but either way, it was a lot of fun.
  8. ShallowTech

    Exp Update 0.61.136770

    Read the OP...
  9. ShallowTech

    Exp Update 0.61.136737

    It is the same build on all servers so I think that the loot spawns are probably the same, unless that is something they can modify on the fly or in the database.
  10. ShallowTech

    Exp Update 0.61.136737

    Well was not able to jump on last night... moving some things, hopefully tonight. Server reboot?
  11. ShallowTech

    Exp Update 0.61.136737

    I will probably jump on tonight and just do some farming, kill some zombies and craft some items :-) Find a location to setup a farm and shoot stuff.
  12. ShallowTech

    Exp Update 0.61.136737

    Did they possible have brass knuckles? It should be difficult to knock someone out with bare fist, no impossible but rare.
  13. ShallowTech

    Exp Update 0.61.136737

    Fuck Facebook :-)
  14. ShallowTech

    Exp Update 0.61.136700

    Okay, okay... I will jump in the next time I am on. It is difficult sometimes with the wife and kids running around yelling at me :-) but I will get in. You guys can show me the ropes. I was able to get to a military base yesterday to the north, got some good gear and then headed south to meet my cousin. He was dying from no shoes and being attacked by zombies. However, I was able to get to him and we both made it back to the military base. We started to gear him up, on the way through the area we had an unfortunate meeting with another fully geared player. I only had time to shoot and it seemed so did he as we killed each other :-) I just did not know what he was going to do and since we came around the corner on each other, the only thing I could do was assume the worst. He response appeared to be the same as he was pulling out his shotgun as he ran by, he got off a good shot and killed me.
  15. I am not sure if something like this could be implemented and if so it would be a lot further in development. It would be awesome if zombies were harder to kill, for instance, having to hit or shoot them in the head. Melee would take multiple hits and guns would be one. It is kind of that way now but they still die pretty easy. If zombies were a bit more difficult to handle, being able to shut a door and board up a house would be awesome. If the zombies could break through doors and windows, maybe pull down boards. This would be pretty cool if you were trapped in a house alone or with another person and agro'ed zombie started to try and break in!
  16. ShallowTech

    Exp Update 0.61.136700

    Once this goes stable I will be getting a public server to run for awhile, see how it goes and maybe pick up some contributors! It will be a US Southwest server if anyone is interested in playing on it! It will be awesome to play this build with persistence, having a base out in the woods would be really awesome!
  17. ShallowTech

    Exp Update 0.61.136700

    Yeah it is a little frustrating... I noticed the same thing, watch some guys log in at mil tents, run through and then run out and log. Makes me feel like I would need to do the same just to try out the mil gear. Most of the testing I am just off the coast farming, killing zombies, trying out functions. Then some ass that geared up from server hoping comes down to the coast and shoots me for the hell of it... Hope to see the loot spread out a little more. Maybe find some AR-15's in some cabins or houses, in cites and towns around the map. That way you can have a chance when they come in shooting first :-) I mean, if there was a zombie apocalypse in the US, many rural areas would be pretty stacked with at-15 rifles, ammo and hunting rifles. :-) As well as tactical vest and clothing!
  18. ShallowTech

    Exp Update 0.61.136700

    Looks good. For those of you that are already full geared, when you spawn, do you run straight to north military bases?
  19. ShallowTech

    Is DayZ now a Survival Simulator? [0.61 discussion]

    I don't think so, the user base will more than likely grow once the game starts to become more realistic in regards to survival (PvE), which will lead to better PvP. Additionally, with .61 you start to see a more polished Alpha, moving towards beta with some really cool features. It will be awesome to see bases/camps, farming, persistence and progression. Growing beards is a great idea, subtle progression that really does not give any advantage in game but it would still be cool get grow a beard and or be able to cut it. There are a lot of Walking Dead fans (zombie fans) out there that would love to actually see a polished zombie survival game.
  20. ShallowTech

    Exp Update 0.61.136670

    it usually means that I smoked to much!
  21. ShallowTech

    Exp Update 0.61.136670

    Played for a little while, maybe 30 minutes or so... spawned on the big island. I was on US Southwest 0-3 I believe. Anyway, I was running around looting and there were a lot of raincoats on the beach. Probably around 10-15 in one area on the beach with about 4 boats. Additionally the houses had many items. So I am not 100% sure on how the loot spawns work, can someone explain it to me. It just seems that it was a lot of loot for no one being on the island besides me. The spawns in the ruins were crazy too, came across one area with 2 pump shotguns and a mosin nagant
  22. ShallowTech

    Exp Update 0.61.136670

    The goal was by Christmas... but we will see
  23. ShallowTech

    Exp Update 0.61.136670

    +1, Yes, much more realistic.
  24. ShallowTech

    Exp Update 0.61.136670

    Hell yeah! Once this game goes beta and maybe full, people will be buying it again! Progression is key and it has been happening rapidly! It will be awesome to see the hair growth. That being said, scars or battle wounds would be awesome too! Maybe some benefit for surviving longer, better sneak vs. zombies or something like that! ;-)
  25. ShallowTech

    Exp Update 0.61.136642

    Sorry to hear about the back sneaky, I will not be on until tonight or maybe later this week. However, would love to meet up with some of the other testers!