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Everything posted by ShallowTech

  1. ShallowTech

    Exp Update 0.61.136468

    :-) Yep, got dropped... but they have not given the okay yet anyway! ran into two others, they brought a Zombie right too me! Fools :-) Running good though, have the settings lower on my laptop but after excluding the files in AV it is playable.
  2. ShallowTech

    Exp Update 0.61.136468

    Yeah, are we back up :-)
  3. ShallowTech

    Exp Update 0.61.136428

    Thanks for the advice guys/girls, actually just played around and I think I need to add an exclusion for Steam in my AV ;-) So have to check our policies to make sure it stays if I set it at the client, I don't want my boss asking me why I excluded steam for all of IT! Just got he laptop though, running a I7-6700HQ with 16GB RAM and a NVidia Quadro M1000M... Hopefully I can get it running, I would like to play at lunch.
  4. ShallowTech

    Exp Update 0.61.136428

    Just spawned in with my laptop... I am pretty sure it is unplayable. Either way, fresh spawn and ran into another fresh spawn who decided to beat on me. I played the game but then another came out of no where to do the same. Oh I can not wait to get on my gaming PC, gear up and go hunting for spawn campers :-) Any chance BI/DayZ has a discord server for players to group up? Been out of the loop for awhile!
  5. ShallowTech

    Exp Update 0.61.136428

    Can't wait to play... tried to get it to run on my work laptop to jump in and get moving this morning but it is running slow. I tried it a week or so ago and the responsiveness on the laptop seemed acceptable but for some reason there seems to be framerate issues now. I did notice that when I changed my resolution from 1920x1080 to 1280 x 720, the launch UI would not work. Trying to click on play or configure again would actually click on my steam client and minimize DayZ. Anyway, I have to say that I love all the new improvements with this game. I thought this game was lost and I am very happy to see it progressing. Once all the bugs are worked out and it is running smooth, it will be the best Zombie Apocalypse game out! It almost is in its current state. Hopefully I can get on and stream some soon! Anyone out there willing to help me with OBS and getting my shit together, I would greatly appreciate it! Looking forward to playing this weekend.
  6. ShallowTech

    Well Done BI!

    Not sure if I have posted a thank you or not, regardless I will make this quick and to the point. Thank you BI team! When I originally purchased this game, around its release, I was extremely disappointed considering it was not even as good as the mod. Development was extremely slow in the beginning and I felt scammed. However, over the last year it seems that development has really picked up and the game is starting to come together! I am happy I still own the game and able to play it again. Even a few of my friends will be picking it up. The changes are amazing and looking forward to the future of this game. I am not sure what changed internally for your team but keep up the awesome work! We are even thinking about getting a server again for our small group. -ShallowTech
  7. ShallowTech

    When are we getting snow maps?

    Seasons would be awesome! Some snow fall instead of ran, with some remaining on the ground and the trees loosing their leaves. Now that would be cool.
  8. I agree, it is good to spread out the loot/military bases, not only for story but to get people moving around the map. Like Gordon mentioned, once wolves, other predators and zombies are updated, it will really make the game play a lot more fun. Additionally, it gives it a more realistic feeling environment.
  9. ShallowTech

    Well Done BI!

    .61 is great so far, Zombie movement/animation seems better, zombie spawns, wolves have been added, sound has been updated for weapons, weather improvements, etc. Actually went back to exp. because it was so much better than .60.
  10. ShallowTech

    Poor Performance

    i3! Man, probably want to go with at least an i5 quad for this game. ;-)
  11. Looking good BI, can't wait for the .61 to go stable! This is the best update to date. The video on movement/camera angles looks great!
  12. ShallowTech

    .60 Stable & Zombies...

    Probably a question i could have searched for but figured this would be quick. Are there no zombies in stable right now? Sorry but been away from the game for awhile and when I came back went straight into experimental. Thank you
  13. ShallowTech

    New to DayZ and Pc community

    We have a new server and are trying to build a player base. It is a public hive server if you want to check it out. Any question just jump into the discord chat, as I am at work. Son's of Liberty DayZ Phx US West Email: [email protected] Discord: https://discord.gg/FrxEQkY Steam Group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/SoLPHX# Xbox Live: Group Sons of Liberty Phx
  14. ShallowTech

    Need buddies + Advice

    We have a new server and are trying to build a player base. It is a public hive server if you want to check it out. Any question just jump into the discord chat, as I am at work. Son's of Liberty DayZ Phx US West Email: [email protected] Discord: https://discord.gg/FrxEQkY Steam Group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/SoLPHX# Xbox Live: Group Sons of Liberty Phx
  15. ShallowTech

    My first few hours - alone but so much fun

    Picked up a public hive server and trying to build a player base if you would like to try it out. Son's of Liberty DayZ Phx US West Email: [email protected] Discord: https://discord.gg/FrxEQkY Steam Group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/SoLPHX# Xbox Live: Group Sons of Liberty Phx
  16. ShallowTech

    Sons of Liberty Phx

    Well put up a server, U.S. Westcoast. Looking for mature gamers to populate this server. Additionally, anyone that could provide feedback on how the server functions would be awesome. Please join us. The server was rebooted just a few minutes ago and might be running night, please let me know, I can change the time and reboot if anyone wants to play. http://www.gametracker.com/server_info/ Discord https://discord.gg/FrxEQkY Steam Group http://steamcommunity.com/groups/SoLPHX#
  17. ShallowTech

    Started my own server

    So do barrels hold items through a reboot?
  18. ShallowTech

    My first few hours - alone but so much fun

    So it has been awhile since I played but is there base building and crates or something to stash items now?
  19. ShallowTech

    Looking for tech advice on a PC...

    If you really need to stay around $500, you could start with something like this and upgrade later. http://www.newegg.com/Product/ComboBundleDetails.aspx?ItemList=Combo.3191391 I think my cousin is running it on a 560TI 2GB but I can not remember for sure. Regardless, you could go with a DIY combo, build it out or have someone you know help you. When you have a little extra cash, upgrade.
  20. ShallowTech

    Lack of Gear in DayZ

    I think the scarce amount of food and ammo is awesome! It makes the game much more realistic in my opinion... so I guess you are not speaking for me ;-). Just the other night I was dying from food poising, I had one chance and that was to check the Cherno medical facility. Luckily the right loot, spawns in the right locations! I found what I needed with a little over 1500 blood! The same goes with starving or getting sick, having to actually look for items to help your survive is part of the game. Oh and move inland!
  21. ShallowTech

    Well Done BI!

    Sorry, didn't mean to post it twice... issue with my browser.
  22. ShallowTech

    Well Done BI!

    Not sure if I have posted a thank you or not, regardless I will make this quick and to the point. Thank you BI team! When I originally purchased this game, around its release, I was extremely disappointed considering it was not even as good as the mod. Development was extremely slow in the beginning and I felt scammed. However, over the last year it seems that development has really picked up and the game is starting to come together! I am happy I still own the game and able to play it again. Even a few of my friends will be picking it up. The changes are amazing and looking forward to the future of this game. I am not sure what changed internally for your team but keep up the awesome work! We are even thinking about getting a server again for our small group. -ShallowTech
  23. ShallowTech

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    Finally got in and spent some time playing with my cousin. This update to the game is looking good so far. I did notice some issues with chemlights lighting and colors seemed off but I am sure this has been reported. At one point the game completely hung up my system and I had to reboot but this could have been because I did not reboot for some time prior. After the reboot I did not experience this problem again. I did fall through the second floor of the bar while coming down the stairs... instant death. Additionally noticed some sound issues, etc. But nothing that probably is not being worked on. After some time my cousin and I finally met up with my cousin south of Svet. We geared up and moved to BNN, it seems that there is not much there anymore, no ATC or hangers. Are these permanent changes? Anyway we continued on to Kranostav, we were in the police station looking for gear and were talking about how people used to server hop at the police stations and how freaking stupid it is... As we were leaving, low and behold, server hopper appeared on the top of the police station ;-) He came down and my cousin took a shot missing him, so we chased him down. He came at my cousin with something in his had, frying pan maybe. My cousin took another shot, hitting him in the gut! He fell to the ground and I beat him with my brass knuckles! So much for that server hopping trash! Can someone post a link to any post that has information on debug logs, posting issues, etc. I assume there is one out there.
  24. ShallowTech

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    So the servers are up :-) for some reason when I logged in on Monday the only servers I could see that were experimental was one that required a password. I will check again tonight. I am eagerly waiting to play again, unfortunately I only have had a little time in this latest update so far but I am really excited that Bohemia is taking charge on this and I am hopefully for a GREAT survival game!
  25. ShallowTech

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    I am all in too... don't want to revert! Please, is there some way we can donate to bring up more exp servers? :-)