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Everything posted by ShallowTech

  1. ShallowTech

    Back in Exp... Dying of Hypothermia

    Okay I will try that. Does anyone know if "no warming" is a bug in exp. build, if so has it been reported?
  2. ShallowTech

    Back in Exp... Dying of Hypothermia

    so just get out of the rain and I will eventually dry out? is there a way to cure hypothermia once you get that low of temp?
  3. ShallowTech

    Is this game worth it?

    I would say it is worth it. Hopefully it goes on sale and I will be gift to a friend so he can play as well. When it was first released it was lacking a lot of features, however the recent development has shown some amazing progress and promise for the game. If you like this type of genre, it is probably one of the best zombie/survival games around and with the new builds, it is looking really good. I play experimental and love it!
  4. ShallowTech

    crafted leather arrow quiver ?

    That would be cool, maybe a leather holster or something, sheath for knife.
  5. ooo, just got another client update for .61 :-)
  6. ShallowTech


    I would love to get my hands on an early release for Xbox One, maybe do some alpha or beta testing! :-)
  7. ShallowTech


    It will have reduced quality in graphics, map size, etc. If you look at BF1 on PC vs. Xbox One there is a huge difference in graphics and performance. HUGE! ;-) Anyway, it would be cool to see what they can do with it on console, maybe the upgraded Xbox One console will be out by then. Oh and hopefully EA does not fuck it up like every other game they support! It seems like Ubi and EA only want to try and get something released to cash in. They are not concerned enough about the customers experience or even releasing a quality product. You see it again and again, release after release.
  8. ShallowTech

    Vomit Mechanics

    not a bad idea... vomiting should also make you a little more thirsty or hungry :-)
  9. ShallowTech

    Logout / Login System

    Yeah, I would rather the effort be put into server performance and security vs. server hopping. There is a timer already and just be extra alert when looting.
  10. Why don't we all just see how it goes and then make suggestions :-) I am just excited about .61 going stable, drooling!
  11. ShallowTech

    Exp Update 0.61.136479

    Agree, the US Southwest 0-3 was low pop when I joined and it disconnected me after a few minutes.
  12. ShallowTech

    Exp Update 0.61.136479

    I was on US Southwest 0-3 for a few minutes when connection was lost. I do not think it was a crash but I am not 100%, I was in the middle of crafting a fire :-)
  13. ShallowTech

    Exp Update 0.61.136479

    Nice, new build... present surprise for Monday morning!
  14. ShallowTech

    Exp Update 0.61.136468

    Is there a discord or TS for exp. ? Please message me link/server info if you have it.
  15. ShallowTech

    Exp Update 0.61.136468

    C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\DayZ You can probably just upload it to the ticket I created, unless there is another one. T121770 https://feedback.bistudio.com/T121770
  16. ShallowTech

    Exp Update 0.61.136468

    This is the test, I think they probably want to roll out before the weekend to get as many people testing as possible.
  17. ShallowTech

    Exp Update 0.61.136468

    Got it, created a issue and submitted both files. Thank you for the information, I glanced over that earlier! Probably helps to read it thoroughly... Part of my problem.
  18. ShallowTech

    Exp Update 0.61.136468

    Properties > Local Files > Verify Integrity of Game Cache?
  19. ShallowTech

    Exp Update 0.61.136468

    At this point I can not connect to any server, only see two in the list and it crashes before I can get in the game ;-)
  20. ShallowTech

    Exp Update 0.61.136468

    No but I do have a 12 Guage semi auto, S&W M&P 45, and an old bolt action 30-06 :-) Plus my grandfathers k-bar from when he served! If I could just start with a hunting knife I would be happy!
  21. ShallowTech

    Exp Update 0.61.136468

    Well I have a DPMS-G2 AR10 ;-) Can I start with one of those! PIQ (position in queue 54 ;-) )
  22. ShallowTech

    Exp Update 0.61.136468

    so at this point with the crashes, should we stop trying to connect to the servers?
  23. ShallowTech

    Exp Update 0.61.136468

    sure I will ignore going forward. so you know I understand communication and ethics, it is just irritating when people post comments being nasty to the developers when they are obviously working hard to debug and improve the game.
  24. ShallowTech

    Exp Update 0.61.136468

    okay, looks like I had an account already too :-) thanks again for the info.
  25. ShallowTech

    Exp Update 0.61.136468

    Dude are you just trolling? This is experimental, what don't you fools not understand about that? Go to stable if you just want to play, exp. is for those willing to suffer through and help with development, load testing, etc. That being said, is there any thing I can do on my end, enable debugging, collect logs, etc. If there is a thread that explains what I should do to help, information that I need to gather, please link it.