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Everything posted by ShallowTech

  1. ShallowTech

    Exp Update 0.61.136562

    I assume these are known issues but to just to confirm. Can not crouch or stand with melee weapon in hands. (crafted stone knife) Can not swing melee when crouched. (crafted stone knife)
  2. ShallowTech

    Exp Update 0.61.136541

    Receiving a "Bad version or server rejected connection" after reboot for BE update.
  3. ShallowTech

    Exp Update 0.61.136541

    I had wolves chasing me, spawned out in a tree stand. When I logged back in later, I was dead. Last night I ran into a group fighting in Berezino with multiple zombies around. It got pretty choppy with around 6 players and probably 4 zombies. I was in melee with a couple people and knocked out a couple times. After I was eventually killed I spawned and my characters was being pushed around by invisible, I had to log out of the server and log back in to fix it. I figured it was a Jedi using the force but thought I would report it anyway.
  4. ShallowTech

    Exp Update 0.61.136541

    That's interesting, I wonder why that would matter. Well I am out, maybe catch some of you on tonight :-)
  5. ShallowTech

    Exp Update 0.61.136541

    I had to log as I am at work and some ass hole near me beat me to death... spawning again.
  6. ShallowTech

    Exp Update 0.61.136541

    I agree, I have not had much if any desynch with this latest build, really nice build! Looking forward to seeing this stable and by Christmas! If it happens, that will be a cool Christmas gift. Maybe we will see a sale to so I can pickup a couple copies as gifts :-)
  7. ShallowTech

    Exp Update 0.61.136541

    A lot of that could be from the high ping, it sounds like a latency issue anyway.
  8. ShallowTech

    Exp Update 0.61.136541

    No I was only trying to put it in my hand, it would not register and it would stay on the ground. However, I went up to an apple tree and it gave me the option to cut branch / bark like I had it in my hand. I pressed G and it acted like it threw something and then allowed me to search for apples.
  9. ShallowTech

    Exp Update 0.61.136541

    Checking performance monitor and the load is spread great across all cores! Great optimization!
  10. ShallowTech

    Exp Update 0.61.136541

    Thank you sir.
  11. ShallowTech

    Exp Update 0.61.136541

    Quick question, how do I get the character to switch sides?
  12. ShallowTech

    Exp Update 0.61.136541

    Running 64 bit client, the new build is working great so far, no disconnects or crashes. Server browser is quick, in game performance is awesome. Just some quick testing but it is working great so far... had to alt-tab out and either a zombie or some asshat killed me while I was laying on the ground. Hope they enjoy the loot! Anyway so far so good. Zombies seem to be working well, still need to play with it more. I have not run into any major bugs yet. I did have the issue where I picked something up and it would not register, had to throw to clear my hands. Holy shit, I fresh spawned, eating apples and some dude runs up stabbing me... people are crazy!
  13. ShallowTech

    Exp Update 0.61.136541

    So far 64 bit has been a dream for me, no drops/crashes and no memory errors when closing the client. Hopefully I can do some more testing this evening :-)
  14. ShallowTech

    32 vs. 64...

    Is the 64bit a new option? I have never been prompted for this before and did not know it would be available. I have been messing around with DayZ on my laptop when I am not at home, typically the fans on it scream because of the heat, which I thought was being caused by the GPU. However, when I launch 64bit, the fans stay quite, is this because it is using multi-processing/multi-threading and run more efficiently?
  15. ShallowTech

    Exp Update 0.61.136505

    32 bit vs 64 bit :-) https://www.cyberstreams.com/32-bit-vs-64-bit-applications/
  16. ShallowTech

    Exp Update 0.61.136505

    Played for about an hour or so, seems to be running great on my laptop (low end). I was running all my settings on low and with the 32 bit build my fans were maxed out RPM. This 64 bit build my fans do not even get loud! I assume this is because the load is being distributed better between cores? Regardless, no crash yet and it seems to be running much better, AWESOME JOB DEVS! I will be testing tonight when I get home, maybe play around in a town for awhile and see if I can break anything. :-)
  17. ShallowTech

    32 vs. 64...

    Yeah this is nice, man the 64bit runs a lot better on my laptop... my fans were maxing out RPM's before, now I barely hear them running! Awesome! Love to see this type of progression, gets me all excited! I can't wait to try this out on my desktop!
  18. ShallowTech

    Interim Exp.

    ... Sneakydude, are the devs not asking for feedback? Plus, this is just a thread to chat about the exp. build... why so serious! :-)
  19. Raining like cray on US Southwest 0-4, keep getting Hypothermia and even with fire, it will not cure. Any suggestions? :-) Oh and Exp. appears to be back up.
  20. ShallowTech

    0.61 Stable Loot

    I was on last night and found a Makarov and shotgun in the barn with multiple stories. Additionally, I think I found a couple of shotgun shells :-) BCBasher is right, there needs to be story line a long to go a long with the game play, even loot locations. What would be cool is if they added blood splatter and other static design to certain loot location so it would give the appearance of a fight. Maybe a few guns lying around with no ammo, like other survivors were fight off the dead and lost. Maybe a trail of blood going down the stairs of the barn and at the top, a chance for a gun to spawn. The loot in .61 seems pretty balanced to me too. I can't wait to see it go stable... even though I will switch to exp. as soon as a new build is available!
  21. ShallowTech

    Interim Exp.

    Gary thanks for the info. I have noticed the tree trunks as well. I will do some screenshots tonight and upload some files. Either way they can just merge the ticket if there is one already open. Overall it was a fun night though, just wish I had some friends that would get on :-). I remember it vividly... I awoke on the beach, my head dizzy and vision blurry and greyed, trying to focus on what was around me. Once I was able to see, it appears that I washed up on the coast and noticed structures off to my right. To find out where I was, I had to venture into the small town and search for anything that could help me survive. Maybe find another survivor. As I moved I realized how hungry I was, I do not know how long I was out or what had happened but I know I had to move off the coast before something found me. I was making my way through the first house, finding nothing useful. As I exited the building I was surprised by a man, he was holding a gun. We stopped briefly and looked at each other. I did not recognize him; he was rough with the look of death on his face. "Just keep moving" he said in a harsh voice. Who was I to argue, after all he was the one holding the gun. I didn't hesitate, knowing that he could kill me at any moment as long as he had the ammo. So I ran, looking back I could see the man as he pointed his gun at me and he watched me until I could no longer see him. Unsure of where I was, I headed up a dirt road into the mountains. In the distance there was a barn. As I approached the barn I found a pile of rocks. Searching the rocks to find two that I could use to make a crude knife, remembering my survival class... that stupid class I took before everything fell apart. With the stone knife in my hand I went into the barn to look for anything to eat. The barn was dark with a very unpleasant smell, putrid, rotting, like a bloated dead animal that has been sitting in the sun. The type of stench that would have made me vomit in the past. I knew that one was near, clinching the rock I made my way through the barn. In a dark corner I could see the shadow of it, I wanted to run but I knew that I need to find food and the only way to search the barn was to kill it... Just a bit of fun... obviously not a writer :-)
  22. ShallowTech

    Interim Exp.

    I was on last night for a little while. Noticed an issue when switching between my axe (on ground), flare, and fire materials. Eventually I could no longer pick up the axe and had to leave it. Additionally, noticed an issue with items in the oil drum going to zero quantity. Does anyone know if these bugs have been reported? Overall it was a good experience, playing around in one town to gather gear and see if I can find any bugs to report ;-) Oh, also noticed purple color where there should be textures, debris, just a solid purple. My graphics settings were very low because I was running on the laptop but I am not sure if that should matter or if this has been reported. If not I can collect some information and submit tonight.
  23. ShallowTech

    Is this game worth it?

    Holy shit that is funny!
  24. ShallowTech

    Back in Exp... Dying of Hypothermia

    nice, thanks for the info! that will help tremendously!
  25. ShallowTech

    Back in Exp... Dying of Hypothermia

    Yeah that would be great. I was able to figure out the fire place. If you take off your clothes next to a fire, do they dry or do you have to leave them on? Also I have cooked meat on a stick but did not know you could cook canned food, do you just stick it in the fireplace or firepit?