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Everything posted by ShallowTech

  1. ShallowTech

    Exp Update 0.61.136642

    Anyone want another group member in exp.? Run solo most of the time and it would be nice to be in a group. I can shoot and survive pretty well :-)
  2. ShallowTech

    Exp Update 0.61.136642

    To be honest I do not remember but I will be on again tonight and I will look for that when I exit. Typically the only error I get when closing is a memory error and it is inconsistent. I will log it the next time I se it.
  3. ShallowTech

    Exp Update 0.61.136642

    I was on for awhile last night playing with my cousin. I was on US Southwest 0-2 and noticed a lot of desync. However, my cousin did not, this could have just been me because my ISP is having an issue with a oversaturated node in my area. I wanted to at least report incase anyone else was seeing this, as I did not see it prior to this last build. Additionally, there were characters running around on the coast with what looked like a melee, felt like a melee but the weapon was not showing up in their hands. Both my cousin and I noticed this issue. It seemed like it was the fire extinguisher.
  4. While playing on exp. branch over the weekend I noticed that when a player goes down, unconscious or dying, that there is an option to do CPR. This seems like a really great feature. I was thinking that it would be cool that if someone dies/flat lines that when brought back with CPR or defibrillator, that the negative status effects would go away. For instance if someone was dying from sickness or infection, if you bring them back it would either delay the health/blood drain slightly or remove the effect but leave them very weak with low blood and health. Then they would need to get food, water, antibiotics, etc. to fully recover. I was wondering what others thought about this.
  5. ShallowTech

    Exp Update 0.61.136593

    Build update or reboot?
  6. ShallowTech

    Exp Update 0.61.136593

    Yes, some times you have to completely log out and back in.
  7. ShallowTech

    Exp Update 0.61.136593

    I played a lot this weekend and the latest build overall seems pretty stable. Still seeing lag spikes during zombie spawns or player spawns I think. Anyway, I noticed some other small bugs but didn't write them down :-) can't remember... funny how that works. However, they did not seem to be stability issues so they did not seem as critical. One thing I do remember is when using a quick key, 1, 2, when putting away a melee it seems to always pull out my fist. Does anyone know if this is a bug and if it has been reported.
  8. ShallowTech

    Exp Update 0.61.136593

    This build is a lot of fun, I like the fact that there is a lot to do now with crafting and survival. It was getting boring just running around to find someone to kill, it is awesome that the zombies are so aggressive. This game is really becoming what I thought it would be. Very excited to play when I get home tonight. Now I just need to find some people to play with. A couple more questions. 1. Does loot spawn when players move into an area or only on server startup? 2. Are barrels and tents the only persistent storage? 3. Do only a certain amount of barrels/tents spawn in the server at one time? 4. How do chopper crash spawns work?
  9. ShallowTech

    Exp Update 0.61.136593

    No but I thought I read somewhere you could when I was researching how to do it. Started a garden but had nothing to use for getting water, so it just sits :-) I think I am just going to be a farmer tonight, hopefully no bandits harass me :-) Some bandits got me last night on my way north.
  10. ShallowTech

    Exp Update 0.61.136593

    So I logged in to 1PP for about an hour, battled some zombies, made a garden, ran around and this build seems to be performing well. Noticed another player from a distance and his head was black, no graphic but it cleared up as I approached. Question about game play, do gardens require water now?
  11. ShallowTech

    Exp Update 0.61.136593

    I don't think so, I am on 1PP server right now. Central 0-2 I think.
  12. ShallowTech

    Exp Update 0.61.136593

    Sneaky that pick is awesome! Reminds me of the elk hunt I went on this past year! :-)
  13. ShallowTech

    Exp Update 0.61.136593

    This is also an issue with pitchfork, icon when view inventory (proximity) when on the ground is very small and you can not see what it is. Once it is placed on character the icon is fine. Stone knife! Thank you, probably one of the best addition to crafting :-) Imperative to survival.
  14. ShallowTech

    Exp Update 0.61.136593

    Logged in, crept around some zombies and picked up a few items. I found a somewhat safe location to eat some peaches and log out. Server was responding well, probably jump back in around lunch time.
  15. ShallowTech

    Exp Update 0.61.136593

    You just double click the server for info, or use the expands all servers options. However, this does not tell you anything about persistence... I will just wait for a reboot and see. It does not matter much anyway with the frequency of builds. Thank you.
  16. ShallowTech

    Exp Update 0.61.136593

    Cool, sorry to fill up the thread with these questions but thanks for the response. I just wanted to play around a little tonight.
  17. ShallowTech

    Exp Update 0.61.136593

    Okay so, can anyone tell me if persistence is enabled in the exp. branch? Also can someone tell me when the schedule time for reboots occurs.
  18. ShallowTech

    Exp Update 0.61.136562

    Tonight I think I am going to start working on a community on the coast :-) Help survivors who spawn and need supplies... might be some fun role playing and will let me test/play with growing gardens. Does anyone know if gardens are persistent, how long it takes to grow and the process required :-)
  19. ShallowTech

    Exp Update 0.61.136562

    BC, do you know? I know that they can reboot when ever the devs feels but I was wondering what the actually schedule time and time zone.
  20. ShallowTech

    Exp Update 0.61.136562

    I thought it said 24hrs, so I was wondering at what time that normally happens.
  21. ShallowTech

    Exp Update 0.61.136562

    What time do servers restart?
  22. ShallowTech

    Exp Update 0.61.136562

    Running, LGA 2011-v3 X99 I7 5820K 16GB RAM Quad Channel GTX 980 4GB
  23. ShallowTech

    Exp Update 0.61.136562

    I assume you were talking to me. FPS was okay, but I am also running low settings on a business laptop... I am surprised I can even get it to run. Anyway, I will see how it runs on the desktop and post FPS. However, overall this build seems to be working great. Personally, I have been trying to survive and do things I normally would. Collect gear, stash a barrel here and there with some average gear in them. While doing this I look for issues with functionality but I have not seen anything yet. Overall I have been testing stability by staying on as long as possible and this build seem pretty stable.
  24. ShallowTech

    Exp Update 0.61.136562

    Sweet, those are awesome! So I ran 64 bit today for a little over an hours, no drops and no crashes.
  25. ShallowTech

    Exp Update 0.61.136562

    Again, these are probably reported but just to confirm. Head turns black, it seems like it has something to do with switching head gear but not sure how to replicate. P.S. However, I ran by north of Staroye at military camp (US Southwest 0-4 in think), thank you for not shooting me. I had my sound off and no mic, so I had no idea if you were talking to me :-) Maybe you just did not have a shot but I ran right by you!