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Everything posted by rolleater

  1. rolleater

    Desperate for HELP!!

    So when i click on a server to join on DayZ Commander, i can join a server and whatever but i can never play as i get these 2 errors: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMagazines.FoodbeefRaw and 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/m8_holo_sd/burst/ Please can someone help me! Im a noob with computers so please be detailed if you have a solution. Many Thanks!!
  2. rolleater

    Desperate for HELP!!

    Ok now i fixed that problem, but when i click a server to join on dayz com it loads and i just end up at the arma 2 main menu, like the one with singleplayer multiplayer expansions etc...any help?
  3. rolleater

    Desperate for HELP!!

    ok i downloaded it^, but still getting the same error codes..
  4. rolleater

    Desperate for HELP!!

    Well i tried to install the 1.62 update but it said its more recent than "this"patch of 1.60
  5. rolleater

    Desperate for HELP!!

  6. rolleater

    Desperate for HELP!!

    Lol i do use it, all servers are up to date, and when i click on a server i used to play i get those to error codes^
  7. rolleater

    Desperate for HELP!!

    ive just downloaded reinforcments patch 1.60, got an error saying the version of arma oa 1.62 is more recent than this patch 1.60
  8. rolleater

    Desperate for HELP!!

    How do i check the version? lol i told you im real bad with computers. btw i was able to play fine a while ago but i came back today after 3 months and i only have these problems now
  9. So i bought Arma 2: Combined Ops, and i followed the many steps in order to play DayZ, but im still having many problems. It begins with when i click to enter a server, i get the "addon dayz_anim requires addon CA_PMC" whenever i click to join a server, then i get the message "No entry bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Soldier..." then once i click a server to join it will say please remove all pbo files... Im even willing to pay someone who can help me fix this issue as its driving me cray cray and i just want to play DayZ!!! Tomorrow im going to re-install Arma 2 and list everything i do in step and list all error messages etc that i get, and ill try give as much info as i can.. Keep in touch with this post if you think you can help, will be very grateful!
  10. When i try to download the 2 links @Client- @Client- i try to extract the folder @Dayz and keys but i get this http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/534/armaerror.png/ what is going on????
  11. silly question, but do i save or just open these to download them?
  12. After dling the co update it said this, "game version 1.60 required. Your current version is 1.51...
  13. Heres the 2nd installation. Now that both are together should i dl the CO 1.62 patch now? or should i continue with other steps like getting six or commander? http://imageshack.us...s/5/arma22.png/
  14. So this is what the folder looks like after the first installation, is it right? http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/268/arma2v.png/
  15. Also should i download those 2 links right after installing both discs?
  16. Im installing the discs now, what is the first step after installing both discs? and thanks @st ill give that a go when i can
  17. I dont have steam because i bought the game off ebay, so i just have the 2 discs which ive installed both.