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TheCreeper (DayZ)

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Everything posted by TheCreeper (DayZ)

  1. Play S.T.A.L.K.E.R., you'll have a new fear of them >=)
  2. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    Oh boy..hard to find...

    Hey Wire, just got home, sorry, tired as hell ( BS 12 hour shifts ), will have to meet up some other time, and as for coms, we can use the Musty Teamspeak, bunch of good guys over there.
  3. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    Oh boy..hard to find...

    Sounds like the east coast, if you had gone north you would have hit a major city. here's a map to help you get around, after I get home from work, i'll post again, see if we can meet on a server and I'll show you the ropes of the game Map: http://dayzdb.com/map/chernarusplus Names are in russian and english so it should help you get around
  4. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    Oh boy..hard to find...

    Where are you looking, I find food everywhere. with in 20 minutes of starting I have full energy and hydration.
  5. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    To the two that KOS'd at NW last night.

    Oh no guys, we got another bad ass here. You got killed through lack of one thing, and one thing only, situational awareness, you have it, or you're dead but, you chose to blame the players that kill you and claim no one understands your post but, then threaten all that disagree with you with the same action you're complaining about. It sounds like you got butt hurt and just want others to feel your pain, not caring who. Its a game dude, settle down., gear comes and goes and there will always some one that will get the drop on you, deal with it.
  6. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    Hanging people

    I think we did. Move along, nothing to see here :P
  7. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    Hanging people

    Maybe because I've seen it first hand, and yes, I'm bringing my real life experiences into this again, because behind every key board is a real person. I've made my point, if people agree or disagree with me, thats fine, thats why the forums exist.
  8. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    Hanging people

    And that IS my point, if the stimuli is there, the hanging, it only takes one person getting offended, or one kid saying something horribly racist, and its a powder keg. Words have power, actions, more so, be it real life or a game, case and point, the public outcry on games like Postal, GTA, hell, even Custer's Revenge for the 2600, if people even perceive a reason to be offended, thats the one match you need.
  9. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    Hanging people

    I know what I'm talking about, I've seen it, no assumptions, old neighborhood in florida, guys yard get stormed on halloween because he had a noose hanging from a tree with a mummy on it ( didn't know mummy was a race ), the crowd screaming racism and tore it down. Now who has the " I'm right, you're wrong " attitude?
  10. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    Hanging people

    Where the base amount of player live And if you don't think for a second Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpten wouldn't jump on it, the moment one african american player model got hung from a tree, crying racism, you lead one sheltered life.
  11. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    Hanging people

    Nope, actual law: https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/112/hr221
  12. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    Hanging people

    Then some one cries " thats racist " and its removed from the game. In all reality though, some one isn't gonna hang around ( no pun intended ) and wait for this to happen, they'll just log out, hell, they're dead any way.
  13. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    Musty Gaming Standalone (Actual Private Hive) US/EU(Hardcore)/AU

    The Creeper waits to return to Musty Land!!!!!!
  14. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    How to navigate the maps?

    I was referring to the map, which is from the game, so there is no third party, if he used it for spawn locations, yes. Also I never said anything about it being official, do not try to put words in my mouth.
  15. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    How to navigate the maps?

    Third party? Dude, this is from the Day Z data base.
  16. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    How to navigate the maps?

    It is dangerous to go alone, take this: http://dayzdb.com/map/chernarusplus
  17. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    Newest update dried up weapons and items?

    EDIT: Or the all father will answer your questions
  18. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    I became the leader of a cult

    Very entertaining
  19. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    The worst kind of player

    Welcome to DayZ
  20. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    Supernatural horror that stalks you

    Go play S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
  21. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    Hacker Justice[...DMC]DeadShadow HACKER!

    You don't
  22. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    A way for player to value life?

    Topic has been done to death ( no pun intended ), it is up to the player if the value life or not, plain and simple, no game mechanic will change that.
  23. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    Yo where da servers at?

    Make sure you're set to internet games, should work.
  24. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    Can't find vechicles?

    Simple truth about DayZ, when you look for it, you will not find it, when you are set on other tasks, you will. Found the V3S twice now, both at the industrial area on the edge of Vybor. Give it time, and when you least expect it, you'll find her.