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TheCreeper (DayZ)

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Everything posted by TheCreeper (DayZ)

  1. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    Any1 seen this Splosion-cherno

    Damn aliens..........
  2. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    Friendly Pretenders

    I was greatly amused by this.
  3. Read the patch notes and stickies, all the answers are there.
  4. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    Call me a fan boy if you will, but I'm pumped!

    Will check it out when I get home from work, here's hoping for the better :)
  5. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    Even the Cows Can't Handle the Heat in .58

    I name thee, Swims with Bovines!
  6. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    The Bait

    Bandit scum
  7. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    Vehicles Coming To 0.59

    Talking to him on steam at the moment
  8. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    Vehicles Coming To 0.59

    Now if we could only get Derpy back.
  9. TheCreeper (DayZ)


    Interesting idea, I like it. Balanced in the fact its not a fort, yet still defensible, and not something you can just go quickly run to and hide. Would really like to see this in game.
  10. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    Never ever friendly again

    Oh, this story again, you're not the first, won't be the last, pointless thread is pointless.
  11. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    Just saw Rocket again.

    Okay, this zombie has been raised to many times, and this is coming from some one that works for Umbrella. :P
  12. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    Radios : A Cure for Player Interaction

    It took seven batteries, and a week of server hopping, but I did it!
  13. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    Radios : A Cure for Player Interaction

    Alright, last time I tried to use a radio, it went like this: Me: This is Creeper, broadcasting on channel ( what ever channel I was on ), please respond. Player 1: I f*cked you mom last night Player 2: Shut up ( racial slur ) Player 3: * Blasts crap rap music * * turns off radio and throws away * I've played this game since early mod, every one will still use Vent, TS, Mumble or what ever, those that try to use in game coms, well, you've seen what happened, it will not stop or even slow KOS, that has been part of the game from the beginning, and pretty sure this topic has been done before, * looks at search results * yeah.............
  14. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    Improved VOIP

    I might have, had to reinstall not to long ago, had to reformat my hard drive, and may have forgot. EDIT: yep, turned all the way up, unless i can fiddle with a file in my base DayZ directory, I think thats it.
  15. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    Improved VOIP

    Only issue I've had with viop, is it's too damn quiet, I can barely hear my squad mates unless they're damn near on top of me, making an easy nade kill.
  16. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    Sidearm Wielding Stance

    Only if the pistol has the name, Bryco, Jennings, Jahmenz, Taurus, Raven or Phoenix, on the side
  17. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    Strange death, Wtf happened?

    You were running on top of a building, in the open, death by 7.62 to the face.
  18. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    Please give me info.

    No, it was a mod for ARMA 2, which is still going strong, and then there's Stand Alone, which is in early access. The mod is mostly fleshed out, with other maps and game mods, Stand Alone is still in development, with new versions coming out about once a month, you can also opt. into the experimental branch, where you try features of the new version for stable before it hits the servers. so you have options.
  19. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    Sidearm Wielding Stance

    Interesting thought but, realistically, your off hand should never leave the weapon, save when reaching for an object, or softly opening a door. As for raising the weapon faster with one hand, at least in my case, it hasn't worked that way, with one hand, most people try to raise and push out, kinda like a one handed, asymmetrical stance, which at least for me, takes more time. With the Weaver stance ( stance I use in shooting ), I find reaction time to be far better with both hands on the weapon. Though this idea still has some merit, say your arm is broken/disabled, you could adopt a one hand stance, or maybe if your leg is broken, using one hand and good leg to push yourself backwards while addressing the threat with your other hand, would be a nice step of realism.
  20. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    Was Global banned when i bought the game after it got revoked.

    No one here can help you, all bans are run through battle eye, please wait for their response.
  21. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    dayz comander.....

    Hasn't been supported for a year and a half, use the search function.
  22. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    I Warned You! (short video, love that ragdoll at the end)

    Pretty amusing, have beans!
  23. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    I have a sugestion for game

    Can't tell if this is troll or not......................
  24. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    Zombies clipping through walls?

    Haven't had that problem, granted, when I find a zed, it normally its up for more than ten seconds, will have to try locking one in a house and get back to this thread.
  25. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    I cant play my dayz anymore?

    Weird, I only get that error when I close DayZ