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TheCreeper (DayZ)

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Everything posted by TheCreeper (DayZ)

  1. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    Where is the DayZ population?

    I still pay for an ARMA2 DayZ Epoch server, haven't touched SA in years. Will I come back to SA, most likely, but I'm taking a good long break, so when I dive back in, it can be with fresh eyes and ready to learn new systems. I've been here since early mod alpha, not going anywhere any time soon, just as OrLoK.
  2. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    I miss my Dayz

    I'm still alive, just waiting for beta then I'll reinstall
  3. TheCreeper (DayZ)


    Our Russian friend says: The game does not open an overlay what to do in the settings of the stim and the properties of the game overlay included Not sure what overlay they mean, many different overlays out there.
  4. For those that can't be bothered. Swat says: I'll tell you the very beginning, I bought the game, everything is fine, I tried to launch it and then the error pops up, the memory can not be written! What I just did not reinstall the driver on the video card, update directX, dig through the settings of the game, nothing helps help me please ...
  5. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    shared ban

    If its a sever ban, move on, find a new server. Server owner may have other servers and banned you there as well. If it's a battle eye ban, no one here can help you. Contact battle eye directly.
  6. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    Is Bohemia a good home for DayZ devs ?

    The real question is, is the Grave Yard a good home for this thread, I do believe it is.
  7. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    New DayZ-related reactions

    Ponies for friendship!
  8. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    [ADD] AutoRun Hotkey ,

    This idea has been beat to death, it did not happen in mod, it will not happen here, ever.
  9. TheCreeper (DayZ)


    Make sure you're looking for internet games and not lan
  10. TheCreeper (DayZ)


    No one here can unban you, if it's a server ban, contract the server owner, if it is a Battle Eye ban, contact battle eye
  11. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    CQB Tips?

    Best way to win a gun fight is not to get into one, but should you get into one, everything can be summed up in two words: Situational Awareness Most servers run with third person on, use it, because you damn well know the enemy is as well If your enemy content to wait, chances are he has help on the way If you're in a high traffic area, your gun fire may draw others or zeds Never commit your position to a lane of fire, this means, if he's in a barracks room, don't sit in the hall, he only has to aim in one direction Know cover vs. concealment, what your hiding in, will it stop rounds, or does it just hide you. This works both for you and the enemy. Let the enemy ( with in reason/time allowing ) act first, those that act in haste will often make mistakes If detected, and the enemy is holing up, provoke him, don't use coms. Soften him up if you can, throw a hand grande, a flash bang, even smoke, it may make him act hastily. If you think there may be an enemy in the area, remember the four S's of sniping Shine: Keep an eye out for reflective surfaces, anything that bounces light is most likely man made Silhouette:: Use anything to contrast when the enemy might be wearing, giving away outlines of his person and gear. Use tree's, walls, the ground, even the sky line behind them. And remember, NOTHING in nature grows in a straight line. Shade: Much like silhouette, use the surrounding area's to scan for anything not matching. Some players B-line it to the air fields, and may only be wearing sweaters and jeans, keep your eyes open for something not matching Sound: This is a big one, nearly everything we do in game makes noise, get a decent head set and crank it up, every so often, when in cover and concealment, stop, take a listen Surroundings: Is anything out of place, open doors, camp fires, bodies, empty cans, slaughtered animals, all this can tell you if some one is still in the area. Final bits of advice. Roads lead places, this is a double edge sword, enemies use them as well When in doubt, bound from cover to cover, never run out in the open There is no safe, only safer If you think somewhere is a good spot, at least five others are thinking the same thing, keep your eyes and ears open Risk vs. reward, is it really worth it, is the question you have to ask yourself Pys ops: use this at your own risk Should you get into coms with your enemy, play with his mind, this can be just simple trash talk, to acting like your in game coms is stuck open, and act as if you are talking to a much larger team on their way to reinforce you, make is believable, don't name weapons, just ask if they have enough ammo, use common names, not in game names, make the size believable as well, four, tops, give the enemies location, never yours. Hope this helps, Creeper
  12. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    how many characters

    If you start on a private hive server, you're official characters do not transfer, so, in short, yes
  13. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    hangmans noose

    No, because so far, SJW's and BLM have stayed away from here. All it will take is some idiot hanging some one and saying something racist on a youtube video, then we'll get flooded to hell.
  14. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    Banned for No REASON ?!?!?

    OrLoK, I summon thee!!!!!!
  15. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    Infinite plain bug???

    Holy shit, you are either this new or a horrible troll. if it's the first, you hit the debug, if its the latter, go away
  16. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    Enough of Cheaters

    If you have proof of an UNDOCUMENTED cheat, please use the feed back tool, please read the stickies and enjoy your stay.
  17. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    Status Report - 04 April 2017

    Good to see a fellow /k/ member
  18. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    Public Servers - Ban Players - Help Us Bohemia, please

    If you have proof of an undocumented cheat, please use the feedback tracker, any proof of hack/cheating can be handled at battleeye.com. Please read the stickies before posting.
  19. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    IP info in admin logs

    IP and GUID, in game it will only show the current name the user is trying to use and their GUID and a message ( if the admin put one ) why they were banned
  20. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    Ringing Ears!

    As some one that has made their living with fire arms in the past and to some point, still to this day, ear protection is a MUST. I have permanent hearing damage because i was young and stupid once, didn't use ear-pro on the range, figured the ringing would just go away, yeah, tinnitus sucks..........
  21. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    We died from an air strike

    If you have proof of an undocumented cheat or exploit, please use the feed back tool, do not make posts about it. InB4Lok
  22. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    Help me plz

    Going to need more info than this, was it a Battle Eye, VAC or server ban?
  23. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    engraving guns/other items

    All good, Brother. Though my info is slightly incorrect, the facility I work for is in tampa, I live elsewhere but, its close by =)
  24. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    I have been BAN

    Okay, this is kinda odd, seen another post saying some one was banned from this same server, well, same thing I told him, no one here has the power to ban or unban, if its just a server ban, forget it and move on to another server, if it is a battle eye ban, and you think you've been falsely banned, contact battle eye at https://www.battleye.com/support/
  25. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    I have been BAN

    If its a server ban, find a new server, doubt the old one is around, if its a ban from Battle Eye, no one here can help you, no one on this forum has the power to issue or remove bans, if you think you've been falsely banned contact Battle Eye support at https://www.battleye.com/support/