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TheCreeper (DayZ)

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Everything posted by TheCreeper (DayZ)

  1. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    Drugs, drug addiction and cooking drugs

    You want drugs that do something for you, this isn't the game, try New Vegas. Mmmmm.......... SLASHER!!!!!!!!
  2. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    Companions, like dogs

    Already been talked about, tried and failed in the mod, most likely won't happen is SA.
  3. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    Farts (serious discussion)

    Then every dead player you see will have a pile near or on top of him, bandits will love this. =P
  4. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    [Video] Social Experiment Part 2 - Handcuffed with keys and gun!

    Awesome vid, me and my friends have been doing something kinda like this, we'll sit in houses and when players come in, use free look, spin our heads around and make zombie noises, for the most part, players run away, other times, we get shot.
  5. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    What the Hell is this?

    Its called a ground carving, went out there in game, didn't see it though.
  6. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    Never saw it coming

  7. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    Does everyone prefer the Mosin?

    Prefering the M4, lots more ammo,better rate of fire and better mods for it, but, right tool for the right job, if I want to do long distance shooting, 91/30 all the way, I have a true respect for the fire arm, and like a lot of others have voiced, I own one as well, Tula armories ex-sniper, struck in 1943 all matching serial numbers. Here's mine, where's yours? =P
  8. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    DayZ SA -Taking Japanese Hostage. Finding Translator.

    I know bits and pieces of japanise, so even more interesting for me, good show on actually being a good player and not a bunch of bandits!
  9. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    DayZ SA -Taking Japanese Hostage. Finding Translator.

    This amused me greatly
  10. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    Coming out to my clan

    Forget them, better off without
  11. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    Coming out to my clan

    Only if you want to be, we welcome all into our fold.
  12. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    Coming out to my clan

    Far from it, I invite you to come down to our thread and talk with us for a while before making such uneducated statements.
  13. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    Coming out to my clan

    Dude, if your banner is true, its your clan, do what you want, they don't like it they can leave, just like I did with my clan when they found out I was a brony, don't like it, theres the fucking door.
  14. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    The best weapon in games

    To The Yard!!!!!!
  15. TheCreeper (DayZ)


    Just thinking bad luck, found my first one in a cafe in electro.
  16. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    How do oyu get out of handcuffs?

    Bullet to the head always seems to fix things
  17. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    You mess with my friends, you mess with me.

    E-thugging at its finest, glad you killed those bandit bastards though, Skat3 is a pretty cool guy.
  18. I'm kinda surprised this isn't in the yard yet..............
  19. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    banned from dayz-GNL

    read the damn stickies, you need name of server, the name you where under and your GUID.
  20. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    DayZ Origins 1.7.7 | Europe | Active Admins | No Abuse

    Twinkie a server admin...... hmmm........... might have to check this out..........
  21. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    super horde

    If this was the case, players would log out at 11 minutes for server restart, short answer: this will never happen.
  22. Creeper shall wait and see.............
  23. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    New Player looking for partner to learn off

    Indeed, now some rules to live by: Do not get attached to your gear, you will die, this will happen a lot. PVP happens in the game, people do it for what ever reason and most the time will talk sh*t about it, don't let this get you trigger happy and/or paranoid of other players, you will meet friendlies out there, all though it be a bit rare. Learn your loot spots, what spawns where. Zombies can't see for crap at night, for the most part, neither can you. Guns are loud, players and zombies alike flock to them. DO NOT drive an ATV across a bridge. Take your time, learning is a slow and often painful process, you will get better at the game. No matter what a striper tells you, there is no sex in the champagne room.
  24. Will let you know if that is the case after I pick one up.
  25. Wasn't even thinking of SA, good call, there is video out there of a tokarev firing surplus ammo going straight through kevlar, let me dig up a video. http://youtu.be/hNEi7NrAtqo?t=1m49s and here is the same guy firing it through the kevlar into ballistics gel, just to show you it will still kill after going through armor http://youtu.be/FTg-TgEpUm0?t=38s