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TheCreeper (DayZ)

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Everything posted by TheCreeper (DayZ)

  1. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    Gets auto banned (Admins dont know why)

  2. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    Can one survive .50 on apples alone ?

    How did this video happen with out AJD getting in on that sweet apple action?!?!?!?!?
  3. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    Pistol mags and the Makarov.

    Seem to find Mak mags everywhere, keep giving them to my buddy, he start dropping them after I gave him ten, he rolls with about five now.
  4. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    AK 101 Mags

    Had 2 yesterday, then the character load error got me, they're out there, just hard to find.
  5. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    Where am I ? (The Official)

    Lumber yard, Berezino. Here's a map: http://dayzdb.com/map/chernarusplus#5.122.058
  6. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    PSA: No handle on the inside

    Just have to know how to do it, me and my squad had to find ways to amuse ourselves after we got good at the game, as we would say " For Science! ", and then one of us would die :P
  7. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    PSA: No handle on the inside

    Reminds me of back in mod, was in the outhouse at Devil's Castle, three kitted as hell guys opened the door, I looked at them, they looked back at me, said they were sorry, closed the door and left, good times.
  8. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    A brand new hack ?

    Hacking: If you believe you have found evidence of an unknown hack, submit the evidence to one of the Forum Staff and it will be looked into and verified. Posting a topic will result in it being locked.
  9. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    Forum names = no kos

    Because most of them there use their forum name as their in game name, just like I do, though I'm no bandit.
  10. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    Forum names = no kos

    You have seemed to miss all the videos in the gallery where bandits proudly claim their kills, this is not a new idea nor a good one.
  11. TheCreeper (DayZ)


    Hacking: If you believe you have found evidence of an unknown hack, submit the evidence to one of the Forum Staff and it will be looked into and verified. Posting a topic will result in it being locked.
  12. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    Goodbye Balota barracks

    Let me see, why would Mil gear be gone from the coast, maybe to stop all the bandits from trolling the coast, killing newbies that have no chance to fight back, just maybe?
  13. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    whelp, looks like the glitchiest patch yet :S

    hellzbro, on 22 Sept 2014 - 09:21 AM, said: Nope, didn't misread, was responding to Mr. " I'm done posting here ", as I said, it forces people to think when they can climb stairs not just run up stairs and med up, safe from zeds, granted they have to fight their way back out.
  14. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    whelp, looks like the glitchiest patch yet :S

    I'll have to disagree there, I see the rules enforced every day, granted I did make a off topic comment, on topic how ever, pretty pleased with this patch as a whole, and zeds climbing stairs is a good thing, forces people to think.
  15. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    whelp, looks like the glitchiest patch yet :S

    Didn't you say you weren't posting here any more? http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/211494-no-more-suggestions-from-me/ Yeah, you did...........
  16. Already searched on the net and here for fixes, had this phone only a week and it pulls this, tried powering it down and then back up, removing the sim card, removing the battery and letting it sit, everything. As far as I can tell there is no " hard reset " option, combed through the book and squat. Phone is a ZTE Midnight.
  17. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    Andriod phone touch screen not working

    Well, after customer service just flat you left me hanging, twice, I'll have to get a new phone, and wait for a week to get it...........
  18. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    Cattle Prod

    Found one last night, then went to the police station and found a stun baton, one hit knocks a zed down, seconds kills it.
  19. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    Andriod phone touch screen not working

    But I said I DIDN'T
  20. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    Andriod phone touch screen not working

    Did not drop and yes, got it from a carrier store, just going to be with out a phone for a week or so if I can't find a fix, also no clue how to get the forums working on it......
  21. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    [Maintenance] All Servers Are Down?!

  22. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    [Maintenance] All Servers Are Down?!

    Proof please.
  23. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    stop this cheaters please

  24. TheCreeper (DayZ)

    Religion in DayZ, is a god out there ?

    And trust me, I understand that, I'm just enjoying the ride.