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Posts posted by creature

  1. Sorry, I know the OP got it mixed up and this thread shouldn't even be here, but this piqued my interest:



    Is that so? How do you exactly abuse the humanity system in the mod to become a bandit in a hero skin? Note: I've never played the mod myself.

    Spam your buddies with bloodbags. Raises your humanity quite fast. There was a time the hero skins were instantly considered to be bandits..the skins simply don't work out.

  2. Closest thing to a police station in game? Dean thought it would be funny? Limited open buildings to spawn loot in? 


    I don't think there's a definitive reason other than that's the way Dean made it.

  3. Servers going offline is a risk for any game.


    My answer to your concern when I started playing the mod was to start up my own server so I didn't have to keep starting over when a server went offline for good. 


    What DBC meant about finding a "good server" is one with an established community that has been running servers for a while. Chances are VERY slim for those to disappear as opposed to all the "rent a server for a month and drop it without warning" guys that are out there.

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  4. What the trucks were doing is referred to as "The Malachi crunch". It's a term coined by the Malachi brothers during a demolition derby in the T.V. show Happy Days. This was where the two brothers would circle their victim (much like an Eagle stalking prey) before ramming him from both sides. Don't worry though, the Fonz made it out ok, much unlike yourself.


    The more you know...

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  5. Might I suggest saving up a bit more cash and waiting until the game is in further development?


    That's a mighty small budget for a gaming rig. (Depending on if you have anything to start with but still pretty low..)


    Also, a LOT of people aren't happy (I'm NOT one of them :D ) with the direction the game went recently not to mention all the bugs, crashes, lost characters, etc associated with an alpha. 
