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Everything posted by creature

  1. creature

    Day 1 down. a lot more to go

    Your character/equip. stays on most private servers. There are a few privates hives where you can move from one to the other. Official public servers you can go from one to the other with all your gear. If you select "hide unofficial" in commander, you'll see mostly only public servers.
  2. creature

    Much rage ensued.

    1. It's a mod OF a game. 2. It's the other players fault for trusting him and not keeping a careful eye on him. 3. There are no rules.
  3. creature

    No more 50 cals!

    IMO its because people aren't happy with what Rocket chose to leave in the mod. I look forward to the next patch. It'll push even more players to customized private servers. Not to mention that it seems any weapon that doesn't have a non optic version will also be removed from the mod. Bye bye m14 and dmr? At least that's how I interpret it.
  4. creature

    Non-Modded Servers?

    There are plenty of them. No players on them though.
  5. creature

    Help maps cant make markers. :/

    We're you set to vehicle channel?make sure your on side or direct and it should work. That's how it works on my server.
  6. creature

    iv never played this game before so how do i pay

    18. Make new post looking for someone to play DayZ with. 19. Get annoyed at all the server ads in your post. 20. Become KOS player.
  7. creature

    Wrongfully Banned from server

    See post #2.
  8. You can't eat it all at once and get full blood anymore. You have to wait and eat again. Rabbit is very worth hunting when playing alone.
  9. creature

    Taviana Custom buildings

    If you have the editor add ons in the correct folders on your pc and you use the launch parameters posted above, it WILL work. You must have something in the wrong place or you're putting the wrong launch parameters in. Tavi has nothing to do with it. Or... Maybe @Jon_EditorUpdate files were corrupted during download?
  10. creature

    Private Hive Administration For Dummies

    A wealth of information. Beans all around! :beans:
  11. What scripts are you looking to add? What map/mod?
  12. The same can be said for driving a Ural full speed into the ocean. I know this.
  13. creature

    Steam Achievements and Progressing Weapons

    epeen enhancements? No thanks.
  14. creature

    cheaters team [UllC]

    I hate to be the one to tell you this but, it probably wasn't a cheat. When you respawn into the server, your character shows up in game before you can see anything. That's most likely what happened in this case, unfortunate as it is. :\
  15. I dunno man. I've been with them since January and suffered a whopping 3hrs total downtime. This was 2 weeks ago. My server is also in DC.
  16. creature

    Adding AI for No0bs

    You need to edit battle eye scripts.txt line #82 froma 5 to a 1, and you'll be set.
  17. I added the SARGE_AI last week. It doesn't wipe your database. It's simply an add-on.
  18. I agree with the above. Been with them for 4months now and last night was the first time my server was down. Plus, the one and only email I had to send was answered within the hour, on a Saturday no less. Just avoid the irc. The forum is more helpful.
  19. creature

    Frames per secound

    Things to consider; Background programs, windows services, virtual memory size, cooling differences and operating temps/under load, last reboot, windows version/updates installed, speed of ram/mobo, power supply's power rating, GPU driver version, hard drive speed/type. See a trend? We're talking PC's here, not consoles. Everyone likes to point at cpu and gpu for fps but there are whole lot of other things to consider as well. Some on their own may not be noticable, but add a couple together...
  20. creature

    CL on Death

    They are worse than hackers sometimes. Don't even get me started on the cattle.
  21. creature

    Server mods?

    I'm not hostile towards vanilla servers. I even tried running one. Everyone claims to want vanilla but play on crazy decked out servers. Vanilla servers stay empty.
  22. creature

    Need help on DayZ server

    You can add the chopper and a few of the jets using the admin map and picking "custom". Here's a list of things that aren't "banned" in DayZ. Some vehicles won't spawn but I don't recall which ones. Also, any land vehicles will kick a player that tries to fire a mounted weapon unless you do some editing. The UH-1Y and A10 work for sure! http://opendayz.net/threads/unbanned-vehicle-list-by-arma2_oa_build_102678-ie-without-rmod.8277/ As for buildings, they can also be placed using the admin map but they won't face the direction you want and getting placement right is a pain with the map being slightly off. To do it right requires using the mission editor and inserting code into the database. If you just want a few barracks and things added, I could probably do the editor part tomorrow night and give you a simple "how to" on adding them to the database. I highly recommend learning to do it yourself though. It's really not that difficult and you'll be able to build custom bases if you so desire.
  23. creature

    Need help on DayZ server

    At that point, it's no longer helping. A little more information might help your cause. What server host? What are you looking to add? Which map? This is also most likely posted in the wrong area.
  24. Gotta give you props for this fix. Going prone on exiting the mi17 to avoid broken legs or death is getting tiresome. I'm not sure if you hear/read it often enough but, thank you for all the time and effort you're putting into the mod.