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Everything posted by creature

  1. creature


  2. Freebie for the day. "Please don't kill me!" is usually a pretty good example of a kos player, as I've experienced. They're usually afraid they'll be shot because thats how they play the game. This is fairly useless when encountering a "seasoned" player though.
  3. creature

    Possible upgrades for my 2yr old rig

    As has been stated, the fastest ram your mobo can take coupled with an SSD will net you the only real performance gains you'll see. A good SSD is priority IMO. Other than that, if you've got money burning a hole in your pocket, a higher resolution monitor is always a nice change!
  4. creature

    Just when you thought it was safe..

    What? No combat roll?
  5. creature

    Tents `

    The tents should stay period. After 7 of not accessing a tent, you lose "possession" of it where you can no longer pack and move it. I usually have to manually delete unused tents as they NEVER go away by themselves. Who is your server host? Some have options to clean up deployables, some are even in the DB.
  6. creature

    No tent or camp raiding rule

    So does removing the weapons that instill fear in anyone not carrying one, but they got removed anyway. :\
  7. creature

    Suggestion: Folding bicycle

    I like it. I always thought you should be able to put a bike in a car or truck. Use the vehicle to cross the map, pull out your bike to loot and pillage Berizino!
  8. creature

    No tent or camp raiding rule

    That's not easy to enforce unless you have someone watching everyone on the server 24/7. I could create a "safe zone" on my server if you're interested. Anyone entering the area would get teleported away. Unfortunately, it's usually pretty dead but I don't really advertise it. I should start. lol. Running Tavi right now with Sarge's AI, debug monitor, clear weather, added buildings, vehicles and a few hidden bases.
  9. creature

    One of those moments

    Fire! Fire! Heh! Heh!
  10. I guess the answer you're looking for here is, if it was that simple, it would've been done already.
  11. +3 for commander for reasons already stated.
  12. creature

    50's, L119, or none?

    Nice! Drive even more players to customized private servers! This is like the US government. Take away the things we're accustomed to just to appease a few loud mouths who think they know what's best for everyone. If you take all the guns out, no one will have to worry about being shot at all. Can't get more balanced than that eh?.
  13. creature

    50 cal crybabies

    You don't see many posts saying "make it so I can't carry 4 wheels across Chernarus" though. It's always things that are rare and people think are OP.
  14. creature

    50 cal crybabies

    The point is moot. The whiners and "it's not realistic" groups will get their way and any guns they feel should go, most likely will. I do find it funny how alot of the aformentioned like to play "military style" DayZ. Even most clans have ranks and such yet "we have to remove these OP guns!" "Oh, but leave us our heli's k!" :rolleyes:
  15. I don't play Origins but as far as Tavi goes, I like the smaller island. The tip by the race track. Past the trees and near the water amongst the Pine's and rocks. Most players don't usually walk or drive over there unless they have a chopper and buzz the coast lines. Of course, now that I said that, it's prolly not a good spot anymore.
  16. creature

    Framedrops when I move

    It sounds to me like it's probably server related. They may have played with the coding for the NPC's or something. If it just started, I doubt it's your pc. Also, I have AI on my server as well and I haven't had an issues nor has anyone reported any. (Except, when I doubled the numbers in groups of AI and set 100% chance for them to spawn. That wasn't good if any z's spawned anywhere on the server. lol)
  17. creature

    Road blocks?

    I think I read somewhere that he likes to do so by flying a huey upside down! He's crazy I tells ya!
  18. creature


    That depends on the server settings and if its set to respawn unused vehicles. I still had a Uaz stashed on the public hive for 7 weeks.
  19. creature


    Strange place for a nap.
  20. creature

    BattleEye refuses to update

    It's not a big problem at all. Go to battleye and manually download. Then, assuming you bought from Steam, go to your Steam/steamapps/common/arma 2 operation arrowhead/ expansions/battleye and paste the 2 files there overwriting the pre-existing ones. Done!
  21. creature

    New tweet from Rocket

    I support the above post.
  22. creature

    Houses, inspired by the origins mod.

    Pre existing enterable buildings already on the map. Some way to "claim and lock" one. Possibly allow multiple people to occupy same building. Only 1 claim allowed per player. Z's won't spawn in a certain radius once said player is at claimed building. Players not associated with said building will cause z's to spawn. Hey, a guy can dream right?
  23. creature

    dayz changing?

    More puncuation in DayZ.
  24. creature

    DayZ starters! Useful information here!

    That's a funny statement right there.
  25. creature

    Much rage ensued.

    Why, may I ask, are you in the bandit section? I have to assume you play on non-pvp servers with the admin statement. 1. He didn't hack. 2. There was no mention of non-pvp server. 3. I don't why I'm defending him as I don't play that way myself. I just feel his actions are part of the "game". If you feel different, I'd suggest staying away from the SA when it's released.