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Everything posted by creature

  1. creature

    Dayz standalone Full release Refund question.

    Either way, if $30 is a lot of money to said person, they need to reevaluate life choices. In such a situation, purchasing an unfinished video game isn't a good one.
  2. creature

    Dayz standalone Full release Refund question.

    Scum is going to die a quick death if they don't get their 3pp camera under control. It's not suppose to work like that in 1pp but it does. A LOT of people stopped playing due to that issue plus desync and lag. In 1pp players aren't suppose to disappear yet they do. SCUM has a LONG way to go to catch up and the map is boring to traverse. Size means fuck all if the map is boring. Pretty scenery isn't enough. Most of the better known streamers stopped playing it upon public release. That says a LOT right there. Then they shouldn't be buying EA games on Steam, right?
  3. creature

    Arcteryx LEAF as Tier 1 Military gear

    And I think the raincoat and fire gear are enough. For reasons and balance.
  4. creature

    .63 Combat System

    You've pretty much disqualified your argument by saying "most of the community" and 95% percent of players. Have you contacted every owner of the game? Do you realize most gamers don't hang out on reddit or forums in general?
  5. creature

    Training required

    There has been speculation of the possibility of a train in the future since the tracks run the whole perimeter of Chernarus+ now. If they do add one, I hope it requires parts and player control though. AI operated doesn't fit the game design imo. I doubt I'd ever get on it though. Sitting ducks. lol I'd be happy with bicycles.
  6. creature

    Make Mobility more REALISITIC to the map.

    IRL, put on a backpack containing 5-10lbs of weight of your choosing and a bottle of water. Strap a fire axe to your back. Put a full size can of Beanz™ in your 2 front pants pockets. Wear boots. Wear a coat with a teddy bear in one pocket and duct tape, a knife, and a gun cleaning kit in the other. Hat or helmet of your choice and carry a rifle. Now go for a run. After you do that, come back and we can discuss "realistic". You hit a lot of keys to say that you want to run to Tisy, get geared and shoot mofo's. I'm hoping for a much more brutal experience when the game is finished. The best time I ever had in DayZ was in the mod at a point where cans were scarce and zombies hit like Mike Tyson. .50cal 1km+ snipers were a thing. I'm pretty sure the average survival time was less than 10 minutes at that point. I miss that DayZ. You didn't dare run across an open field or on roads.
  7. There you go trying to shame other players again. Good luck with that. lol
  8. creature

    Is this even a game at this point?

    DayZ will never be a "game" by definition. There is no end and you cannot win. It's a sandbox environment. It can only ever be what you make of it.
  9. Triggered are the people crying about KOS in this game. We call them snowflakes. The fact that you came running to defend it, shows you fit the bill too. Good day.
  10. Right, because everyone should play how YOU want in a sandbox environment. While KOS isn't MY play style, I'm smart enough to know that a game with weapons and and no real punishment are what breeds it. This IS a griefers playground. Don't expect much of other players. Also, trying to "shame" people into playing how you want makes you look foolish and weak. "unimaginative simpletons"? So sad.
  11. creature

    Status Report - 5 June 2018

    Gotta admit, the changes to Chernarus excite me the most.
  12. creature

    0.63 Stresstest is shame

    Have you tried pubg? Sounds like that's the game you're looking for. This is DayZ, a survival game.
  13. creature

    Dayz need a buddy system

    This is not a hand holding game.
  14. creature

    Rain Coat

    Go to firehouse, get coat. Stay dry AND carry stuff. Raincoats are for armbands.
  15. creature

    Melee attack while sprinting

    Run full speed and try to swing a bat. Please film it too. I'm set for a good laugh. Also, maybe wait and see how melee works in the next iteration. From what I've seen so far, it's totally changed.
  16. creature

    Limiting direction change when sprinting

    Inertia will take care of this. It's planned and I can't wait to test it. Fast reload? Put your ammo in your hot bar.
  17. creature

    1pp to 1pp/3pp switch Server Option.

    You can do it on private servers now but you have to manually switch it at restarts. Not sure if it would be possible to have the server automatically switch every restart as that would require 2 startup scripts and it would have to know to alternate them. Dunno if that would be possible.
  18. creature

    Starting off with a full stomach

    Two words, survival game. I'm of the belief it's too easy atm. Chickens everywhere. Improvised knife. Apple trees. Too easy. Also, logging in at full health would allow everyone to run straight to Tisy or NW airfield. Not cool.
  19. creature

    Firestation upper floors are inaccessible

    Depending on what's in your hands, it seems you have to "sprint" to start going up the stairs sometimes. That always works though.
  20. creature

    New DayZ-related reactions

    All I need are beans! I'm easy like that, though.
  21. creature


    The screaming player as the zombie eats him was epic.
  22. creature

    Ways to properly understand weapon sway

    Even though it can be annoying, my only issue with weapon sway is that it punishes the "good guy" more than the "bad guy" in most situations. Otherwise, it's just a little bit more learning curve. Edit: Removed the mean bits.
  23. creature

    Best Ways To Get A Hero Skin?

    Yeah, I 'm pretty sure they added a fix to stop spamming bloodbags for humanity. You use to be able to bloodbag constantly to keep raising it but I'm sure you can see how that was exploited by bandits. Admin with datatbase access can change it in seconds if you want to try that route. Good luck convincing someone your NOT actually a bandit though. lol. If it were my server, I'd change it for you just for the possible lolz it could bring about later. ;)