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Everything posted by bobda

  1. My rig is about 5 years old and I'm looking to optimize my DayZ experience. These are my current specs: Mobo: Gigabyte H55 CPU:Intel i5 dual core 3.2GHz RAM:4Gigs DDR3 GPU: Radeon HD 5770 HD: 500GB 7200rpm I'm on a tight budget but I received a 100$ newegg gift certificate for Christmas and it's burning a hole in my pocket. My first thought was an SSD drive, but I'd like some additional input about what would make my rig better as I've been out of the loop hardware wise for quite some time. I'm not a brand whore (except maybe Crucial. I've been using their products since my first build in 2003) so amd/intel or Nvidia/ATI, it doesn't matter to me as long as the price/performance ratio is good. I'm not looking for the best out there, just an economical upgrade. All suggestions welcome and thanks in advance.
  2. That's a beastly CPU but alone that pushes the limits of my budget. I have to agree with you though, SSD should be lower on my list behind a new CPU/GPU. It seems no matter what I'll need to get a new motherboard as my current socket is obsolete.
  3. bobda

    How do you feel about melee combat?

    The combat is a little wonky, but once you get used to it it's not that bad. Only problem I have with melee is it seems you either have an axe or use your fists, everything in between is useless.
  4. bobda

    Battle for Solnichniy 20+ Players

    Awesome video man. Everyone else is freaking out while you're super chill, taking your time, and capping mofos when the opportunity presents itself. The friendly fire wasn't your fault. You asked who that was multiple times and I didn't hear a response until you already shot him.
  5. bobda

    Fists are overpowered

    Are fists over powered? No. Is every other melee weapon (excluding fireaxe) under powered? Yes.
  6. bobda

    Base Building - What would you like to see?

    Sandbags you could fill with a shovel would be nice.
  7. bobda

    Ruined Loot

  8. Well in the real world nobody who climbs ladders a lot uses the rungs with their hands. I was a painter for a while and had to carry all kinds of awkward/heavy things up ladders. Just grip a side with one hand and and slide it up as you ascend. It's really not that difficult, and you have constant 3-point contact with the ladder. I don't know why I just went into so much detail about ladder climbing.
  9. I should have worded it better, I think my sling suggestion was going overboard. Holsters are already in and it makes perfect sense to be able to equip faster when a gun is stored in one. The time it takes to drop a can of beans and pull out your pistol leaves me screaming at the screen most times. I'm just not sure how difficult this would be to implement for the programmers. I'm guessing the equipping time is set in stone and any changes to it will have to be done by starting from scratch... again.
  10. As it is I'm sure you can. The only problem is it takes an ungodly amount of time to put away your rifle, then take out a pistol. I feel this is going overboard but it would be cool if we could find different slings that could reduce the equip times for certain weapons. A 3-point sling for an M4 is pretty standard.
  11. bobda

    Clothing Ideas

    I'd love to see some non military vests. Only one row of inventory for smaller items. Fishing Vest Photography Vest
  12. This guys idea Harder sniping would make sniping itself more enjoyable, and cut down on the amount of long distance campers.
  13. Is there any footage of ARMA3 sniping out yet? Maybe some of this has already been implemented into the engine, and since DayZ will be a mix of ARMA2 and 3, it could be easily implemented, or is already being looked into.
  14. As long as console players would be on a totally different set of servers I couldn't care less. I cant even fathom how this could be ported to console without a severe "dumbing down" of the game. If anything it will hopefully get people hooked on DayZ, then they'll see how superior the PC version is and make the switch.
  15. Wholeheartedly agree with this suggestion. Only the ones with the patience and skill to learn the weapon system should be the ones able to effectively use it. It would not only stop a lot of the "I just died and have no idea why" but add another skill set for players to have. Just like now there's usually one guy in a group who always pilots the chopper, I'd love to see a "designated marksmen/sniper" type player fill a role in a group. I also see something like this making the "assault rifle" more valuable than it is now. Almost everybody drops their full auto for something with a long range scope. Most firefights under 200 meters look more like an American Revolution battle, than a modern day shootout.
  16. Great idea. Sounds for opening and closing doors too!
  17. Gotta get creative. milkshake frosted pound cakes were pretty good. And the beefaroni was almost currency at times. But yeah, MRE's would be an awesome addition to the game. Maybe on par with cooked meat food and blood wise?
  18. bobda

    Standoff at Krasnotsav Control Tower

    Awesome job. Goes to show that gear doesn't matter in the end. +Rep for being in first person the whole time. Gives the video a much better feel.
  19. bobda

    team survival as a separate mode

    On a serious note, the whole premise of this mod is the tension that is built from player interaction. Take away the tension, and this mod would an extremely boring zombie shoot em up. I'm pretty sure there is a single player version floating around somewhere, why don't you give that a try?
  20. bobda

    Declaring playstyle by clothes

    And every bean war bandit would choose the PVE skin. Just wait for them to put in lootable skins, it's supposed to be soon.
  21. bobda

    Ammo pack / bandolier

    The 12 slots in your inventory is the loadbearing/vest you are carying alredy.(Just be happy they dident use the medic as a templet fore the survivors they have 8slot inventory :P) Yeah pretty much this. You have plenty of room as it is. Main gear slots represent the vest/pouches, secondary is your belt, and then you have a backpack. This is already a huge loadout. Not to mention you can store any extra supplies in a tent. One of the big elements in the game is gear management. Should I drop these beans for another mag, or keep the beans and hope I don't get into a firefight? If any kind of new "pack" item should be added in, it should be something like a buttpack that replaces your secondary weapon slot and allows main gun ammo to be stored there. There's really no reason to be a ninja running around with 2 main weapons, 8+ mags for both of them, a pistol with 8+ mags, food, water med supplies, and still be able to carry firewood/vehicle parts. You have to sacrifice room if you want to do something other than shoot stuff. With more content getting added all the time this is just going to make managing your loadout an even bigger part of the game. Soon tents and other ways to store supplies will be needed if you want to fix vehicles or do other item heavy tasks. And I look forward to this.
  22. bobda

    MERGED: Everything about DOGS

  23. I know you guys have been looking for ways to get some money flowing without donations, but I think this is taking it too far.
  24. There's just so many threads about changing the winchester, but the search function showed none about outright replacing it. In one of the nerf/balance threads, rocket mentioned this
  25. bobda

    TOP 5 Things that should be Tweaked.

    Your idea with the zombies speed vs your speed wouldn't work in my opinion. The problem with the zoombies (lol) is not their speed. They suffer the same problem you pointed out with the "running and shooting" idea. They sprint right up to you, then come to a complete stop, then attack. If your running away you easily get out of their range during their stop to attack routine. I think having a system to run and shoot would make the players, and zombies, more dangerous. Of course a CoD like system (running and shooting with the accuracy of a proned sniper) wouldn't fit into this game at all. Your gun would be shot "from the hip" taking away any accuracy, as your not aiming down the barrel. It would be realistic however to be able to shoot something that is 2 feet in front of you while running. Maybe not 100% every time, but a pretty good chance of landing the shot. But this should be represented on both ends. The zombies should be swinging wildly while running, not hitting you every time, and even have the chance of hitting other zombies that have joined the chase.