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Everything posted by bobda

  1. bobda

    Player Placeable Camp Structures

    These idea's are all pretty awesome, but at the same time look like they'd take ALOT of work to get them put into the game. If this is possible, just the idea of building your own community is getting me excited. I love the idea of blueprints + materials. It makes it so that realistically only people with vehicles could gather the materials (as having a bunch of 2x4's in your pack doesnt really make sense), making it difficult to pull off so that every noob in game isnt making little "forts" on the outskirts of every town.
  2. No' date=' it's not, because it's a game. It will always have certain limitations that keep it from being completely realistic, and it's not unreasonable to have certain features in place that counterbalance these limitations. The bandit system was far from perfect, but it was better to have [i']something like it rather than have zero incentive to not wantonly murder, because that's not realistic either. Do you even know what this mod is about? Just go ahead and search rockets posts to get an idea. Heres something to start with.
  3. bobda

    Red Bull (Energy Drink)

    Just ask the guys that did the powerthirst youtube vids if you can use their name.
  4. So many complaints. I for one can hardly contain my excitement in my pants. I've been killed by more survivors than bandits, and the only thing the bandit skin did was make me shoot them on sight. And I bet some of those I shot without question had no intentions of doing me any harm anyway. Now everyone will be on a level playing field. On top of this it will make identifying your friends on a no nametag server so much easier. To the devs, you have to remember, the smallest percent is usually the loudest. For every person on here providing you with delicious tears, I bet theres three more silently hiding their boners from this game that keeps getting better and better.
  5. Very good suggestion. Having melee be close to useless is the only way I'd want to see it implemented. I know melee will be hard to implement, and there is much more important things that need to be done first, but for the finished product I'd like to see something like this added in. Who knows, maybe ARMA III will include some sort of melee, making this much easier for mods.
  6. bobda

    Suggestion: Weapons spawning everywhere.

    You can find weapons in places other than the airfields. I've found mp5sd's in cherno, and m9sd's in the middle of the woods in a deer stand. So... your suggestion is kind of already in the game. As for the HMMV's, just think of it as the soldiers shot all of their rounds then used the rifles as clubs until they died, so no weapons.
  7. bobda

    Make rain automatically fill water bottle.

    Looking FAR into the future I think it'd be cool to have say, 55 gallon drums that could be filled with water and kept at camps as refill stations. This is of course low priority, and the ability to construct camps should be 100% done before something like this would get added.
  8. bobda


    I'm new to arma so after a few frustrating deaths in DayZ I decided to play through some single player (which is pretty awesome). One thing I noticed right away was a character running in front of me with a camelbak strapped to the back of his molle vest. It got me thinking of the possibility of having this incorporated into the mod. It would be a very useful item to have, either as a pack replacement, or a new item to go into the "gear" section with the toolbox, map ect. Even if it was a regular item like water canteens, but take up more slots, with say one more use than having just canteens would. Say two slots taken up, but you can drink from it three times, and refill same as canteens. Having a new pack altogether based off of camelbaks existing designs would be cool as well. Something like have it hold as much as a czech pack, but hold 2 or 3 uses of water would make it a a nice mid range gear option. I know camelbaks are pretty much standard now in the US military, and I've done many humps with one attached under my pack. It is an extremely useful tool, and when put under, or attached to your pack it saves room that canteens would have taken up. Seems like it would fit into this mod very well if found in military equipment spots.
  9. bobda

    Empty Cans/ Bottles useful?

    You can throw them to distract zombies. They really come in handy every once in a while.
  10. bobda

    Why DayZ is extremely FUN

    What Futhermucker said. As I said in my earlier post this is just an Alpha and I'm already having a blast and haven't been bored in my two weeks of playing. There is only more content to come. The addition of creatable objects (sandbags, tank traps, wire fence) only hints at the possibilities of where the devs can take this. I've already seen people fortify area's for themselves using what has already been added. And I'm not talking blocking off a doorway with wire, I mean I've seen small perimeter fences set up around the north east airfield containing tents, vehicles, and a fireplace in the middle. It really made me feel like I was intruding into someones home. Right now it's just obstacles that hinder movement, but when you can build your own cover with sandbags, block roads with tank traps, and make movement to your base difficult with barbed wire, I can totally see some high profile bases being set up, adding another dynamic to this game. Right now as the game currently is I could see myself enjoying it for at least a few months. No matter what you do, the experience is always different. With bugs being fixed and content being added all the time, it just raises my interest, and keeps me here even longer.
  11. bobda

    Why DayZ is extremely FUN

    I haven't played a game that got my heart pumping this much since Ultima Online back in 98-99 before they nerfed it, taking out pk's to make it carebear friendly. That feeling when you turn a corner or go in a building and come face to face with another survivor. I'm not even a bandit, but I love the fact that they are around. I love having to be on my toes at every second. It really draws you into the game. You don't want to ever let your guard down, because 9 times out of 10 when you die, it's because of something stupid you did. The freedom of this game is amazing. You can literally do whatever you want. The implementation of wire fences and sandbags just open up so many more doors. Make your own hideouts. Player's taking over spots around the map and making them their own. Tents to store your items in. And the updates! I've already been through around 3 updates and I really respect the fact that so much is being done. Sure there's bumps on the road, but that's expected for an alpha. The fact that they get worked on so quickly is awesome. You can just tell that the devs are trying hard to please the players, fix the game breaking bugs, fix the mundane bugs, add content, tweak things... just so much going on at once! Sure it'll take a while to get everything done, but the road to release has been extremely fun so far! I haven't even played an online PC game in a long looong time...until I heard about this mod. I had given up on gaming after the regurgitated games that have been released and re released for the past 10 or so years. I really hope publishers take notice. This game is filling a niche that has been empty for years.
  12. On the topic of melee weapons I have only one thing I'd absolutely love to see... BAYONETS! The enfield looks like it should already have a bayonet at the end of it. Having the animation take a long ass time to successfully attack with a melee would be realistic. Dead island you could swing and swing like your a god of war, and they even had a stamina system. One thing I do not want to ever see in DayZ is people charging a large group of zeds with only a melee and coming out on top. A slow but effective melee would be useful in dire situations but to time consuming to use over and over again. Taking out a hoard only to empty all your ammo when there's only 1 or 2 zombies left is the worst feeling ever. A last ditch option would be awesome.
  13. bobda

    1.5.7 update

    The new zombie sounds are terrifying. Huge improvement.
  14. bobda

    Ammunition Change.

    I really wish they'd just remove the winchester or tweak it somehow to make it hold less rounds. I mean, when you find it, it usually has 2 pouches of shells with it, holding 30 shells. Finding more is fairly easy. Compared to the enfield and cz you can hold 3 times the amount of ammo with the same space, which makes little sense when you compare the size of 5 rifle rounds to 15 12 gauge shells. Switching it to a carbine would make sense. A lever action carbine would fire faster than the bolt actions, be much quieter, and hold more rounds. Adding a 20 gauge in it's place would also work. Then make the 12 gauge interchangeable between the 870 and the 1014, like the stanag and ak mags are interchangeable. Make the 12 gauge more powerful than the 20 would make the current higher end shotguns more valuable. Because right now the 870 and 1014 are pretty much useless. Of course there's bigger fish to fry right now. But sometime in the future when more items are being added in I hope they address this issue.
  15. ^^ This works, however it still isn't being launched as a steam game. As in it isn't showing me as in game on steam, and I cant use any of the steam features, such as screenshots and the overlay.
  16. jordNZ you must be right, my version still says 1.60.8xxxx and not 1.60.9xxxx. Back to the drawing board.
  17. jordNZ, thats exactly what I was getting. Try what I used in my above post and see if it works for you too.
  18. Don't know if this will help anyone else out, but this is what I used to launch the mod and the patch through steam. "-mod=Expansion\beta;@dayz" -nosplash Don't know where everyone else is getting expansion\beta\expansion\beta\expansion... like 7 different loops of expansion and beta? I havent been able to test out if direct chat works yet, but in the main menu screen of arma it does say Beta and DayZ so i'm assuming I did it right.
  19. bobda


    I would think walking zombies would be waaay to easy, and the only way to make them on par is to add more. Which would make more lag. The only thing I would change about the running zombies is their zig zag sprints. I almost never shoot one sprinting at me until he hits me at least once, cause he just shoots right out of my sight and hits me first.
  20. bobda

    The Dinner Bell.

    I'd say the Lee Einfield because you tend to take closer range shots with that than the CZ.
  21. bobda

    A discussion about factions

    So in a nutshell, new skins and a faction chat? I like the skins... not so much the faction chat. In my opinion once direct chat gets fixed they should turn off every other chat. Only exception being if they ever introduce some sort of communication system (radios, walkie talkies, ect). That way if your hiding innawoods and a group of your opposing faction stroll by you could hear what they were saying, making the experience pretty realistic. Of course this wont stop teamspeak or other 3rd party programs from being used, but it will at least bring the mod a little closer to realism.
  22. bobda

    very small Centre for Disease Control faction

    What's stopping people from doing this now? I'm sure it could be done without getting free handouts. Something like this would actually be pretty fun to do once you've got all high end gear and nothing else to do. Seems the only difference would be no unique skins for the "Government Officials". But if they ever implement a system where you can choose your own skins there's really nothing stopping people from doing this type of scenario on their own without any nudge from the mod itself. I think this is what the devs ultimately want. People making up their own factions with their own plots, objectives, and back stories. And you already seem to have got those down, so I ask again... What's stopping you from doing this now?
  23. bobda

    I only have ARMA II

    Everything you need