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About cheebusal

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. cheebusal

    Will DayZ standalone..

    Me too. I've played ArmA 3 for about 40 minutes. I just don't like the movement nearly as much.
  2. Not saying you should be rewarded, but that is what the whole game revolves around.
  3. cheebusal

    Flesh Inc. Private Hive Looking for Players

    Hey rocksdead, does this mean I lost my character?
  4. cheebusal

    Flesh Inc. Private Hive Looking for Players

    Truly the most badass server you can get. As fun as the YouTube video looks, it still doesn't show some of the amazing stuff that's in the server. I have only played on this server for almost two months, and I'm loving every second. The admin is super nice as well. This is Cody, by the way!
  5. This is by far the best server I have ever played on. It has tons of military vehicles, many customs buildings and bases (huge fucking bases), military camps and outlets, great spawning loot, and a very friendly community. There are many server events as well. Absolutely amazing server and look forward to playing on it every single day.
  6. cheebusal

    How Many Days Have You Survived?

    How? The game hasn't even been out that long.
  7. I have been using my monitor with my new gaming computer since about September. Recently, I unplugged the monitor from my computer for the first time since I first connected them. Now, when I connect the two together, my monitor will not display anything but a monitor status that says, "VGA - not connected. HDMI - not connected." Then, it shows some recommended settings it should be on. I have tried connecting the monitor with a VGA cable and a HDMI cable. If you need any more information, please ask me. Please help me out! Thanks.
  8. cheebusal

    Consider the new patch PRACTISE

    I hate the idea of zombies running inside. Unless they fix the zombies' little sporadic, buggy ass zig zag shit, running inside could be horrible.
  9. cheebusal

    Epeen Monitor

    Cool, thanks. I've been using a my Mac laptop for a few years now, and when I got my new gaming PC, it was like a new world all over again. Still not familiar with every key or program on windows, yet.
  10. Damn, these posts don't sound good. I'm definitely aching to play as soon as I can, but I am a little worried about it now.
  11. Hey guys, I haven't been able to play DayZ since the new patch, so I was just wondering what exactly is different about the zombies? I have heard a lot of people say they don't like the new zombies. I have read the patch information about what all is different, but I want to get some personal opinions on the new zombies. Thanks!
  12. cheebusal

    Epeen Monitor

    Call me crazy, but what is Scroll Lock?
  13. cheebusal

    What Happened On Your FIRST DAY Of DayZ?

    I spawned right in front of a man with a gun, he looked at me, and shot me.