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About parmi

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. parmi

    Admin banned from AU #500

    There's no popular aussie ones apart from that one :(
  2. parmi

    Admin banned from AU #500

    Yeah, it sucks. I only just got this game is this is the only good server :/
  3. Yesterday (26/11/12) I was admin banned from AU #500 for some reason. I'm pretty new to this game only just bought it a few days ago and then bam! Banned from a good server that I don't lag on. Anyways this is what happened: I was in a bus with a guy who was either kidnapping me or driving me to Elektro. It was then ambushed and he was killed so I decided to give my first bus ride a go. After driving to a town and just messing around in this bus a helicopter comes and shoots me but i'm still living and I try to drive off. I manage to escape but as I am driving up the road the helicopter is landing so I go to try and hit it with the bus (bad idea.) Anyways, as I drive off i'm getting bullets fired at me blah blah and I escape so I keep driving with my headlights off. Suddenly, I get a huge lagspike and then I appear to be on a roof in a city so I get out of the bus to see whats going on. I thought it was the admin being mean to a noob, he started throwing flares everywhere and then a helicopter flies down from the sky and is sitting right above me. A guy hops out and then i'm banned straight away with no questions asked :( Please help, au #500 admins... -Crimzon