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Everything posted by Callump01

  1. Hey guys, For the past two days now I've been getting "BattlEye: SetVariable Value Restriction #20" whenever I try to join a DayZ server. I can get to the lobby fine, I hit "OK" to actually play, I get as far as "Waiting for character to create." (and I can see the chat/talk in the chat at this point) but then all of a sudden it switches to the green "Loading" text in the middle of the screen and is stuck there until I quit. I only know I'm getting this kick error because I've asked my friends to tell me the error it's displaying and they've told me that it's "BattlEye: SetVariable Value Restriction #20". A little research has led me to believe it's related to character clothing, but I don't think that's possible because I've had the same Camo Clothes for around five days now. I've tried reinstalling BattlEye, I've tried updating DayZ, I've tried updating ARMA to the latest beta patch, still nothing. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance! PS: All versions of my game can be viewed at http://puu.sh/1uCKA/...d9c4bcbe3076cda It's out of date because I play "Namalsk" servers with friends and not many servers support the latest versions yet, I'm on exactly the same versions as them and they can get in fine.