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Everything posted by raryin

  1. AU44 Pognog - DayZ Epoch Napf AU44 is a brand new, fresh database Epoch Napf server hosted in Sydney, Australia. Welcoming all respectful players from Oceania and abounds. We are aiming to keep the Epoch experience as raw as possible - we're not catering for people who like it easy. The first 20 players (or teams) to come and join us on the server will receive a starter crate filled with goodies! -FEATURES- -Epoch & Napf Island 1.0 -Single Currency storage (No Global Banking) -Advanced Trading -Plot pole & door management -Group Management -Snap Pro + Vectors + Precise Building -EVR Storms NEW -Custom AI Missions -Custom map locations -Deploy Bike & Deploy Droid -R3F Tow/Lift Epoch edition -SERVER INFORMATION- IP Address: TS3: tssyd1.vilayer.com:10015 Website: Pognog.net/epoch We hope to see you on AU44 soon! Here's a link to our trailer.
  2. Hey everyone, Here are a number of suggestions that I have for the DayZ standalone. I am aware that many of these changes may have been considered / implemented by the DayZ team already but I will put them here just in case. -UPGRADED RADIOS- MOVED TO SEPARATE THREAD: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/117561-advanced-radios/ Essentially radios could be looted from military areas such as crashed heli sites, barracks, firestations (rarely) etc. You can select a "channel" between 001 and 999 via the radio. There would be a new chat channel called "Radio" to go with Direct, Side etc. Any typed or voiced messages you send over "Radio" channel will be broadcasted to anyone who is on the same numbered channel. Eg You and your clan use radio channel 617 to communicate. This adds the extra risk of other players / clans finding your used channel and listening to your comms. *OPTIONAL: Radios are only usable when within a certain distance of a radio / comms tower. *OPTIONAL: Radios require batteries. -DEFIBRILLATORS- They work as upgraded Epipens and can be looted from hospitals, medical tents and heli-crash sites. They have unlimited uses as opposed to a regular Epipen which is consumed upon use. *OPTIONAL: Requires batteries to use. -MAP MARKERS ATTACHED TO MAP- A feature where map markers are "drawn" on each individual map when the holder creates them. This would allow players to give maps with markings on them to their allies or to steal maps off their enemies and check their markers. -CAR UPGRADES- I am fairly sure these have been included in the standalone already but just in case, here are a few ideas: *Tyre treads (lootable & attachable, increased grip for car) *Snow plow (I believe this has been fitted to a URAL already?) *Tinted windows (lootable, work same as windscreen glass but darker) *Car radio (Yes this is more or less useless but why not add some smooth tunes to your Sunday drive up to Zelenogorsk) *GPS ("Install" your inventory GPS into a vehicle so it can sit on the dash) *Camo netting (Only when the vehicle isn't moving) *Car locks (see below) -CAR LOCKS- Yes I am aware that locking cars would ruin the game. However a simple system where cars (only "cars" so motorbikes and helicopters are discounted) spawn locked and can be locked / unlocked by the driver. A player can only enter a car after smashing at least 1 window, or if there are already windows broken. This could also come with optional car alarms which can be looted and installed in a vehicle and can be enabled / disabled by the driver (attracts zombies). -INCREASED VARIETY OF MELEE WEAPONS- Makes sense that this is already considered by the DayZ team, but some options are: *Baseball / Cricket bats *Golf clubs *Swords / katanas *Batons (minimal damage, maximum knockout) *Chainsaw (Errrr maybe not) -WEAPON ATTACHMENTS- As weapons are becoming "entities" in the standalone, here are some attachment ideas. (Note as most mod makers / map makers are removing the high grade military gear, these attachments are relatively primative) *Flashlights *Supressors *Hunting Knife (Bayonet?) *Alternate scopes / viewfinders Naturally these attachments would only be available for certain weapons. That's all for now, if I have any further suggestions I will attach them here. Please let me know what you all think :thumbsup:
  3. AU44 Pognog - DayZ Epochigins Brand new server hosted in Sydney, Australia Mature Admins Fresh database High framerate, no lag Features: Map: DayZ Taviana (Origins 1.7.9 edition) DayZ Epoch + DayZ Origins 1.7.9 Origins Vehicles (including Submarine, Flying Fortress) Origins Building System (WIP) Sector B with AI Roaming AI helicopters Enhanced Origins spawn selection AI Missions Single Currency & Banking Vehicle Service Points Plot Pole Management Snap Building Pro Trader City protection No Weight Tow / Lift Self-Bloodbag Take Clothes IP Address: TeamSpeak: pognog.zapto.org:10015 Website: http://pognoggaming.com/epochigins We hope to see you on the server!
  4. Before we begin, I'd just like to mention that I had no idea what to search for to see if this idea was already suggested somewhere so apologies if it's a repeat. In other news, let's get right in to my idea: DAYZ: ANIMAL INSTINCTS Similarly to DayZ Origins, you have a choice of character upon spawning, but this time it is a little different: Human OR Beast. Currently with the limitations of the Arma 2 Engine and whatnot the only viable option for beast is Dog, so I'll use that as my example. Human features: -Typical DayZ survivor -Significantly less military weapons and vehicles available -New weapons such as Tranquilisers available -Traps available - Can render medical assistance to allied beasts - Can feed / give drink to allied beasts Animal features: -Animals roam the world in packs (using dog as example) -Player-controlled animals appear with a collar around their neck -Can hunt small / passive animals for food (boars, pigs, cows etc) -Can scout for allied humans -Can track prey for allied humans -Can recover killed game for allied humans -Can bark / howl to scare off other animals or to attract attention -Can lick wounds / sleep to slowly recover blood -Can enter back seat of vehicles (only ride - no driver seat / gun seats) Ideally this mod would be set in a different map to Chernarus. Map features: -Seasonal changes (affects which animals spawn) -Caves scattered throughout the map -Much larger than Chernarus -Addition of jungles -Climbable trees -Animal-friendly vehicles (only for smaller beasts) Now obviously dogs are not the only animals that can be found in the wild, so having other beasts such as tigers, bears, hawks, leopards and mammoths would add a great deal of detail into the game and could all bring their individual strengths. Eg Hawks can fly and scout.
  5. raryin

    DayZ Animal Instincts mod CONCEPT

    Being turned into a zombie as a dog would be interesting........
  6. raryin

    DayZ Animal Instincts mod CONCEPT

    Perhaps it is random, then? Eg you have a low percentage chance of turning into a dog when you spawn. Alternatively it could be based on "reincarnation"....for example you have to seek out and kill a wild dog as a human, then upon death you respawn as a dog.
  7. raryin

    DayZ Animal Instincts mod CONCEPT

    What does everyone think? Good idea or is it too different from current DayZ to work well?
  8. raryin

    DayZ Animal Instincts mod CONCEPT

    Sadly, no. I would definitely be willing but my experience and knowledge in development of any kind is very limited and I wouldn't be able to accomplish this idea in it's entirety. Perhaps in the future I will look into it but for now it will have to remain a concept. I don't think it would be particularly difficult to enable player-controller dogs - would it not just be a player with a dog skin and adjusted attacks and interaction options (like inability to pick up items, doing "human" tasks etc) Has this not already been done with the player-controlled zombies in DayZ Epoch?
  9. raryin

    DayZ Animal Instincts mod CONCEPT

    It's a suggestion for a separate mod; it's my personal belief that vanilla DayZ should remain as simple as possible.
  10. Hey everyone, I'm hosting a desktop server for DayZ Mercenary. It's hosted in Melbourne, Australia. Looking for players to come on and play around to test the stability of the server! IP: OR pognog.zapto.org Port: 2302 Name: AU44 DayZ Mercenary | Chernarus | Private Hive | [1.4.5/103718] | www.pognog.webs.com We've also got a Raidcall server: ID 6035438
  11. raryin

    Advanced Radios

    Hi everyone, I have a simple idea for "radios" in the DayZ standalone. Radios are a lootable item found in military areas such as crashed heli sites, barracks and firestations (rarely). These radios are an equipment item. You can select a "channel" on the radio between 001 and 999. Any typed or voiced messages you send through the radio will be broadcasted to anyone who is on the same channel. For example, you and a few friends might use channel 617 to communicate with eachother. This adds the extra risk of other players / clans finding your used channel and listening to your comms. Radios would be a more appropriate alternative to "side" channel. *OPTIONAL: Car Radio is a lootable item that can be installed in your vehicle to have the same effect as a regular radio. *OPTIONAL: Radios are only usable when within a certain distance of a radio / comms tower. The closer you are, the cleaner the radio signal. *OPTIONAL: Radios require batteries. Tell me what you guys think! -Raryin
  12. Hey everyone, I want to create a custom "command" for use on my server. Basically I want any player on the server to be able to call a list of information whenever they choose. Whether this is through a command ("#list") or a clickable button is not relevant but I would like information to be displayed on the screen in some fashion. Is this at all possible? Or is it beyond DayZ to be able to do this? Cheers, Raryin
  13. Hello, I'm interested in adding currency to my DayZ server to serve as a means of trading between players. I know money has already been implemented in ArmA such as in "Life" or "Wasteland" servers. Does anyone know of a way I can add this to my DayZ Server? Otherwise I will be forced to create my own unit of currency out of in-game materials, which is far less convenient than actual paper money. Cheers, Raryin
  14. Well seeing as how you all seem to disapprove, this is the currency system I've thought up for my server: -UNIT OF CURRENCY (iu)- The Industrial Unit (iu) is a unit of currency used in the server. It is represented by industrial repair items. Each inventory slot that an item takes up represents 1iu. ACCEPTED ITEMS: Wire Fencing Kit 1iu Sandbag 1iu Tank Trap 1iu Windscreen Glass 2iu Scrap Metal 3iu Fueltank Parts 4iu Car Wheel 6iu Engine Parts 6iu Main Rotor 6iu Each purchasable item has a set price in iu, such as: -Everyday Goods- Canned Food - 1iu Canned Drink - 1iu Raw meat - 2iu Water bottle - 2iu Cooked meat - 3iu -Medical Goods- Morphine - 3iu Blood Bag - 3iu Epipen - 3iu Bandage - 1iu Heatpack - 1iu Painkillers - 1iu Antibiotics - 24iu and so on and so forth
  15. Hey everyone, I host a private hive server from my computer and have a small clan going. I like to test out my clan members by changing my in-game name to a random name and pretending that I am an enemy player. Then I can shoot at them, try and befriend them etc and see what they do. However, recently they have discovered that my ping / ms will always be extremely low (0 to 3 usually) and so they know it is me. Has anyone got any suggestions as to how I might "mask" my in-game ping, or trick them in another way? And I would rather play from home so going somewhere else is out of the question. Thanks in advance, Raryin
  16. raryin

    Hide my in-game ping

    Okay I did not understand the vast majority of that so it may be a bit difficult for me to implement that in this situation but I will do some research into what you spoke about....thanks
  17. raryin

    Hide my in-game ping

    I do know them quite well but there are not many people that play on this server so they do not get much competition in terms of gunfights. I can provide them with this but they won't shoot me if they know it's me! Also, playing with Youtube open will lag everyone on the server, not just me.
  18. raryin

    DayZ Standalone Suggestions

    I'm moving the radio idea to a separate thread to see if it can get some more attention.
  19. The "client download" link appears to be offline for me. Intended?
  20. raryin

    How to spawn custom vehicles

    My apologies, missed a rather important step. After opening PBO View and navigating to your Addons folder, select "dayz_anim.pbo" and then the config.cpp file will be displayed. I think with a Bliss database the table is vehicle_data or something along the lines. Just search through your tables until you find one that has a long list of records with vehicle classnames and inventories etc.
  21. raryin

    How to spawn custom vehicles

    Not entirely true. I have managed to add an Apache to my private hive server and other players can see it. (NO RMOD) However I tried to add a Chinook and an MV22 and although I could see them, no other players could not. Here's what I did: 1. Open your Serversettings.cfg and set "verifySignatures" to 0. 2. Download PBO View: http://www.armaholic...age.php?id=1434 3. Run PBO View. Hit CTRL + O or click Open and navigate to your ArmA2OA directory. Open the folder correlating to your current DayZ map (eg @dayz for Chernarus, @DayZLingor etc). Select "dayz_anim.pbo". 4. You should now see dog (folder), zmb (folder), config.cpp and speeds.txt. 5. Press CTRL + A or click Extract all and create a temporary folder anywhere (eg desktop). 6. Navigate to your temporary folder and edit "config.cpp" with your favourite text editing program (Notepad++ works great). 7. Press CTRL + F and search for the CLASS NAME of your desired vehicle. Classnames can be found here: http://www.armatechs...5165f/index.php 8. Your desired vehicle should be in a line such as this: "class Mi17_CDF: Banned {};". 9. Comment the line by typing // before the line, eg "//class Mi17_CDF: Banned {};". It is recommended you don't delete the line in case you want to revert it later. 10. Now close config.cpp and in PBO View click pack and navigate to your temporary folder. Select this folder to pack and a new "pbo" file will be created in the same location as your temporary folder. 11. Rename your old "dayz_anim.pbo" file to "dayz_anim_old.pbo" or something similar before copying your new .pbo into the @whatever folder. 12. Now that you have unbanned your vehicle you now have to add it to the database. For this you will need a tool such as MySQL Workbench or Navicat. 13. Connect to your database via your preferred tool. 14. Edit the "object_data" table. 15. Scroll to the bottom and create a new row. 16. In the first field (object ID) type the next number in the list (eg if the previous was 15, type 16). 17. In object UID type any random sequence of numbers. 18. Under "instance" put the same instance value as the other objects. 19. For classname copy in the "codename" you found before, eg "Mi17_CDF". 20. Under damage, input how much damage you would like the vehicle to have sustained (0 = no damage, 1 = destroyed) 21. Enter "0" for character ID. 22. Worldspace is the coordinates you want your vehicle to be created at. There are multiple ways to do this. You can either move your character to the location and find his Worldspace coordinates in the character_data table, or you can create a tent at the location and find its Worldspace in object_data. Then simply copy this Worldspace into your new vehicle object. 23. For inventory type [] to indicate the vehicle is empty. 24. For hitpoints enter []. 25. Enter a value for fuel (0 = empty, 1 = fuel) 26. Under datestamp just enter the date and time (closest you can get) to now. Follow the structure of the dates above in object_data. 27. Restart your server and your vehicle should be at the desired location! *Note to repair your vehicle you may have to re-edit the database as it can't be repaired like normal vehicles. Hope it works for you, let me know if you need any help.
  22. raryin

    DayZ Standalone Suggestions

    Yeah I'm pretty sure they are leaning towards a "less-military" world so submarines somewhat go the other way on that one...
  23. raryin

    DayZ Standalone Suggestions

    And Morphine fixes broken bones. I don't think it's too far fetched to have a defibrillator used to revive an unconscious player, do you? There's realism and then there's realism.
  24. raryin

    DayZ Standalone Suggestions

    Both ! Like I mentioned with the GPS, attaching your equipment to the car would be great (attach your GPS and radio to the car's dashboard) or a separate item "car radio" that you can attach.