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About Escoban

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Escoban

    Make the snipers in barracks a bit more common?

    The CZ550 is pretty common. I've come across it numerous times now. The other snipers are a bit rarer. I've checked all airfields and most other military buildings numerous times and so far I havent come across any sniper. It might just be bad luck, but it can get quite tedious. But hey, who said a zombie apocalypse would be a series of events devoid of dissapointment? That's right, no one.
  2. Escoban

    Sent back to server list on connect.

    The Battleeye fix is not the holy grail of fixes. Plent of people who I have talked to had this issue with Battle eye properly intalled.
  3. Escoban

    Nevermind, fixed.

    Could you have not removed all of your posts? I dont know what the problem was but it could be useful for others to read your posts.
  4. Escoban

    Always crash back to server browser

    I have the latest version and I installed battle-eye and I have the exact same issue. EDIT: Just tried again and this time I got in. So it might have something to do with certain servers.