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About CaptJawz

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    On the Coast
  1. CaptJawz

    Bring DayZ to console aswell!

    I can see why you think that DayZ should be brought to the game console (X-box 360/PS3) because of how well the game is going on the pc. Even thought it's still on Alpha and the game is going on standalone, the developers of Arma 2 would get more money if they add it to the game console. Alot of people play the game meaning that the game is a big hit, so why not bring it to a whole another level. Like for example, for the control's of Dayz for the ps3 it could go something like this: Arrow key up= zoom, Arrow key down= unzoom, Arrow key left= lean to the left, Arrow key Right= lean to the right, L1= Aim down the sights, L2= forward through gear, clicking down on L3 & just L3= walking/sprinting, R1= shoot/throw grenade R2= back through gear, R3 & clicking on R3= look around/change to 3rd person, X= valt/jump/click on gear, triangle= change weapons, O= crouch/prone, Square & Hold Square= Reload/look at gear at the ground, Select= Gear. ......One thing that is wrong with adding the binoculars, night vision, and all the other stuff that is optional is that there is not enough buttons to work it out, so for this to work you would have to just click on it by access your gear and pressing X on it. This is very skeptical because this means a lot of things could go wrong while your in a difficult situation like using the range finder to find out how far that bandit/player is. So, should it go to the game consoles, my opinion is sure why not you just need to know if people are going to buy the game. CaptJawz