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Posts posted by hrdrok

  1. Unfortunately that is not how the CLE works. I have witnessed more than once that loot respawned on the fly next to me.

    How am I so sure about that? Last time this happened I went to a water pump which had a lot of soda on and next to it. Of course I drank these soda's before beginning to drink at the well. While drinking from my bottle which I filled at the well I saw a jacket or shirt spawn right next to the well.



    DanicaHamlin (nascar fun much lol) described spawning as it was in the Mod. You had a loot bubble. Once inside everything spawned. Once you left it disappeared. This was easily taken advantage of. Wonder if they are trying to use a hybrid of the loot bubble to help with performance + CLE.


    Perhaps when you were at the well someone snuck up behind you and dropped the shirt!?

  2. Yeah - the items getting stuck in hands bug is a real nasty one. We're trying to get a solid repro now.


    When you guys do quick iterations to experimental. Do you guys slip in small update stuff along with fixes, or just try and fix the current bug?

  3. Zombies...

    I hate to rant on about something everyone (including devs) knows is so messed up. But the FrIkIn game is DayZ. Z for friggin sakes!

    Let me list the ways Zombies need to be improved... (some in works)

    1. Return of the dinner bell. (Not necessarily the Lee Enfield). Dinner bell is when you shoot a gun and here comes any zombies within earshot.

    2. Number of zombies. Just need more.

    3. Navmesh issues. Can we please get them to stop hitting us thru objects or running thru doors?

    4. More zombies...

    5. Variable zombie AI. Some smart, some fast, some both, and some neither.

    6. Allow zombies to slow us down by "grabbing" us.

    I could probably go on, but yalls get the picture.

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  4. Before this thread comes to a close, I have an observation to make:



    Holy hell have we had a lot of discussion!  :o



    Each major release usually sees ~100 pages total of discussion during Experimental, and here we are on page 181! Chit-chat aside, all this sharing of our experiences and the bugs we've encountered can only mean good things for the development process. Pat yourselves on the back, ladies and gentlemen.


    Was noticing that myself today. I haven't chatted in an experimental thread in a LONG time. Just had stuff to talk about. Perhaps the improvements and additions into the game are getting people more into the game. I think/hope so. Well done experimenters of .58

  5. I sure hope they wipe on a push to Stable.  I looked back and every one of my stable toons (I play on 4 private hives and then have both stable characters - but .57 was so easy, I added 2 more private guys) is smershed, and hunting packed,and boot knifed, and rifle scoped, etc. 


    If there's no wipe, my first .58 Stable action is gonna have to be a header off a tall building.


    Agreed on .57 being easy. I am ready for the challenge the mod used to pose.

    • Like 2

  6. So is making a fireplace bugged at the moment?

    Was chopping firewood and all logs disappeared when I dropped the long stick from my shoulder which always jumps there when chopping.

    Second attempt I was able to put a log in my inventory but when I made a fireplace it disappeared into the ground.

    Getting crucial because my toon is shaking and I also can't wring out my clothes anymore (also not when I take them off)


    Sounds like lag/desync. Does this just happen on one server? Or have you tried another?

  7. That was pretty much fixed in the last build. Any time you see loot floating now, it's probably an improperly configured loot spawn point. The blocker they were referring to was items getting stuck in the air whenever you would swap two items. They fixed floating animals as well, I believe.


    Chernarus school last night had floating clothing above the building. May have been improper spawn points. Not sure if there is a way to tell.


    0.58.128928 is up :)



    EDIT: potentially two new fixes via the feedback tracker:


    [General] Amount of lime used for tanning
    [Characters] Cannot equip items in hands after climbing a ladder with an item in hands.



    Hopefully we see fixes for the currently blocker, floating loot. Keep your eyes peeled for floaties.

  9. Yes , as said earlier. Make players have to think super hard about taking a shot at someone, just for kicks. If there was the threat of a zombie horde making a b line toward them i think it would change the whole game.

    It would have to be a life or death need to have to shoot another player


    Absolutely agree with this. It seem they are currently working on this to some extent. New gunshot sounds and added increase to shot volume. The dinner bell days need to return for sure.

  10. Holy crap Necro!


    Alright guys n gals I made a small update to this post. Each section has a small Update at the bottom to indicate what is being done in each section. If I missed anything please post so I can add it. I am pretty happy so far with changes. Still a ways to go. And as always any suggestions are welcomed, as part of Early Access is to try and help mold the direction of this game. I will update OP if any awesome, new ideas crop up.


    Anyone seeing things get better? Worse? 





    P.S. Hopefully next time I necro this post, I can just delete it all and say "Mission Accomplished". 

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