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Everything posted by hrdrok

  1. Same here. My FPS are pretty much the same as previous patches (guys need to wait on new rendering engine for this to get better). But switching weapons, moving indoors, crouching, and general melee combat just seems a little bit smoother for me. Hard to really say this particular patch made the difference, but it's just gotten better.
  2. hrdrok

    lol rocket

    lol no way
  3. hrdrok

    Dayz SA- Stalked - Cinematic

    Can be done in the editing stage with just 1 person.
  4. Experimental servers have shown back up. But passwords... Maybe this is a sign they will be opened back up soon.
  5. hrdrok

    Dayz SA- Stalked - Cinematic

    Ending was good. The point leading up to it needs more though. Need to make it like they are chasing you or something.
  6. hrdrok

    Huge FPS Issues ~ Despite high spec?

    While Dayz doesn't utilize dual gfx cards, a single 7770 should still give him more than 7 frames per second. My old 4850 gave me 25 frames in woods and 15-20 in towns. That things was like 6 years old... Most likely a power saving options turned on the CPU. What temp is your CPU running at? A common effect of overheating CPU's is terrible performance.
  7. hrdrok

    Existential Crisis!

    I can second this. Don't kill yourself, will save you a possibly long run back...
  8. Bad timing for me to start experimental :P Looking forward to the 64-bit update the most. Hopefully it allows for more zombies, and better respawning.
  9. hrdrok

    Trading 32,000 SKS Rounds

    Unless they use yellow protector cases and vests...
  10. hrdrok

    Butch & Bambi | New House | DayZ Standalone.

    Good video. Really enjoyed it.
  11. hrdrok

    Pistol + Prone = Bug ?

    Did you set up your account as stated in the sticky? http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/154048-bug-reports/
  12. hrdrok

    Pistol + Prone = Bug ?

    http://feedback.dayzgame.com/my_view_page.php Take a screenshot and post it here.
  13. I don't think they intend to have vehicles save across servers. That way people don't hoard vehicles from other servers.
  14. hrdrok

    Kickass PC setup and weird performance

    This game will never run decent frames compared to others. All arma games suffer from the same problem and still have terrible frames in comparison to AAA titles. Don't let all the fanboys try and give you reasons, it's engine based problems. Expect similar performance, perhaps worst as they add more and more stuff. But the game is fun as hell and worth the FPS problem imo. I hope they figure it out someday, but it hasn't happen yet.
  15. hrdrok

    Pistols, I love them

    Ya I like the pistols as well. They are inaccurate after 15-20 meters (at best), but I get enjoyment out of killing zombies/players with them.
  16. hrdrok

    Red dot missing in optics

    Having the exact same issue. When it's attached to gun it won't turn on. Have verified working batteries with the pistol flashlight.
  17. hrdrok

    Thanks for the new Discussion area!

    Yup this is good. Will help the devs as well when shuffling through the forums.
  18. hrdrok

    SSD smashing the fps in cities

    You need 6 gb for ramdisk.
  19. hrdrok

    SSD smashing the fps in cities

    I have ran it through RAM disk. Worked well but only really smoothed out the stutters. No real increase in FPS. And RAM is much faster than a SSD. So I can't image getting a SSD being worth the money for this game. Save it for a CPU.
  20. hrdrok

    Soooo about Hardcore

    My clann just switched our server over to hardcore. I must say I am quickly beginning to like it more. And on top of that our server is filling much faster.
  21. Needs to be scary! Just made a post about making it more scary lol...
  22. hrdrok

    [Discovery] Cave Hunters Volume 4

    Actually really liked your cave hunters episodes. Short, sweet, and no extra fluff. I felt like it was like watching HGTV lol
  23. Not opposed to making them harder at all. Just their numbers are a priority in my mind. You can buff them pretty easy with more health and faster movement.