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Posts posted by repzaj1234

  1. 5 hours ago, kopo79 said:

    yeah,i may someday try this.
    i think that there is still room for few hardcore servers.
    but really dont like any killfeeds and sidechats in server.

    OK....tested that server and infected count was good but really not fan of the srat gear with guns and apples and stuff.
    also,not sure if lucky but three guns in 10 minutes testing is too much for me.

    Yeah, I drop all the starting gear when I start a character. The thing with guns is, you can't just go shooting it everywhere cause you'll get swarmed. I think the amount of guns/ammo is balanced out by the sheer amount of infected. The infected will also tank 3+ body shots so you'll really have to aim for the head.

    Agree with killfeed, doesn't make sense for a PvE server. But sidechat is bearable for me. If there's only 8 people in the server and survival is very difficult it would be better to easily team up with other people. I would prefer something like what DUG has done, where radios reach up to 8 kilometers away so survivors can just use radios for comms.

    EDIT: you should provide feedback to the server owner, he's very open to it.

    • Beans 1

  2. If anyone here is still looking, Ozbime is a pretty intense PvE server. Zeds are plenty and they hit HARD. Probably 50% less hits to knock you out. This is balanced out by common weaponry and ammo. Food and drink are reduced but still manageable. Cars spawn with just 1-3 things missing so your top priority get supplies and transpo. My only gripe right now is that melee weapons need a damage boost. Meleeing 2-3 zeds fucks you up.

    Server tops out at 10 people currently which is actually plenty for PvE servers. The admin is pretty responsive here as well https://old.reddit.com/r/DayZServers/comments/c2kvv5/ozbime_1pp_hardcore_pve_zombies_build_guns_cars/

    • Beans 1

  3. UPDATE: For any server owners using this, I've finally cracked why the additional spawn points weren't triggering properly. The game just flat out doesn't like it when 2 spawn points of the same type are close to each other.

    The google drive link has been updated, please update your zombie_territories file with the contents. Happy zombie killing!

    • Thanks 1

  4. No problem man. Not sure if you've already done this but you'll need to tweak events.xml to allow spawn points to trigger within a 50M radius of each other

    Events.xml tweaks:

    Refer to this guide (https://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/9mr7fm/infected_spawn_research_server_files/) for what the parameters do. Under event name=InfectedCity, InfectedArmy and InfectedVillage you will have to change <distanceradius> to 0.1. This allows spawn points to be placed next to each other and actually spawn. You can also up nominal to 70 if server performance allows it.

    Did you notice a drop in server performance? How many players do you have on your server? Care to link it here as well, I want to see it in action on something beside my LAN server 😛

    • Thanks 1

  5. Server owners will now be able to customize animal and infected spawns on the fly on the DayZ Server Exp\mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\env folder.

    With that being said, I am releasing my completely revamped zombie_territories.xml file to the community.

    What was wrong with the default config:

    • Spawn points in the middle of nowhere, remote places with only a couple houses spawning 7-13 zombies. (A huge waste of server resources)
    • The different types of infected (InfectedIndustrial, InfectedPolice, InfectedMedic, InfectedReligious, InfectedFirefighter) all had copied and pasted spawn values. They all spawn the same amount of infected regardless of location. The hospital in Cherno spawns the same amount of InfectedMedics as a small clinic in a remote village. Cherno Police Station spawns the same amount of InfectedPolice as a tiny village police station. There was no thought given to it and again a LOT of server resources are getting wasted.
    • A lot of spawn points were just straight up not in the right location. Their coordinates were off, or they were placed to the side (Explains why you see a lot of infected wandering in the fields instead of the actual villages/towns)
    • Almost 80% of villages and small towns have no spawn variety and spawn the same number of infected (7-13). Again, regardless of location.
    • The default config is spawning infected in a HUGE radius (100+ meter radius). This is why we don't see infected in dense numbers. They're always too far spread out with already little numbers spawning.

    What is different with my config:

    • I have hand combed through EVERY spawn point and adjusted their values up/down corresponding to their location, adjusted their spawn radiuses, gave them better placement.
    • Spawn points now have their location commented on them.
    • You will see a reduction in the InfectedVillage, InfectedIndustrial, InfectedSolitude zombie types. Basically slightly less infected in villages, small towns, industrial areas and one-off hermit houses. These areas are low risk = low reward.
    • The extra infected I have saved have been relocated to major cities, high traffic areas and end-game military camps. Cities appear more infested and military areas are actually dangerous and feel like end-game areas. You will have to sneak, distract or plain old wait for the infected to clear in some areas. If you fire a gun be prepared to fight incoming hordes or get the hell out. High risk = high reward.
    • Slightly lowered spawn radiuses so zombie count would appear more dense.
    • Tweaked almost every spawn point's coordinates for better placement.
    • Added a higher variability to certain spawn points so that every trip to a location feels different. (ie, a spawn point will dynamically spawn anywhere from 3-12 infected). A location won't always be infested or empty.
    • This was made with server stability in mind. There should be minimal impact to server performance as I merely optimized numbers that did not make sense and relocated the spawns. I did not blindly increase numbers and spam new spawn points.
    • Added a few entirely new spawn points placed in once barren locations the devs never bothered with.
    • For comparison, here is my config. And this is B.I.'s default config. I suggest opening it with Notepad++
    • And some photos of course.

    My main gripe with the game was how little zombies actually impacted the game or influenced your gameplay. This changes all of that and makes the game an actual zombie survival game. The devs have given us the tools to handle them in the last few patches, zombie dispersion upon losing visual, 1 hit sneak attacks, melee attacks using firearms and most recently, throwing to distract infected. Now go and actually utilize them! 🙂

    Any server owners that want to try it once EXP hits stable just copy and paste the contents of my config into zombie_territories.xml within DayZ Server Exp\mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\env. If you don't like it, just paste back the default config and restart your server. Please let me know of any bugs, issues or performance impact this brings as I have only been able to test it on my LAN server. You might have to up "ZombieMaxCount" in globals.xml if you are not seeing spawns. I highly suggest following DUG's steps and nerfing zombie drop rate to discourage zed farming.

    Events.xml tweaks
    Refer to this guide (https://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/9mr7fm/infected_spawn_research_server_files/) for what the parameters do. Under event name=InfectedCity, InfectedArmy, InfectedSolitude, InfectedIndustrial and InfectedVillage you will have to change <distanceradius> to 0.1. This allows spawn points to trigger close to each other.

    If anyone wants to customize it to their liking, it's very easy but it takes TIME. This took me hours of combing through every spawn point


    Minimum zombie spawn = smin + dmin

    Maximum zombie spawn = smax + dmax

    X and Z are the map coordinates. (You can paste them on IZurvive)

    R is the radius (in meters) of where they can spawn.

    Locations are commented on the side.

    smin/smax = static amount of zombies, they will always spawn even if a player isn't near. Better to keep these low.

    dmin/max = dynamic amount of zombies, these will spawn based on player proximity to the area, gunshots and other possible factors.

    Shoutout to Sumrak for making this happen! This was inspired by his Namalsk Status update showing off infected density

    • Thanks 6
    • Beans 2

  6. Quote

    Fixed: AI could teleport, visually appear where it was not positioned or be positioned at roofs (T139728)

    This is huge. They can properly reduce the spawn radius of infected now. The default config is spawning very few numbers of infected (5-13) in a HUGE radius (100+ meter radius). This is why we don't see infected in dense numbers. They're always too far spread out with already little numbers. I've been dabbling with the spawn config for a while and infected spawning on roofs was one issue I've noticed when I toned down a spawn point's radius to something like 50 meters.

    And honestly, they've given us multiple tools in the last few patches to properly handle infected.

    - Dispersion when they lose sight of the player

    - 1 hit sneak attacks

    - Melee attacks with guns

    - Throwing to distract infected

    All we need now is actually dangerous infected or numbers/density that can actually influence your gameplay. They have no influence on gameplay at all. Biggest city in the game? Yeah I can sprint right through it. End-game military camp? All I have to worry about are other players. We never have to sneak around or actually throw something to distract them cause they don't pose enough of a threat right now.

    Please fix the zombie spawn config next patch please! or at least run it on experimental to have a feel of the server performance impact. I've already handed Sumrak a pretty polished zombie spawn config file.

  7. 7 hours ago, Guy Smiley said:

    The servers can handle more "infected"  I run more than triple the number on my server when I choose to turn it on.  The servers can't handle more infected with sky towers built everywhere, a bazillion gunz thrown in, 100 cars ready to go and food galore everywhere.

    Edit:  Just to add.  I also don't manually restart my server every 4 hours.  It runs for days until I shut it down.  Nothing ever disappears and server fps is always good

    Full servers can't handle it. 60 players, a private hive that is home to multiple faction bases and additional zombies do not play well. I believe DUG has been trying to add more infected but the additional AI just fucks with server performance.

    A server with maybe 20-40 people, maybe.

  8. https://streamable.com/005dh

    One can only dream of this being in vanilla. Tbh all they need to do is rework the .xml file that contains all the spawns. If servers can't handle additional zombies just diversify spawn points and relocate zombies. Some remote villages and smallish towns have way too much zombies, those spawn points can be reduced and the spawns relocated to major cities, end-game military areas, basically any high traffic area.

    Also see this thread: 


  9. On 6/5/2019 at 5:30 AM, TAMW said:

    Questions for devs:

    Can you shed some light on what is planned for the health system and loot economy?

    -Will temprature ever become a factor again? Are we going to have to make a fire to warm/dry up when we are wet and cold, or will it stay like it is now where we just step inside a house and immediately get warm and dry?

    -Will blood ever become a factor again? Like before where we lose a percentage when getting shot in addition to bleeding. I have yet to had the use for a saline/blood bag since 0.63.

    -Will healing time ever become a factor again? We heal fully from blinking red health and blood in about 10 minutes, we STILL literally don't have to give a fuck about getting hurt because of this.

    -Will we ever have to actually hunt and scavenge for food to survive? Or is hardcore survival just stumbling over cans of food in basically every house? Same goes for weapons, ammo and top grade gear like helmets, nvg, plate carriers etc. It's way to easy to find. When we get half across the map we are DROPPING excess ammo and guns for heavens sake.


    I haven't felt like I've played a hardcore survival game ever since 0.63 dropped. Loot has no value because of how common everything is, our health is of no concern because of how fast we heal up.


    You also added the ability to attach chemlights to every backpack (which is fantastic), but the personal night light is still in. So next to no one is using flashlights (because there is no need with the night light), and still half the server leaves during night time. Can you please just remove this garbage night light feature?


    I really hope you can give these things some thought, because the dayz experience is so dull and dumbed down now.

    We have one (1) server to choose from that feels remotely like dayz should, and that is dayz underground. We actually have to join a modded server to experience dayz, when it should be the other way around; join the modded servers if you want 5x loot, food everywhere and the works.

    Sorting by player count on the launcher is depressing as hell. https://imgur.com/a/DUeCqia Just a bunch of servers with more guns! 3x loot! trader! map in your pocket!

    There is a huge divide in the playerbase with how the game is played. Literally night and day. Unfortunately we are the minority and of course the devs will cater to the majority. Sad truth about life.

    • Beans 2

  10. 10 hours ago, dirrly said:

    I don't agree. It's easy to manage not get hit by the zombies most of the time. And if they hit you, they ruin your clothing and bags. And that's ok in my mind. Fighting a zombie should be a threat to your items and to your health. Don't get hit or avoid combat against zombies and you are fine. 

    In my mind (sorry) this sounds more like "I found that badass [insert item] and I don't want to lose it again." But care for your items and search for items is the core of this game. For me it's fine. Something is ruined, well i have to search for another. :-)


    I would agree with this if the melee system and zombie behaviour isn't so janky. Zombies run past you while a light attack makes you move forward. Often times you find zombies behind you wacking away. I hope the melee system we have now is a placeholder cause it's just awful.

    The easy way is to just block their initial attack and spam left click on their head with a knife. They go down before they can even attack you, but doing this same thing hundreds of times without getting a scratch on me just feels like an exploit and is a boring left click spam fest.

  11. Quote

    Really, if we want this type of immersion (sure) then we need to be able to craft/set up secure bases . . . from raw materials. And an axe or knife that doesnt get ruined so fast. Be able to build a small shelter from the trees surrounding with an axe or knife. dig some storage in the ground. Camouflage both with fast growing bushes that you can plant around it, and secure  .. . somehow. none of this looking for nails and plank spawn points, miles from wherever you might want to set up. Some of us run alone  . . . . . .  (ok, mostly)

    Agree with this. I can't understand why they would implement a bury-able wooden box that can fit endgame weapons over an above ground makeshift tent. 2 months from now there will be a LOT more people saying where are the M4s? AKs? They're all gonna be buried in one of these wooden containers while the global limit for the weapon is reached. Above ground storage has a more natural "cleaning" process with player raids. A well placed underground stash will most likely never be found. I can see makeshift tents adding stress to server performance though, they will add up easy and more persistent items on a server always equals to worse performance but it's the same thing with these wooden crates.

    Also I feel like item degradation is way too fast across the board. Silencers get ruined way too quickly. Clothes get ruined way too quickly. Bags get ruined way too quickly. You gotta understand that melee combat is the main way of eliminating infected. It is a chore to constantly use sewing kits, duct tape, leather sewing kits etc. It's not fun and neither is it challenging.

    • Beans 1

  12. 2 hours ago, liquidcactus said:

     What about infections ? Do they even work yet ? I tried to wash my hands on a hardcore server but it didnt work ? There was no text option ? Then i drank from a pump with bloody hands now i seem to have a disease. Does it even matter ?

    Infections are in the game but they lack depth and progression. They also lack harshness. It's okay for players to die in a survival game, the next life the player will be more wary of what he drinks and learns from it. I would take that over this current hand-holding feel that the game has.

    Infections should get nastier as time goes by. Fever sets in as the infection gets worse. You get hungry and thirsty faster as your temperature rises. Accompanied with a slow health drain. This will actually influence the player's decisions. Instead of making the trip further in-land, he has to stick to the coast to find medicine.

  13. 8 hours ago, Kirov (DayZ) said:

    So it wasn't the usual 'we're working on the new engine' story? One of my beloved features was deleted because DayZ players are a bunch of immature shitheads? FFS, people. Sometimes it strikes me how little I share with 'the average DayZ player'. But then again, maybe that's what makes Chernarus a good story.

    Anyway, cutting the notes is like banning cars to curb drunk driving. If DayZ was at any moment close to what it says on the box (I mean the 'gritty survival' part), the problem would have never been there in the first place. I bet diamonds against nuts that stupid notes just won't happen on survival-heavy servers.

    Not entirely sure man, just stuff I read from Reddit. Take it with a grain of salt.

    I read something that the notes were bleeding into other servers and having all sorts of bugs when they were taken away from the game.

    • Beans 1

  14. 1 hour ago, FunkInYourTrunk said:

    fishing and craftable bows.  I'd trade all the guns for fishing and bows.  I miss the days of setting up a tent and barrel beside a lake, getting crops and a fire going, making leather clothes and fishing for hours on end.  loved the whole never enter a city style gameplay (cept to get the tent of corse)

    Not if you can craft an improvised tent from pelts 😉


    4 hours ago, Kirov (DayZ) said:

    2. Animal behaviour, hunting – I tried to follow various herds to watch their behavioural patterns, I really did. But the truth is, they are little more than placeholders or the animals you see in Minecraft. I repeat this statement every couple of months: I vividly remember when in 2015 we were promised a separate team just to emulate authentic hunting – complex herd behaviour, following tracks, blood stains etc. Nobody even addresses that anymore. It’s great to see a variety of animals (re)introduced – pigs, sheep and goats. But they only differ in textures, sounds, detection ranges and runaway distances. If you watch closely an attacking pack of wolves (just aggro them and run away to Debug Plains, they can’t leave the map so you can take a longer look at them in peace), you will notice how half-assed and papier-mache they really are. 


    And I don’t agree that domestic animals should run away from humans – why should they be afraid? But if you kill one of them, they should really make a run. Currently, cows run away for like 100 metres and go back, while the goats scatter for only 10-20 metres! Few vertebrates are that stupid.


    Eeek, I haven't observed animal AI as extensively as you but damn do they need more polishing. I just don't like that you can run up to a goat, sheep, pig, cow or whatever and melee it to death and have enough meat to run to the end of the map and back. They can at least make them a bit wary where they don't completely run away but try to keep their distance from you and if you sprint up to them they get spooked and actually run away. I can see how much scripting has to be made for that.



    Persistent notes – this may not sound that obvious, but would actually be crucial to my PVE lone-wolf gameplay. I roam a lot and I’ve found dozens of bases, all over the map but especially along the Western and Northern bands. I rarely take anything as I rarely need anything, but sometimes I leave a steak or some other “gift”. It would be so interesting to leave a note and offer some kind of trade, like an abundant supply of food for some rare scope, something along these lines. Arrange a meeting at their place and come with full hands. Or leave a map with directions to the pub at 020 078 and meet them there. It would bring a lot of colour to the somewhat dull, “I explored all the new content and quickly got bored again” DayZ solo PvE experience.


    I'm the same as you man. I feel like there isn't enough things that remind you other players are there. You rarely see a player corpse on the ground because they despawn too quick. You rarely see zombies dead on the ground to give away that another player is nearby because they despawn within 5 minutes. Notes definitely bring more life into the seemingly empty game. I've heard on Reddit that they took them out because of all the trolling/toxic shit players would write in them. That's a weak excuse imo, toxic people will still find ways of being toxic, they'll just do it over VOIP.


    5. Massive tweaks to CLE – do I need to say more? As long as ammo and canned food is abundant, survival-focused gameplay is only for dumb players like me who fail to see how fascinating pew-pew is.

    I've always envisioned DayZ with dangerous and numerous infected + common civilian guns/ammo + rare military grade weapons + scarce necessities. Trying to fend off numerous infected with a single shot bolt action hunting rifle, or a pump shotty, or a 7 round pistol would be challenging and doable. The PVP skirmishes that would happen between players wielding only civilian weapons would be more drawn out as well because of the quality of their weapons.

    • Beans 1

  15. There's a whole chunk of the playerbase that shares the same mindset as you, we're just a lot smaller than the other. The DayZ playerbase is pretty divided in how they play the game. These are the two biggest chunks in my opinion:

    - Do you want a fast-paced, action-packed PvP focused experience without exerting much effort? There is no shortage of servers with 80-120 player slots with high loot, more guns, no stamina and traders.


    - Do you want a modded but true to vanilla DayZ survival experience with roleplaying mixed in? You can probably count the number of these in the palm of your hand.

  16. I've taken a hiatus from DayZ because of the lack of survival elements currently in the game. In the current build all the necessities are easy to come by, people can fend for themselves easily and don't need to rely on anybody for anything be it for food, water, medicine, companionship. There should be a reason to help people and a reason for people to need help. This upcoming survival focused patch got my hopes up.... but what can we realistically expect from it? Here is what I think can be worked on from easiest to ''wishlist''

    Tweaks to existing features:

    - Balancing of food stats, specifically nerfing their thirst satiation values. Certain food (powdered milk, cereal) should not quench thirst or even provide a penalty to thirst.

    - Food/drink needs to be more scarce in the loot economy. There is currently an abundance of food in the loot economy as well as how much infected drop. There are 5 main ways of finding food. Loot spawns, hunting animals, farming infected, growing your own food and scavenging for fruits/mushrooms. Right now, you can live just by looting and farming infected. People rarely have to hunt for their food.

    - On the topic of hunting, animal detection needs to be increased. Right now you can run up to chickens, sheep, goats and punch em to death and be good on food for a long time (especially because you can eat raw meat without major consequences). Animals should be wary and keeping their distance way before you can sprint right up to them.

    - Further tweaking of health/blood regeneration. It seriously needs more than a third reduction. There's no need to think and make decisions beforehand about what you are going to do or if you could you even survive the situation you are getting yourself into if you get badly wounded.

    - Zombie spawns could use a re-work/diversification. Particularly, in high traffic areas like military areas (NWAF, Stary, Tisy, Zeleno) or the major cities (Cherno, Elektro, Berezino). I would not mind only seeing 1 or 2 zombies in a remote village at all, why not relocate some of those spawns to these high traffic areas if server performance can't handle additional spawns? Military areas are endgame areas and they should feel like it. They should require some sort of preparation before going in. The only threat right now are other players, military areas should still present some sort of threat even if there's no other player there. It'd bring a new dynamic to PvP encounters there too. Imagine wounding a player and letting zombies finish the job or completely getting overrun while in a firefight with other players. Or as a fresh spawn on a coastal city, carelessly firing a gun and not knowing there's a shit load of infected nearby. I think it could enhance the starting and endgame experience. I've looked into the .xml file that contains all the infected spawns, it looks like they just copied and pasted minimum = 7, maximum = 13 infected spawns for almost every spawn point. Mix it up a little bit, add higher variance to some spawn points (like minimum=1, maximum=18) it would make the game less predictable and routine for long time players.


    Post .63 features that require re-integration to the new engine: (Honestly, if just one of these get re-integrated I'd be a happy camper)

    - Fractures, broken bones and a medical system that actually gives use to blood bags/saline bags. Since 1.0 I've never had to give/receive a blood transfusion at all.

    - Complex, deadly diseases and specific medication for them.

    - Dynamic weather and a temperature system linked to weather that actually influences gameplay. I'd love to have heavy rain + thunderstorms back.



    - Infected being able to ram closed doors (with a reasonable delay). It's very easy to shake off zombies with buildings right now. Especially with the newly introduced "zombie dispersion" when they lose sight of you. Get chased by multiple zombies, go into a building, close the door and wait for them to disperse or find another door in the back. Imagine blindly going into a building with only one way out with a ton of zombies chasing after you that can ram through doors. Do you unload your precious ammo? Do you risk pushing them back with your gun and making a break for it? Do you risk the jump from the 2nd story? Do you radio for help? Do you just slash your throat?

    - Throwing (I'd like to throw an empty can to distract nearby infected)

    - Notes. I need my immursion.

    - Fishing

    - Bears. Beets. Battlestar Galactica.


    Anyways, I'm cautiously optimistic about this upcoming patch and a huge chunk of the community is as well. We've been clamoring about it for a while now.

    EDIT: Just thought of new things and what others have chimed in with:

    Immersion/Quality of Life improvements:

    - A better introduction to a new game/new life. Black screen, the sound of the ocean. A visual effect on regaining consciousness plays. You spawn in flat on your face, washed up on the beach. Your clothes are all damaged. That's how you start off a survival game.

    - Increase the amount of hits it takes from infected for clothing/gear to get damaged. I'd say 90% of all my infected kills are from melee, this is where realism doesn't really translate into challenging gameplay. It's just a pain in the ass constantly keeping your whole outfit repaired. And if equipment takes time to get ruined you can now add an actual penalty for wearing ruined clothes. A chance for a random item within the ruined clothing to drop every X amount of minutes? For ruined armor, strip away their protection stats?

    - Lower the footstep and door opening sound effects. Immersion killer when you loudly close a door with infected right next to it and it doesn't react. (Best case scenario: have sliders for the different sounds)

    - Hunger rate. Honestly, the time it takes to die of hunger can be long. It feels much more natural to slowly die from hunger over the course of a few hours of gameplay than having to constantly stuff your face every 20-30 minutes because your hunger bar tells you to. The amount of food just needs to have a drastic decrease. Canned goods need to be a rare again, they need to be taken out of the zombie drops loot table. Fruit and mushroom spawns could be rarer.


    - Zombie spawns around heli crash sites. Enough to be a challenge (8-12?)

    • Like 1
    • Beans 4

  17. 3 hours ago, g4borg said:

    you can easily adjust that in the mission file in types.xml, by setting the values to "0" where you do not want them to be counted in the totals.

    i have removed that on my server a long time ago, i am sure others have aswell, as it kinda does not work well in a single server economy. because turning it up will only result in people hoarding more of them, and them disappearing again

    to be honest i am myself very skeptical about that feature. 


    I wouldn't be too keen with removing caps for certain items except if they become extremely rare. Don't want everybody and their mom running around with sniper rifles and NVGs and stuff.

    Do you know if the most popular gun mods implement global limits on their guns?
