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Posts posted by repzaj1234

  1. Quote

    PC PLAYERS: We setup an Experimental Server running #Livonia for testing purposes. DayZ Livonia - SWE 2-8 (Performance Test) You will spawn with a randomly geared character on the northern part of the map, where the number of infected was increased. Jump in and try it now!

    Was the infected count increased further? I jumped in and tried Livonia on Saturday-Sunday and there were noticeably more infected in Livonia's starting towns compared to Chernarus. 

    It's great that the devs are monitoring performance with more infected and high player counts. The base game could really use the increase in infected. Hopefully, 1.06 brings this danger to Chernarus.

    • Like 2

  2. Might have discovered a bug that allowed me to hear my killer talk long after I died. Pretty hilarious hearing them get inconvenienced though.


    Anyway, that marks the end of my Livonia experience. Is it worth a buy? Sure, just depends on the price. One thing that definitely stood out was the survival aspect of Livonia. The scarcity of food and clean water made for some interesting situations. (I'm not sure if the scarcity was just because of the influx of freshies). And the most important thing for me was the zombies. Their numbers actually affect gameplay now. If anyone's visited the prison I somehow got chased by 30+ zombies there. Got into multiple firefights that got overrun by zombies too. Imo, zombies are almost there. Their vision needs a slight buff, their aggro scream should attract a bigger area, the melee combat clunkiness vs infected needs to be smoothened out (Engaging in melee is like 90% of PvZ situations, please improve it), gunshots should attract zombies from a wider area. And of course the usual zombie climbing AI improvement and ability to break doors. This game can be pretty fun when PvE/surviving is somewhat challenging. 


    It's been refreshing having to worry about resources and sickness and weather and infected over the weekend... Not just other players. (A lot of balancing needs to be done but it's a good start). Hopefully Chernarus' weather, zombies and resources get harsher too. 

  3. I appreciate more weather diversity but hypothermia onsets too fast from the rain. Raincoats and other rain protective clothing do not work too so that just makes it worse. I like survival and think that it's supposed to be the main focus for DayZ but not like this. Players are coming up with ridiculous ways like sprinting while having cooked meat in their clothes lol at least make heatpacks more common civilian loot or make the raincoat a "vest" slot item and actually give rain/wetness protection.

    On another note, whoever designed the zombie spawns file did a hell of a job. Zombies are dense and dangerous in military areas. It's sad hearing about performance issues on full servers though, cause we already know zombie spawns will be the first to get reduced 😞 sigh. Sucks cause moments like this are almost non existent in Chernarus. (Although when I saw this random guy, I was already dying of hunger cause I couldn't open my canned spaghetti with anything fml, I had to run to this guy and ask if he had a knife).

    Lots of changes that are under the radar like new zombie models and sounds. Also, in 1 day of playing I've experienced more weathers than a hundred hours in Chernarus lol Overall, I like the theme of Livonia. Guns are common which means gunshots and firefights are common, zombies are plenty and actually a threat, food is scarce as hell and clean water is hard to find. So far, I like that trio. It's pretty action packed.

    The obvious bugs just need to be crushed. Hypothermia, sickness from water sources just need a little more balancing. The zombie spawner needs to be fixed as well, I came across a few zombies stuck inside buildings or roofs or on props on the ground. I think they're being spawned there and get stuck.

    • Beans 1

  4. Disappointed to only see 1 tweak to infected (Slight damage increase).

    You can still jog and zig zag and they cannot attack you at all. They cannot climb small objects like car hoods, dumpsters, low walls, granting players with "safe spaces" from infected. 

    I really hope the zombie_territories.xml file for Livonia isn't like the one for Chernarus where it was basically copied and pasted for multiple spawn points. Please diversify the spawns, make high variance spawn points and make high traffic areas hot zones for infected.

    • Beans 1

  5. 6 hours ago, drgullen said:

    I agree 100%.  Haxordie says he wishes Chernarus was bigger.  To me, that is a complete head-scratcher saying that -- if anything, Chernarus should be half the size for the reasons you've stated here -- if the server could handle 100+ players with loads of infected, Chernarus would be a perfect size, but as it is, it's way too big.

    I'm also looking forward to Namalsk, moreso than Livonia if I'm honest.  A smaller map means more interactions, so that'll be interesting.

    Namalsk is going to be fun. Sumrak already mentioned infected density will be greater because of the 53km map size. We're going to have wolves, bears, loads of infected, scarcer food/water and hypothermia to worry about. I am looking forward to that.

  6. 6 hours ago, Tarkules said:

    I want to play THIS game.

    Food cans, like many other items in the game, seems to me like "placeholders" or temporary source until they implement new sources of food, like fishery, at least.

    Maybe after 1.06 update we will find less beans and more books on the shelves, it makes a good fire source in a rainy night if you're stuck without an axe.

    DayZ Underground (US) and DayZ Down Under (AUS) are the closest servers to that with decent population. If 1.06 releases with Livonia in November I hope they finally bring us that survival focused patch. I couldn't care less for another car or military weaponry. Give us two civilian guns and a bunch of survival & PvE tweaks/balancing/fixes. Hell, maybe even throw in an improvement to the clunky melee system to that.

  7. Quote


    No.  I don't think that PVE could be harder.  It will never be hard.  If it's hard at all, it's because you're doing it wrong.  With enough experience, it's simply not difficult.  Humans will always be able to solve simple mechanics and infected AI.  For everything PVE related, there's a workaround that's easy, legitimate, and often, fun.

    No.  That was never the vision.


    Give infected the ability to break down certain doors, climb objects that they should be able to climb (No more safe spaces on top of low hanging objects), increase infected spawns and density, awareness to gunshots etc. There are a ton of things they can improve on for PvE. I'm not even gonna go into how they can flesh out the different stages of starvation/dehydration/diseases.... improve animal AI and awareness for more challenging hunting.

    This is the problem right here, there's lazy workarounds that don't make sense. Players can jump on top of a car and shoot all the infected cause they can't seem to hop on the hood for some reason, close a flimsy door on a building and you have an instant safe space from infected. These shouldn't be legitimate ways of dealing with infected. B.I. just has to take away these easy way outs. Sure, PvE will never be the main threat in DayZ but they can at least improve it from the complete joke that it is right now to something more challenging and less exploitable. This game isn't all about PvP and player encounters. It needs a good balance of PvP and PvE.

    • Beans 1

  8. 45 minutes ago, MaVerick_GDZ said:

    Bla bla bla I want free stuff because...jesus, you guys are spoiled AF. Anyone who joined into early access already got the game for much less then release price and most likely sporting hundreds of hours gametime. I got my fair share of fun out of the game and if I can support further development with 10€ or something, I will do it. The map looks good, we already know that everything except the map is also going into the main game and bugfixing is also continuing. Stop bitching already.

    Spent $30 at 1.0 release and probably 400ish hours. The game just sucks you in. The dozens of experiences w friends and randoms was sure worth that $30.


    Just let the community know if it's more than $10-$15 or not. Would end all this price speculation. No doubt in my mind every single DayZ player is excited to get lost in a brand new land again. Make the right choice BI and price it reasonably. $20+ would tank their already horrible reputation with the community. The same community that's most likely to buy this DLC lol

    • Like 1

  9. Lotta backlash from the community but that is expected. They released an incomplete and buggy game for $45 and now we have to pay for DLC. Either way $5 is a day 1 buy for me, just the feeling of exploring a new map for the first time time in DayZ is well worth $5. If it's $10 I'll be on the fence, probably take a look at gameplay/server pop if it's worth it. Anything more than $15 they can go fk off a cliff. Especially because they're just reusing arma 3 assets and building on it. Honestly, this dlc should be $5 to $7.99 tops. Anything more expensive and you piss off 3 gaming platforms full of players that are already pissed off and feel ripped off to begin with. Price it right and more people will buy it and possibly rejuvenate the playerbase. Don't make the same mistake you did on the 1.0 release. I still think that if the game was in a much better state when they released 1.0, they mightve won back the community. So many people who've left Dayz for years or bought it when it was $10 something bucks reinstalled to be slapped in the face with the same buggy shitshow that was the "1.0" release. Huge wasted opportunity caused by greed and incompetence from BI.

    Honestly the devs just need to keep rolling out updates every 2 months and this game will be great by this time next year. Problem is, can they sustain this pace? And will they focus on what the community has been asking for all this time? Bows/silent weapons, focusing on fleshing out survival aspects cause it's really barebones right now, better/more dangerous zombies and PVE, balanced basebuilding, infected breaking down doors, actually working cars, rebalanced gun damages etc etc. If most of these can get improved within the next 3-5 patches I'd be stoked. Fuck it, I've waited since 2013 for this game to finally get good, I feel like it's really close.

    We've had Throwing, vaulting and bears in back to back to back updates. There's progress, at least. I'd be so pissed if the pace of the updates dropped and development ended before that 2 year span that I think Eugen stated before when we are THIS close to what we've been expecting for when Dean Hall first made the announcement. Or at least somewhat close to it and passable lol

  10. On 9/16/2019 at 1:51 AM, ThePugman said:

    Dehydration - I agree that a gasp, or cough would be good. We have a rumbling stomach, so why not? It should also increase in severity at every stage. When you go from white to yellow, it could be subtle, but at flashing red it should be heard by everyone in the area. Remember devs, this is something for OTHER players to react to. Which = more varied experiences. 


    This is an amazing suggestion. Never really thought about it before and realizing it now it'll be huge for interaction. I think dying of hunger has a subtle stomach growl, I can't remember.

    Right now there's no way of telling cause it's just one limping animation for when you're dying of thirst, hunger, damage etc. The devs can surely expand on the different stages of dehydration/hunger and add subtle penalties. Right now it really feels like a barebones system.

    Red thirst - Slight decrease of movement speed / audible dry throat sounds. This movement speed penalty should not stack with the low HP movement speed penalty. In theory, if you were to die from dehydation you'd slow down slightly at red thirst. Stay in that speed up until your HP becomes red too and only then will the more punishing movement speed penalties come to effect. It would suck to constantly have your speed decreased by a lot, players should only come to a crawl when they are in dire condition (Blinking red thirst + red HP)
    Blinking red thirst - Inability to sprint / progressively worse sounds / subtle double-vision HUD effect for short amounts of time.

    Red hunger - Melee attack penalty / audible stomach growling sounds
    Blinking red hunger - Inability to use your melee weapon / wincing in pain player sounds / subtle blurry vision HUD effects for short amounts of time

    If you get shot a slight screen effect + a fast heartbeat audio cue for a few seconds would be nice. A few subtle screen blood splatters on melee combat.
    The hunger and thirst sound cues should have a decent gap before they can play again as that could be annoying lol If anyone's played Metro Exodus here I feel like that game nailed the HUD effects and audio feedback for combat. The DayZ devs could take a thing or two from it.

    • Like 1
    • Beans 1

  11. First time experiencing 1.05 on a lengthy session. Every update DayZ is feeling a little more polished, if the dev team keeps up this pace we could have a pretty solid game by 1.07 or 1.08.

    Got some quality of life suggestions and survival/PvE tweaks for 1.06 hopefully

    • Give infected an upwards attack or the ability to climb more objects that make sense for them to climb. No more standing on top of a car/dumpster/low wall and having a safe space.
    • Improve melee combat collision and positioning against infected. They gotta stop phasing through you and ripping your behind to shreds. Everytime you swing to attack your face shouldn't be going through their body.
    • Give them the ability to attack you while running?
    • Increase the awareness of infected to gunshots. Have a wider aggro radius where infected stumble towards the sound of a gunshot. We already have too few zombies, we gotta make the most of their low numbers.
    • Slightly increase infected visual detection. A little too easy to pass right by em crouch-sprinting.
    • Improve/optimize how zombies spawn in general. And honestly, anything to make zombies dangerous. Take away the easy way outs against them.
    • Reduce the sound of footsteps and doors being shut or give them noise indicators that can attract infected. Currently, you can slam a metal door shut right in front of infected without them batting an eye.
    • Placeholder sounds. Honestly, even placeholders would make a huge difference. A placeholder thud for blocking a melee attack would make melee feel less clunkier. Scratched/dry throat sounds for when dying of thirst.
    • Make animal AI more aware. Make hunting more of a challenge. If animals drop a shit ton of meat to keep you going for weeks might as well make them a little harder to obtain. Give animals a wider range of detection. A chicken should at least provide a good chase if you fuck up sneaking. Right now they're an easy way out of hunger if you have a knife.
    • Add lone wolf spawns in certain forests inland that aren't at the edges of the map. Increase the lethality of wolf attacks.
    • Improve the state of radios in the game. There shouldnt be much stopping survivors from using these. Hearing another person on the radio instantly gives me Rick and Morgan vibes early when TWD was good lol. Increase the broadcasting radius, reduce battery consumption and for the love of god reduce the static noise. They should be fairly common along the coastal areas. Make those huge field transceiver radios placeable and persistent for at least 7 days.
    • Less food in general. Survivors shouldn't be throwing away excess food/drinks. Stop the zombie buffets of food/drink, take it away completely from their loot table or make it pretty rare. A lot more rotten and dried fruit/forage.

    Wish list:

    • The ability for infected to break down certain doors that make sense. Imo the only thing that will truly make infected a threat. I don't know how B.I. wants to do it, just gotta make it happen. Either it's a timed animation that ends in a door-busting or giving certain small doors HP and being a target for infected attacks.
    • Any type of silent ranged weapon. If infected become more of a threat there needs to be a way of disposing of them quietly. Bow, Crossbow, ability to throw a hatchet/spear whichevers the easiest.

    I feel like DayZ survival gameplay is close to being great, I wish the devs can make these happen. The 3 main threats in DayZ should be other survivors, hunger/dehydration and infected. Right now pretty sure 80% of deaths in DayZ are from PvP. PvE needs to catch up with PvP. Honestly, I couldn't care less for another vehicle or military weapons next patch. Just keep improving on survival, it's almost there.


    • Beans 4

  12. Please improve zombie climbing or add an upwards attack for them. They should be able to follow you on top of cars, dumpsters, low walls, basically anything that makes sense for infected to climb on. 


    Zombie gamplay really needs to be touched on. It's so close to actually being good. Take away the easy way outs against them. Give them the ability to attack doors to break them down (I know, this is asking for too much lol), optimize/randomize their spawns, add slightly more zombies to high traffic/end game areas. I honestly think these are the only things missing to actually make zombies a threat. Melee combat against zombies just needs to be more fluid(no passing through and attacking from behind) 

    • Beans 2

  13. On 8/26/2019 at 1:17 AM, Derleth said:

    Hey @repzaj1234 after you did the quoted change, is the tweak to distanceradius still necessary?

    I've been using a tweaked version of the config in "Zombies Everywhere plus" mod - which is fun as heck - but the absurd amounts of infected do seem to trigger harry potter moments for cars a bit too frequently. So time has come to try your config and slowly up the numbers until I find the sweet spot for my machine. If it helps all is gold, if not I can rule out zombies as the cause of flying cars. (Oddly enough the flying car events only happen when my brother is online and aggravating the infected population. When I'm on my own or with other players I can drive around with up to 20-30 infected chasing the car without problems, but when bro's connection goes haywire the car takes off.)

    Going to miss these:


    I don't thjnk so. I was going based on the reddit guide in the main post and kinda fiddled with the values. I tried setting distanceradius and cleanupradius to extremely low levels and kept the lifetime to 3 (In theory every Z that is 1M away from me should despawn in 3 seconds) but it didn't. I think there's something hardcoded that if something is within the players sight it doesn't despawn. Not sure though, I kinda gave up playing around with it after some time. The servers I actually play on won't adapt any zombie spawn changes lol Don't blame them as they have 70ish players and are wary of the performance hit. I tried hitting up the devs as well for a better explanation of the events.xml file and how it affects zombies but got nothing.

    Honestly don't even touch events.xml and you should be fine.

    • Beans 1

  14. On 7/26/2019 at 4:53 AM, Derleth said:

    I'm thinking about using this configuration for my server with a few adjustments. I've been using an edited version of the config from the "Zombies Everywhere" mod, and although it is crazy fun with all those zombies it is a tad unbalanced and unrealistic, so I want to change it so interesting locations with high value loot remain swarmed while regular villages have more manageable infestations. So I came here...

    Anyway, I'm curious if you removed any of the default spawn locations or just adjusted them? I don't fancy the idea of having locations where you can trust there to be no infected.

    I personally like the idea of having random spawn locations in the middle of nowhere, so there is always a risk bumping into a stray zombie even when you are miles from the nearest settlement. This happened occasionally in 0,62 but currently the default despawn behaviour and spawn locations seems to prevent it, which is a bit sad. In order to achieve this, would I need to add static spawns all over the map? Or is there some way to allow a few zeds to wander off into the boonies without despawning?


    I kept all default spawn locations (Slightly adjusted a few of their locations and tweaked their numbers up/down depending on where they are). I added a few city and military camp spawns myself, you'll see it commented in.

    You can easily build on this and customize it to your liking, I feel like this can be used as a foundation that server owners can use and build upon.

    As for the strays wandering around, you'll probably have to adjust a specific zombie type's lifetime in events.xml or possibly the cleanupradius/distanceradius of let's say the InfectedSolitude type. Might have negative effects on server performance though.

  15. 3 hours ago, kopo79 said:

    kind of my thoughts...
    dug server is best for now but its hard to get on the server because of queu and if you are not whitelisted.
    but this profes that hardcore server with good tweaks and good community for server is key for success.
    everytime i go dug server,it feels like home...died multiple times at fresh spawn but when you manage to overcome difficulties,it becomes intense like hell.
    there is room for maybe 5 hardcore servers if you look playerbase...

    still,sometimes feels that guns are way too easy to find on servers...if you find gun after 20 minutes playing..it doesent give me anything to enjoy...but after two hours...its like you won lottery:D

    Yeah DUG is my main server as well, best one out there. Only problem I have with it is the zombies. I just can't deal with vanilla zombies. They're like decoration and no threat at all. Doesn't influence gameplay, doesn't force you to change your tactics etc.

  16. 1 hour ago, kopo79 said:

    anymore hardcore servers?
    i really dont like any sidechats or autoruns...

    There isn't a lot tbh and I've been looking for some time now. What I look for is basically

    • Scarce food/drink like DayZ Underground
    • Slower regeneration
    • Deadly diseases
    • Increased infected spawns. Buffed zombies. No food/drink can be found on infected bodies.
    • Common civilian guns and ammo to fight infected
    • Cars that are somehow manageable to repair (Only 1-3 parts missing)


    Basically DayZ Underground with more dangerous and numerous zombies, with common civilian weaponry and ammo.

    So far Ozbime is the most punishing when it comes to dealing with infected. And an admin that listens to feedback.

    • Beans 1