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Everything posted by repzaj1234

  1. repzaj1234

    Alarm clocks / Teddy Ruxpin / noise makers

    Agree with this. I have not tried if the megaphone attracts them. Or if the PA system attracts them to the speakers.
  2. repzaj1234

    Is a balance pass coming?

    When can we expect a balance pass? or if a timetable isn't on the table are the devs looking into balancing? There's a lot of things that need it right now. Food and drink drop rate on zombies is way too high, the thirst satiation values of food need to be nerfed/completely removed from some foods like powdered milk, cereal etc. Blood and HP regeneration is way too quick, base building HP values need tweaking, coastal military areas are too accessible and a lot more. I know the devs are focused on the more glaring tasks like persistence and server optimization, but these small tweaks can really affect the game in a huge way and steer it back in the direction of being a survival game. Of course survival elements still need a lot of work, but I specifically pin-pointed out tweaks that don't require re-integration to the new engine or developing a new feature for. Why not make some tweaks and ask for feedback on the experimental push? The common consensus among the player base right now is, "Where's the survival in this survival game?" - I asked @ImpulZ about this on another thread that got locked, just putting it out there again.
  3. repzaj1234

    Is a balance pass coming?

    Of course, start with smaller tweaks and gather feedback from the community. We just want to see that the dev team is looking into these issues and are trying to balance the game. Thank you for the response, hopefully we see some balancing tweaks in the next EXP update. One other quick suggestion is to increase the number of zombie spawns around coastal military areas. Balota, Cherno, Kamenka and Pavlovo military areas are easily accessible so near the coast. They shouldn't be such a walk in the park.
  4. repzaj1234

    Dead bodies timer

    @ImpulZ Are the zombies the same hit on performance? They don't have as much inventory on them. They'll have even less if you guys balance their food/drink drop rate. I think the bodies despawn in 5 minutes? What if you guys increase their "respawn" timer, lets say someone clears out a town. No other zombies will spawn there in the next 30 minutes or so. Maybe that could balance out performance and also improve gameplay.
  5. repzaj1234

    No Status Reports, No Updates, Hello...???

    Players that are new to the game and don't know any better. Even on the most popular community servers, only a few like DayZ Underground and NewDawn actually take the time to correct those values. We can't be delegating basic balancing to the server owners. They already have so much in their plate.
  6. repzaj1234

    No Status Reports, No Updates, Hello...???

    @ImpulZ When can we expect a balance pass? or if you can't give a timetable, are you guys looking into balancing? There's a lot of things that need it right now. Food and drink drop rate on zombies is way too high, the thirst satiation values of food need to be nerfed or completely removed from some foods like powdered milk, cereal etc, Blood and HP regeneration is way too quick, base building HP values need tweaking. I know you guys are focused on the "big-boy" tasks like persistence and server optimization, but these small tweaks can really affect the game in a huge way and steer it back in the direction of being a survival game. Of course Survival still needs a lot of work, but I specifically pin-pointed out tweaks that don't require re-integration to the new engine or developing a new feature for. The common opinion of the playerbase right now is, "Where's the survival elements in this survival game?"
  7. The environmental design of Chernarus is amazing. The eerie night ambiance, the blissful walks through nature and forests and clearings. It's top notch. The last time I played DayZ was back in 2013 ish and the graphical and ambience difference is mindblowing. The one aspect the map is lacking is looking post- apocalyptic. There should be a lot more gorey visuals. Along with bloodier combat. Blood effects really need to be tweaked/added. Pools of blood as you mow down the infected. It doesn't have to be complex where if you step on the blood you leave blood trails, baby steps for now. There should be more signs of struggle as the towns get overrun. Dried blood in buildings (I know it's already in the game, I think it needs more), police buildings can look barricaded and overrun as townspeople might have flocked there for shelter during the initial outbreaks. You could come across a person that has hung himself in a house or by the woods, that would be quite a little scare. Remains of what was a small camp in the woods. The roads leading to the bigger cities could have backed up cars along the road. Simple environmental additions like that could really change the feel of this game. Of course these have to be well placed. I think the empty, deserted look of the smaller inland villages are perfect. The nature ambiance of Chernarus is perfect already, it just needs to look like it was ravaged by infected. Couple more suggestions for zombies: - Zombies shouldn't have canned goods as part of their loot table (Who has canned goods in their pockets as they die?) - Different zombie types should have different loot tables.Police zeds should drop police loot (guns, handcuffs, ammo, mags etc). Construction worker zeds should drop building items (hammer, nails, tools). Hospital zeds should drop medical items (bandages, medicine etc) and so forth. Obviously the drop rate should be low as to discourage zed farming. (This is partially implemented already but I think it needs to be diversified more.) )- Certain types of food shouldn't reduce thirst and the ones that do (apples, canned peaches etc) should have their thirst quenching values reduced. Eating dry cereal shouldn't be quenching my thirst.
  8. My main goal is to fill out the emptiness in some parts of the game without hamstringing server performance. Key Features: Cities will seem more infested. I've added on average 2-3 new spawn points for each major city that will dynamically spawn anywhere from 4-8 zombies in the surrounding area. This will make the cities more dangerous but not impossible to do. Keep on your toes and be mindful where you shoot and you'll be fine. There will be dynamic "hot zones" in the 3 coastal cities. A hot zone will spawn anywhere from 5-15 additional zombies in the area. These are located at the Cherno clocktower, Elektro Square and around the Berezino Hospital. I made it so that these areas are not constantly infested. So you might go there one day and there'll only be 6 additional zeds, come back the next day and you might see 14 extra. Slightly increased zombie populations in military areas to add difficulty to military runs as well as to add another dynamic to PvP encounters there. I've added a spawn point to each military area that will spawn an additional 4-8 military zombies. You might see more in the coastal military areas to balance them out. You ever wonder why Balota, Cherno, Kamenka and Pavlovo military areas are so easily accessible so near the coast? They won't be such a walk in the park anymore. You'll be seeing "straggler" zombies along the outskirts of the bigger cities and towns. Each spawn point will dynamically spawn 0-3 zombies in a wide area. There's a chance where you might see them one day, and the next day you roll 0. Adds to the atmosphere imo. The smaller villages and towns are untouched. Does not make sense to have more zombies in a remote village. Their deserted atmosphere is already perfect imo. Disclaimer to the cautious server owner: Vanilla zombie spawn values and points are untouched (Easy to update vanilla values if the devs tweak their numbers) Animal spawns are untouched and I've avoided overlapping them with the new zombie spawn points. Dramatically reduced the amount of static and dynamic zombie spawns added by the original ZombieSpawnOverhaul mod by more than half. Static zombie spawns have been removed except in military loot areas. (Static spawns are zombies that will always spawn in an area regardless of player proximity and other factors. Dynamic spawns rely on certain factors, player proximity is one of them (Not entirely sure what the rest are, probably gunshots). I'll be releasing a detailed list of the exact zombie counts and exact locations with coordinates of the new spawn points once I figure out some things and finish this thing. This will be a LITE version of the mod ZombieSpawnOverhaul (Credits to Robbhimself for the mod and for allowing me to edit it) Let me know what you think, I honestly just want the game to feel more like a zombie survival game so I made this performance friendly version that can hopefully be supported by the higher population servers. If you think it'll run into some issues, have suggestions or if the numbers need tweaking just let me know. If someone more skilled in modding wants to take over as well, feel free to shoot me a PM and I'll gladly hand the files over. Currently running into some hiccups. I've unpacked the worlds.chernarusplus_ai.pbo and repacked it with the edited .xml file using PBO manager. When I repacked it, it gave me a warning saying the digital signature will be voided. From googling it, I learned that this was normal and I'll just have to sign the pbo with a private key. I've downloaded DayZ tools, generated my own private key using DSUtils. I loaded the pbo and tried to sign it but it fails to sign. Here is what I'm getting . Couple of things to note, the pbo has been signed by another modder before. I'm merely editing his work, with permission of course. Not sure if that could be an issue. I've looked up youtube videos on how to do this, they're using Arma3 tools but I'm guessing DayZ tools is just a modified version of that so I went on and followed the instructions but still no dice. Any help would be greatly appreciated at this point.
  9. Ah god damn it, It said it was signed properly but turns out it wasnt. Publisher still said signatures were valid tho. I dont have time for this anymore, if anyone wants to take over here is my zombie_territories.xml file. https://pastebin.com/87hcmt7U
  10. When you say signature file.. is it the worlds_chernarusplus_ai.pbo.yourname.bisign file inside the addons folder where the pbo is?
  11. That is unfortunately not in the zombie_territories.xml. Respawn rates are way too quick IMO.
  12. EDIT: Sorry, wrong forum. Deleted.
  13. I play as a lone wolf all the time, but whenever I find a radio I like to turn it on and keep it on (Set to default frequency) and stash it in my pockets just for that small chance that I get in contact with another survivor. Only problem is, the static noise is too damn loud. It sounds like it's raining hard 24/7. I haven't tested the maximum distance of transmission so I can't say anything to that. Wouldn't hurt to expand it a little bit. It's a much more immersive way of getting players in contact with one another.
  14. repzaj1234

    Experimental Update 1.0150505

    Also, even in 28 Days Later, the rabid infected would go down with 1 shot to the brain or the neck, hitting their spinal cord and paralyzing them. I'm all in for having them more resistant to body shots, but it should just take 1 headshot to down them.
  15. repzaj1234

    Experimental Update 1.0150505

    Can you elaborate more on this. What was changed? Was their damage upped?
  16. Here we are having near death fire fights and coming back to fight in full health within 15 minutes. Fixing the health and blood regen can be a huge difference maker and add some sort of survival aspect to this "survival" game. People would actually have to think about what they are doing. No more fighting 6 zombies all at once and regaining your full health back in a couple minutes. Hell, it'll create more player interaction which is sorely needed as well. Fixing HP and blood regeneration should just be a matter of tweaking values right? Please for the love of god, tweak it for the next experimental patch. Dean Hall would be disappointed!
  17. repzaj1234

    Make A button to hit with your weapon

    Pretty good suggestion. How hard is the implementation for the devs though?
  18. repzaj1234

    Health/Blood regeneration tweaking.

    What's so off-putting about player interaction to you? This game is a role-playing survival game based solely on player-to-player interaction. Also by the way you answered this, are you fine with the way regeneration is right now? Where you just regain full health within minutes? DayZ isn't the arcade drawn-out shooter you want it to be. Sure, you can play that way, just join any arcadey casual server but the core game is not. I'm a long time mod player, but just bought DayZ at 1.0. When did the overall direction of the game switch from hardcore survival game to this casual crap? Diseases, broken bones, any semblance of a health system and all the other survival aspects aren't even in yet. Just pretty disappointing overall.
  19. repzaj1234

    Health/Blood regeneration tweaking.

    Blood transfusions, the only thing that can't be done by yourself and forces you to work with another player. Imagine being severely low on blood and having the original regeneration system. You spot another player, you'll have to: A. Come up to them and interact, see if they'll be willing to help. B. Trade goods for assistance C. Hold them up and force them for your own survival D. AFAIK, you cant draw blood from dead people. Lessens KOS. As I said, it's a pretty simple fix that can affect the game in a HUGE way. DayZ is a game built on player interaction. Player interaction and survival. Both of which have been very disappointing.
  20. Door breaking. As we all know by now, more challenging PvE = more player interaction. It's so easy to shake off zombies right now. Get chased by multiple zombies, go into a building, close the door, if 1 or 2 get in you cap em and look for a back or side door to escape from. Imagine blindly going into a building with only one way out with 6-10 zombies chasing after you. Do you unload your precious ammo on them? Do you risk the jump from the 2nd story? do you radio for help? Do you just slash your throat? So many possibilities. Was door-breaking implemented in any of the alpha versions of the game? When a zombie breaks a door, does that door become unusable? What would be a balanced amount of time before a door breaks? Can locked doors be broken by zombies?