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About sexysev

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. Zero Days Epoch Chernarus | HIGH FPS | Epic Custom AI Bases & Loot | Huge Gold Mine | Take Clothes | No Weight Limit | Snapping & FastBuild | Self BB | Rewarding Missions | Safe Traders | And Much More **IP/Port:** **TS3 IP:** High FPS & No Pay To Win! We offer custom missions, all with rewarding loot. They range in difficultly from find the ammo box or supplies highlighted somewhere in a circle on your map to assaulting AI. The harder the mission the greater the rewards...We have spent a lot of time getting these tweaked just right. We also offer a custom Gold mine which is very well done, you have to check it out. Other quick points: High FPS!!! And we aren't just saying this. We have gone through the map only adding what is needed. Custom AI bases - one of which is very hard to complete but the payout is worth it...if you are up to the task. Weekly events No pay to win No abusive admins! We are just like you, so sick of tired of power tripping kiddie admins. All of our admins are over the age of 30. Good mix and friendly and PVP player base. Be warned our PVP players are very skilled 24/7 Daytime 3 hour auto restarts with warnings All Epoch vehicles [Veteran|3DP:ON|CH:ON] Active and very friendly admins Scripts & Addons: New Trader Locations Custom Traders Snapping / FastBuild PRO / 60M Plots 100% exclusive missions to zero days No Weight Limit Self Blood Bag Take Clothes Safe Traders Tow & Lift Auto Refuel Starting Gear Call in care packages by clicking a place on the map for 2 breifs Deploy Bike Suicide Dance at fireplaces Random skin on spawn Starting Gear Custom loot and animated chopper crash sites Added vehicles, helis, jets, etc. (All OP rockets, crazy jet weapons have been removed though) Custom AI missions & Bases Future plans: Safe cracking *(wont be easy to crack)* Zero Days is a new Epoch Chernarus server and we would love if you would come join us. The server was started because our group was sick and tired of admin abuse, laggy servers with too much added to the map and vehicles everywhere = easy mode. So if you are looking for a server that offers a true DayZ Epoch experience look no further.
  2. Zero Days Epoch Chernarus | HIGH FPS | Epic Custom AI Bases & Loot | Huge Gold Mine | Take Clothes | No Weight Limit | Snapping & FastBuild | Self BB | Rewarding Missions | Safe Traders | And Much More **IP/Port:** **TS3 IP:** High FPS & No Pay To Win! We offer custom missions, all with rewarding loot. They range in difficultly from find the ammo box or supplies highlighted somewhere in a circle on your map to assaulting AI. The harder the mission the greater the rewards...We have spent a lot of time getting these tweaked just right. We also offer a custom Gold mine which is very well done, you have to check it out. Other quick points: High FPS!!! And we aren't just saying this. We have gone through the map only adding what is needed. Custom AI bases - one of which is very hard to complete but the payout is worth it...if you are up to the task. Weekly events No pay to win No abusive admins! We are just like you, so sick of tired of power tripping kiddie admins. All of our admins are over the age of 30. Good mix and friendly and PVP player base. Be warned our PVP players are very skilled 24/7 Daytime 3 hour auto restarts with warnings All Epoch vehicles [Veteran|3DP:ON|CH:ON] Active and very friendly admins Scripts & Addons: New Trader Locations Custom Traders Snapping / FastBuild PRO / 60M Plots 100% exclusive missions to zero days No Weight Limit Self Blood Bag Take Clothes Safe Traders Tow & Lift Auto Refuel Starting Gear Call in care packages by clicking a place on the map for 2 breifs Deploy Bike Suicide Dance at fireplaces Random skin on spawn Starting Gear Custom loot and animated chopper crash sites Added vehicles, helis, jets, etc. (All OP rockets, crazy jet weapons have been removed though) Custom AI missions & Bases Future plans: Safe cracking *(wont be easy to crack)* Zero Days is a new Epoch Chernarus server and we would love if you would come join us. The server was started because our group was sick and tired of admin abuse, laggy servers with too much added to the map and vehicles everywhere = easy mode. So if you are looking for a server that offers a true DayZ Epoch experience look no further.
  3. Hey guys and gals! Join us this Friday the 22nd at 10PM EST for a MASSIVE last man standing CQC maze event - HUGE prizes for the top 3 winners! Event info image here - Maze image here
  4. Just thought I would let everyone here know we are going to be running a large death maze even this friday @ 10PM Est. More info can be found here.
  5. I was doing a vehicle cleanup last night. It must have been me! So sorry about that. I will replace the vehicles the next time I see you on!
  6. I have heard of it putting you into the wrong server before. What version of arma are you running? Try DZC a few times...see if it keeps putting you in the wrong server. Is epoch enabled in your extensions?
  7. Try loading in using dayzlauncher or dayz commander - let me know if you have problems still. The problem you are having sounds like your epoch files are in the wrong /dir/ or you dont have them enabled/using the wrong launch parameters.