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Everything posted by bigdogsco

  1. bigdogsco

    Isn't it about time we added horses?

    Its not that there's inherently a problem with eating horsemeat. The French have been doing it for centuries and I don't think that's why they're like that (ha ha!). The problem is that the horses we have been unwittingly eating have not been meant for human consumption and have been treated with drugs that shouldn't be in the food chain.
  2. bigdogsco

    Couple Questions...

    Cars and tents if not accessed will disappear after a week. Cars return to their spawn.
  3. I play on balota buddies. I can recommend the community as being very welcoming. The European server usually has 20-30 at peak times. Admins are always around and I've never seen a hacker yet :)
  4. bigdogsco

    Looking for good server to play on

    Your chances of seeing a hacker are much lower on a whitelisted server. I play on uk46 run by balotabuddies.net. they have us and au servers too.
  5. bigdogsco

    Need some tips

    You can find cz550 (basic scoped rifle) in barns. Other rifles can be found at low value military spawns (eg deer stands, Stary tents). I've found m24s, and DMRs there myself but I believe everything else except as50 is available there too. They have a higher spawn rate at medium and high grade loot spots.
  6. bigdogsco

    Player Camp Etiquette

    ^I approve this message.
  7. bigdogsco

    Player Camp Etiquette

    Your server sounds like heaven where ambrosia replaces beans, the barracks never spawn tin cans and guns shoot fluffy kittens. Your experience may differ from mine but I relate my experience.
  8. bigdogsco

    Player Camp Etiquette

    Simply that accumulating a crap load of high end gear is incredibly time consuming unless you kill other players and take their stuff.
  9. bigdogsco

    Player Camp Etiquette

    What's the point in having them then?
  10. bigdogsco

    The waking up after being unconscious bug

    In an actual zombie apocalypse if you get bitten your gonna turn into one of them!
  11. bigdogsco

    How to deal with vehicle hoarders?

    I found a uaz by black lake the other day. I used it to zoom about for a few hours and stashed it. I fully expect it to be gone when I log back in and leave me a 10k hike to where I wanna be. But if a 10k hike was gonna put me off this is the wrong game for me.
  12. bigdogsco

    Player Camp Etiquette

    Unfortunately a well stocked camp is most likely belonging to a bandit. Its really just skewing the odds in your favour by trying to reduce the supplies said bandit has to prey on survivors.
  13. bigdogsco

    Player Camp Etiquette

    When standalone comes I will be happy to poop in their tents :)
  14. bigdogsco

    How to deal with vehicle hoarders?

    ^what he said. Jeez your player base sound like a bunch of whining pussies. You gotta fight, for your right, to ...... Hmmm Can't think of a car related rhyme for the word party. Hmmm try "go karty!" Beastie boys win the day again!
  15. bigdogsco

    The waking up after being unconscious bug

    Well irl if you get badly hurt to the point of unconsciousness you don't just get back up and sprint away as if nothing has happened do you?
  16. bigdogsco

    I found a can of mountain dew ...

    I love mountain dew. Seriously I think I'm a reincarnation of an american redneck. I love mountain dew, pickups, beer, baseball, guns, right wing politics, red meat and support our troops. If i find a dew in game I drink it immediately and think about buying a crate from the imported goodies store. I don't believe in the curse of the dew.
  17. bigdogsco

    sometimes dayz hate me

    I love kamenka. There's a camp nearby which makes my gearing up after spawning a breeze. Thanks to the dude who keeps it so well stocked and the serendipity that allowed my to follow the engine noises through the woods straight to it.
  18. bigdogsco

    Player Camp Etiquette

    I'd fuck with the guy a little bit. If there's vehicles i'd shoot out every single tyre. Not enough damage to force them to respawn but enough to make them useless. Especially funny miles from nowhere.
  19. The point I'm making is that any weapon can kill in 1 hit up close but you can't rely on a pistol to actually hit what your aiming at over a certain range. It can't be that hard to simulate that surely?
  20. Are we all getting damage and accuracy mixed up? A handgun can sure as hell kill in 1 shot, even just a body shot. But any further than 10m and you'd be lucky to hit what your aiming at. That's where dayz/arma is falling down.
  21. bigdogsco


    Massage me ;)
  22. bigdogsco

    Where is the loot for this building?

    It has the exact same loot items/chance as deer stands or the military tents in Stary.
  23. bigdogsco

    How are things?

    Kinda difficult to ban yourself though derpy......
  24. Keep tripping over Rick Grimes too :)
  25. bigdogsco

    item spawn rules, how long and when

    Once you breach a 50m radius loot will spawn at any EMPTY loot spots in a building. If the loot spots have anything (even tin cans) then nothing new will spawn for 2 hours. You can pick up the trash loot and ditch it outside. Go away for 5 minutes and then come back. New loot should have spawned.