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About TheSilentWarrior

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Lisbon, Portugal
  1. TheSilentWarrior

    DayZMod wins PCGamer Mod Of The Year 2012

    Black Mesa won the ModDB one. But about DayZ, I dont think that such a simple mod has ever came close to or even win the mod of the year, its truly amazing how such a simple idea and execution can make such a big difference as to make people buy complete rigs just for it (my case, spend 1300 euros on a new computer after seeing few videos of it) and buy complete game just for it. DayZ tips the balance so much that it has itself proven even slight game changes can do the biggest of impacts.
  2. TheSilentWarrior

    (New) Private Hive (Superior Anti-Cheat)

    Thanks for giving me some exposure :D Glad to help.
  3. TheSilentWarrior

    Nuclear Namalsk

    Looks pretty cool. I the current namalsk one even tho its cool, is missing that initial blast to give it a bit more context. At first, everyone thought it was an hacker lol.
  4. TheSilentWarrior

    Monky Anti Hack?

    Mine doesnt do anything like that. Still funny post.
  5. TheSilentWarrior

    Monky Anti Hack?

    You know, the Monkey monitor that shows up its an anti hack, and has been all along. People just get pissed off because it shows a debug monitor where there shouldnt be one. In my server I have been using a modified version of it that simply disables the debug monitor, it stays running but you dont see it, if no one sees it, no one gets pissed off at it. Only wish it would catch more stuff... but its an extra layer on top of all the other tools available.
  6. TheSilentWarrior

    Monky Anti Hack?

    That is true, he has made a server-side anti hack. But as far as I know, it works exactly the same as the monitor itself, but its run from the mission files.
  7. TheSilentWarrior

    Admin's can see our location?

    And if private hive, you have direct access to the database, giving you access to everything that matters like players, vehicles, tents, bodies, etc. This shows what you can do :
  8. TheSilentWarrior

    Download Invalid

    Same here, for a long time now.
  9. Hey ziellos, I am using your lib for about 1 and half month now, and it works great. Today I thought I should update to the latest available on GIT, I imported it, replaced all the old files and made the interface change. But when I use it, it will disconnect from rcon every 6 or 7 seconds, my tool is made so that if it disconnects it will reconnect, so, it keeps connecting and disconnecting in a loop forever, every 6-7 seconds. I reverted to the old files that still work and are stable, but could be useful to have the latest :D Oh, by the way, I am having this problem where after banning a player, the ban wont stick and he can join right back. Here are all the permutations I have tried thus far : None of them seem to "stick" and the ban is treated as a simple kick.
  10. Hello. One of my friends has this problem where on each server he joins (he tried about 20 already), it will show a message along the lines of : "create weapon minE with scope=private", and then he gets kicked off the game. On my server, I disabled the line that kicks him, just so he can play with us, but its not a solution. I walked him thro into renaming his ARMA2 folders in "My Documents" so that any saved variables wouldnt come into effect (was worried hacker could have set his variables to do this, is it even possible?). Any ideas? Thank you. SilentWarrior
  11. Hello, I would like to let you know this works fine in Linux, MacOSX and Windows using mono. Anyone know how can I ban someone? Only way I managed to ban someone right now is by typing the command manually "ban "+player.playerNumber, but the message i put after it doesnt get displayed (or saved for that matter)