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Everything posted by veristaya

  1. veristaya

    Server Restarts+Saving my character?

    A private hive will save your current status on said server, and mostly on that server only. A public hive (e.g. official servers connected to the public hive) will save your status on ALL public servers.
  2. Black on dark grey is really hard to read :/
  3. veristaya

    Suggestion: Easter Egg

    I would prefer this, the full "song". Only actual playtime counts
  4. veristaya

    AS50 or M107?

    I prefer a CZ550 tbh, even before they did 0 dmg
  5. Fail to understand what DayZ is about ...
  6. veristaya

    Zombies in Starysober

    I hope you keep on failing to loot good stuff with the tactics you use, because server-hopping and de-aggroing zombies via aborting is BS
  7. veristaya

    Standalone Release Date

    He said that they know in which week they want to release it, but don't have a specific date within said week yet. No mention of June. Nope
  8. I may actually specialize in being a medic to help and teach others ^^
  9. veristaya

    DayZ(RP): Robbery Denied!

    Beans for you, denying that kiddo :D
  10. I actually had the chance to get a revenge kill on the first person who betrayed me, in fact several, and the best one was clearly when I just mowed him and his two friends down with an m249 while the 3 tried to aim with their tiny tiny guns :D
  11. veristaya

    Lootable Journals

    Unless someone writes down what he does and feels (a.k.a. diary) I see no way how you would find a book at a dead body telling you about that persons life.
  12. Got banned for nothing reason from "Zombie go home" ( Hacker Friend ) Really, that's your edit? D: :D
  13. veristaya

    knock out option 4 the dayz stand alone

    You can already knock someone out if you know where to aim with whatever gun you use.
  14. veristaya

    Troubleshooting cheaters

    Google says When this is over? The developers do with anything other than cheating ban? After the ban chitaki buy a new key and cheat on, no different from the monthly payment of warcraft Or do these cheats Pipeline sell? What else can you think about it, if the fashion year, and chitaki vseravno on each server
  15. Actually, YOU were the murderer ...
  16. veristaya

    Tips for raiding North West Airfield??

    I just run into the barrack, loot, and run out. No fks givebn. Nobody expects you to do that :D
  17. veristaya

    SA: Server difficulty locks first person

    I play 3rdp and have never played CoD or anything like this? What does this have to do with CoD exactly?
  18. That's out of my league then, sorry
  19. Try tunring off Avira Antivir if you're using it, that might help. Edit. obviously i mean the realtime scanner part of it
  20. They have a way easier life? KoS, get stuff, done. A Hero meanwhile has to be way more careful, trustful, helpful.
  21. veristaya

    Scripting Sorry guys

    It's always some family member ...
  22. Awesome! Was looking forward to an updated 2017 for quite soem time
  23. Has this happened on more than one server from different hosters? If not, serverside issue. Might be a hoster problem. More likely however the server is full but not locked. The constant connection requests will fuck up the server. The admin should lock a server when full and unlock it when there are 5 or more slots open.
  24. veristaya

    Vehicle repair?

    You need t check what parts the vehicle is missing by opening the scroll menue when pointing at the vehicle If there's no scroll menue, the vehicle won't be repairable. Only the ones you can enter can be repaired.