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Yarr (DayZ)

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About Yarr (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Yarr (DayZ)

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    Dear Santa, can you make former bandit skin as third findable camo type?
  2. Yarr (DayZ)

    Build 1.7.1 Rolling Update

    Someone else beleive that new spasmodic zeds animations is better?
  3. YES Still think that bandit morphing was genious, but this is better than nothing. Also I'm quite interested how it will work with my friend (he has -375000 humanity three weeks ago)
  4. I think that bandit camo was fine enough to use in dayz. I do not wanna talk about karma\bandit camo dependence, just wanna have bandit camo as another option for my char.
  5. Yarr (DayZ)

    gtx 570, but only 15-20 fps. What to do?

    I'll give you strange advice, but this definitely works with mine gtx 480 (comparable with gtx 570 card). Find OLD nvidia drivers. In my case it was 260.99. I has only 20 fps with 301 drivers (1920x1200 resolution), it was quite unplayable, especially with high ping and human opponents. Now I've got 50+ fps with high+ settings. In your case starting point is 266.58 whql.
  6. Yarr (DayZ)

    Morphine's problem (yes, quite fun name for trade)

    Pity, but good Samaritan just shoot me down. Looks like mine equip was irresistible temptation for him.
  7. Hi guys My problem is simple - broken leg and any hospital nearby. Can someone point me - where I need to creep for a little chance to find this damn drug. ATM I'm near Krasnostav, and it looks like chances to find morphine in supermarket is meh.