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Everything posted by DayZoey

  1. DayZoey

    Suggestions for Authenticity to DayZ

    Update for another set of suggestions for realism to the game
  2. I appreciate and actually adore the game's simulation of someone's inability to perform when injured or under duress (recently being shot or beaten by a zombie) but the way it is done is... fairly poor in my opinion. If I had a really bad cramp in my shoulder from a few love taps a zombie had given me or my leg having recently been broken from a bullet, looking down the sights of a gun or binoculars or what have you I wouldn't be jerking around like I was having a seizure. I imagine I would have a hard time maintaining steady aim and my object/weapon of choice would sway more dramatically. This is something I feel needs addressing if the goal is realism.
  3. Nooooooo! Don't do that! xD I already made a suggestion compilation! D:
  4. Ignore the other ones Derpy Hooves, the silly forum thought I was making one topic when I was trying to make several (in light of me reading the "Read before posting" bit after I had posted. My lack of observational skills prevails again!)
  5. Ah balls, silly forum thought I was posting to the same new topic when I was trying to create new ones... Hang on... *edit edit edit*
  6. Mistake, edited out sorry
  7. Ideas 2 and 3 are great ideas because they're actually within the realm of possibility without an over abundance of effort. I liked Rocket's idea of if you disconnect in a way that isn't a clean disconnection, your avatar sits down for like... a minute and you can be killed even if you're not in game. Alt+F4ing is in essence cheating and it is a bit lame when people do it simply because they don't want to lose their stuff. As for the looting problem... Eh... There's quite literally no way to make a system that does both: prevents people from taking advantage of it and doesn't hinder the experience for people who don't take advantage. This may sound mean but it's not meant to be: suck it up dude, there are always people who try to cheat or "best" the system to get what they want. Whether it's server hopping, area farming or whatever else anyone can think of if there's a weakness in the system that exists there are people who will exploit it. Which is why I think the statement "hackers, dupers and cheaters will not be a problem with SA" is a very naive statement. There will always be hackers, dupers and cheaters no matter what. SA costing money will cut down on the number of hackers maybe but there are people who are so dedicated to cheating that they would buy more and more copies of a game to do it. Ever hear of MinnesotaBurns? Well if you haven't, go youtube him. This guy is quite literally a professional Call of Duty youtube troll, he is doing nothing against the XBox Live terms and conditions (aside from possible harassment), he's not hacking his system and he's been banned -repeatedly- from XBL and has had multiple locked consoles (basically Microsoft removes the system's ability to access XBL remotely) and still he continues. This guy must have spent over two thousand dollars in consoles simply because he is dedicated to trolling people on Xbox Live. There are people who will take hacking, duping and other means of cheating to that extreme because it's the only way they can have fun. If somehow they are besting the system and making other people suffer for it. Personally I think these people should be doused in Kerosene and have a lit matches thrown at them until one catches but since cheating in a video game isn't a capitol crime, it's not something that warrants a death sentence.
  8. DayZoey

    My ideas for plausible NPC survivors.

    I think the idea of hostile NPCs is better than friendly NPCs, as people said before friendly NPCs will basically just be roaming loot wagons to burn. Hostile NPCs that shoot back might be a decent idea, it'd give great practice to new players (like myself) on how to perform under fire and if they aren't killed, they're rewarded with whatever guns the NPCs might have been carrying. Kinda like... moving helicopter spawns. But other people are right because it would take extra coding and probably turf the frame rate. So... may or may not be worth it.
  9. DayZoey

    Foods! Plz coment

    Manually farming is... not a good idea. Not even from a game play perspective but from a realistic perspective as well as illustrated by both The Walking Dead and just... playing this game. It's a bad idea because one doesn't stay alive very long unless they are mobile, nomadic and difficult to track. Whenever my friend and I set up a tent, it's to stash basics in case we die and we can't get back to our bodies (A few blood packs, a couple morphines, some canned food and soda) but we stay ahead of bandits because we're always on the move, roaming from town to town, staking out and then ransacking the place for supplies and gone before anyone can draw a bead on us. If we hear gun fire or something doesn't feel right, we move on. It's also a bad idea because as The Walking Dead illustrated (given that Zombies respond to noise in this game as well, not just sight) that if you ever got in to a shoot out anywhere near your farm eventually it would be overrun by the rotting bastards from every direction. If you're forced to leave that's a ton of time and effort wasted especially if it happens before the harvest is ready and you're barely surviving as it is. And as mentioned before, people would wreck it just for fun or they would steal all the food. It's not like you could hide it in the forest either because the plants wouldn't be getting any sunlight. They'd be competing with the existing trees for sunlight and guess who was there first. So you'd have to plant your crops in an open field (unless you grew them inside a warehouse with UV lights like a giant marijuana farm) where everyone could see them and easily raid/destroy them. In short: Plants versus Zombies DayZ is not a good idea, it doesn't fit the atmosphere of the game at all. Something I would like to add though, it would be nice to see more than 4 brands of canned food because I imagine that Heinz Baked Beans, Frank and Beans, Pasta and Sardines would get pretty tiresome on survivors after awhile. Even if they're imaginary brands, I'm pretty sure wherever Chernarus is, the local merchants didn't buy only 4 brands of canned food xP
  10. DayZoey

    The Cure!

    As far as story goes I have to agree that this isn't the greatest idea. However I have yet to see a zombie game that incorporates the whole virus idea properly. Your character is just... somehow magically immune. The only game I've seen do this decently was Resident Evil outbreak but that game(s) was/were crap. It'd be nice to see a zombie game that you had to take antibiotics or a rather difficult to find MacGuffin in order to stop the zombie inflicted wound from turning you in to a zombie as well.
  11. DayZoey

    Standalone Poll: First Person Only?

    And it works just about as good as having a tumble dryer strapped to the top of my head (comparison courtesy of Yahtzee), I'm fully aware of the Q and E keys, I don't think they work very well save for rolling around while prone instead of slowly shuffling to the side. A server I play on doesn't have a cross hair (and if rumor is to believed the cross hair is off center in third person anyways) so I pretty much always sight down my gun and only fire from the hip when I absolutely have to (like I've just soiled my knickers in panic and don't have the presence of mind to actually aim my shots)
  12. The scenario plays out in my head like this 3 survivors, 2 men and a woman. One man is pinned by snipers... Dave: "I can't move but I'm starving!" Alice: "Well we can't go out there or we'll get shot too!" Bob: "Here have these beans!" THWACK!!! Dave: "... *Gurgle*" Alice: "... Boom, headshot..." Bob: "... Well shit..." In all seriousness this is a decent idea but I think a better idea would be to expand the range in which you can trade loot. I know it's confirmed they're scrapping the current inventory system but maybe if you were within 2m of someone and you opened your inventory, you would see if they had room in their inventory and could give items to them but not take them, they'd have to give it to you (prevents people from stealing your stuff through walls and such from 2 meters away) edit: Getting someone by the nuts and telling them to throw their weapon is pretty good, it's better than the ambiguous "Lie down" or "Salute if friendly" stuff that happens as it is.
  13. DayZoey

    Standalone Poll: First Person Only?

    Honestly the game's choice of third person/first person is just fine the way it is. Some of the points that I've seen -Not being able to be fully aware of your surroundings makes it scarier. Well yes it does but it also makes it more like Call of Duty and I've had enough of first person shooters myself. I think the game is just fine the way it is in this respect in giving those players who -want- that extra challenge but allowing players like me the ability to see their character and a bit more of their surroundings. -Being able to see over and around objects without risking yourself is unrealistic/unfair: Well alright if you wanna take that argument it also isn't realistic that I have to choose between three planes of stance; standing, crouching or prone. I should be allowed to choose the height my character stands at and allow for less risky but still dangerous view over objects, I should also be allowed to stick a mirror to a knife with gum to look around corners or I should be able to quickly bob my head out of cover for a split second without keeping my head out for too long. Or better yet we should be able to wave our hand out from cover to attract potential fire from enemies that have too itchy trigger fingers. Or we can just leave it the way it is because that's just too much effort than to just allow players to peek around corners in third person. You also forget, if you're peeking around a corner in third person you know where you're not looking? Everywhere else. It carries an inherent risk pretty much no matter how you go about it so this point doesn't really stand its ground very well in the light of the fact that it's a video game and people are just gonna have to deal with not being able to just keep their sniper scope over a kill zone without risking being seen by people who don't want to step in to that killzone. -Shooters should be more like mario because that's a good game: Uhhhhh... Well alright, why don't we eat mushrooms to grow taller and jump on zombies' heads to kill them rather than burying a hatchet in it? Seriously dude, that's a crappy point. Comparing zombie apples to pixel art oranges. Thanks for coming on the show, try again next time and be sure to try the veal. -3rd person is for casual and lazy gamers: Or it's for people who have grown sick of COD and the FPS rampage that's been going on for the last five years and welcome a zombie game that lets us look around ourselves and look at our characters if we so desire. Personally I adore the ability to just... admire my person from time to time. She's damn sexy holding that Lee Enfield, it's a bit silly and immature to seek to deprive other people of something they like simply because your close minded opinion doesn't like it. It's really quite stupid actually, you don't like it so nobody else should have it? Really man, grow up would you? Not everybody thinks or likes what you do and your opinion isn't the only one. That's all I got for right now, cue the raging hardcore COD or BF3 or whatever shooter happens to be the rage now a days to breathe down my neck about how terrible a person I am for thinking these things and how sexually indecent it makes my mother.
  14. DayZoey

    Suggestions for Authenticity to DayZ

    Bump for an update
  15. DayZoey

    Day Z Wallpapers

    Kudos and beans to the people who actually made their wallpapers from scratch rather than just throwing a bunch of photoshooping together. If I have spare time I'll probably draw something for DayZ because this game has fish hooks thoroughly embedded in my brain and it won't let go.
  16. DayZoey

    Suggestions for Authenticity to DayZ

    Well the intention isn't really to create a discussion, the intention is to kinda give one of many spots that the dev/forum teams can refer to when at coffee break they're going "Hmmm... what else can we do to fix the game?" I'll edit and bump it as I add more suggestions, people can create separate threads for individual ideas they wish to discuss if they like. This is just multiple suggestions I have/have seen and my take on them personally.
  17. The only thing you should feel when you kill someone; is the recoil. In all seriousness, I do not play with anyone I don't know. I am currently partnered with a fellow artist from a website we post on and we get along fairly well, we understand what our joint goals are: to survive and expend as little ammunition as possible. We try to avoid the coastal cities or larger hotspots like Stary/Novy Sobor but when we come across people in towns we have no compunctions killing them and taking what they have even if it's just a can of beans. Reason being: The one time you trust someone will be the time you get killed. I remember going to Balota and finding an AK47 (or 74, don't remember) but someone else was there. We both had axes until I found this gun, figured whatever he would move on, no sense trying to kill one another. He proceeded to run up to me and bury his axe in my face. I don't go out of my way to kill people or hunt them down because frankly the ammunition isn't worth what little they may or may not have. If someone makes a point of being my problem though, I have no remorse for making them spawn on the coast again after shaking their brains off the contents of their belongings.