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Everything posted by DayZoey

  1. DayZoey

    More Player Actions!

    Me personally? Nah I'd rather just brain them with my gun. I was just adding some thought on to the existing idea. :)
  2. DayZoey


    You can train them to ride them, you can train them to bite off Scott Tiderman's wiener or you can shoot them for glue, meat and jello. It's a win-win for everyone.
  3. DayZoey

    More Player Actions!

    It might not be splinter cell but it would make a lot of sense to just beat someone's head in with your gun if you caught them with their pants down rather than having to go through the trouble of stashing/dropping the gun, equipping a hatchet, reloading said hatchet, burying said hatchet in their brain stem, removing said hatchet, picking up primary and then finally looting the body.
  4. DayZoey

    [Suggestion] Zombie behavior

    No I think what he's going for is zombie decomposition affecting the zombies' ability to chase you down in certain environments. I'm fairly certain Rocket has said that he wants to introduce a zombie life cycle which addresses this, zombies that get more kills move faster and are stronger, zombies that get fewer kills move slower and are easier to kill. So highly raided areas like Cherno would become increasingly dangerous as more and more people died there, small backwater towns would have slower and weaker zombies due to the ill frequency of deaths in the area. I'm not sure if this would affect a zombie's ability to follow you up a ladder, would be cool if they implemented that though because you'd be gambling on whether or not the rotting bastards could follow your ass up the ladder you just climbed to get away from them. Also, knee capping zombies should definitely make them crawlers.
  5. DayZoey


    Rocket has already said this is something that's gonna be in the stand alone (Post right above ^^^) and I'm pretty sure he's aware this is a long standing, painful gripe from folks like us Joan. I even put it in to my authenticity suggestions thread and I've seen at least two other suggestion threads like this. In other words: It's a horse long beaten to death, we've just gotta wait for stand alone sadly <3
  6. DayZoey

    Suggestions for Authenticity to DayZ

    Bump for a 4th update
  7. DayZoey

    More Player Actions!

    Climbing: yes, yes and more freakin' yes. Doing a fence climb to avoid zombies is totally an awesome idea. Blind fire: Eh... kinda squiffy about this one, while I do enjoy the cover based shooters bit, blindfiring doesn't really have any effective use other than to burn off ammunition or in the case of this game, ring a dinner bell repeatedly. Passing items: It would need to be made more fluid, like you try to pass an item to a player, they first need to have room to accept it and it doesn't bring up the inventory screen, they just press something like E or middleclick to accept and that becomes their item if it's a weapon. Should be easily broken to by simply moving out of range. Combat rolling: You could easily summersault with a backpack, if anything it would make the land easier due to the rounded shape of it and absorb any impact your body might take. It would have a good chance of wrecking the contents of your bag though. Choking: Why must a player's hands be empty? With a pistol, one could use the arm holding the gun to press their forearm/inside elbow area in to the esophagus of their victim while the other hand covers their mouth/nose to keep them from making noise while they do it. With a rifle you could easily just bash the back of their head in with the butt or use the barrel of the gun to crush the victim's esophagus and have an easier time doing it (because you're holding two ends of a rifle, a solid object rather than the malleable flesh of your arm).
  8. DayZoey

    Colapsable AS50

    Well given how intuitiveness of the current inventory system maybe set up time should not be an inventory screen thing but a button you would press as easily as you would switch firing modes/zero range, just make it a bindable key. Also on a note of LMGs or portable machine guns, they were designed to be fired from a prone position. Not standing, not crouching. Prone. This is fact, not opinion. Of course you can set it up crouching at a static position (setting it on top of something or mounting it to another) but they were designed to be fired from a static or prone position. The purpose of these weapons is to lay down a large amount of sustained suppressing fire, not to engage in one on one combat with a superior amount of ammunition. It is a support weapon and the fact that it is capable of killing people is secondary in purpose but primary in nature (keeps the people from lifting their heads or moving for fear of death).
  9. DayZoey

    Darkness at night

    Bahahahahahaha, I totally didn't catch that until I thought "Hey maybe if I highlight this". Well played sir, well played.
  10. DayZoey

    "Hey, I know you!"

    I had something I wanted to add to this but I totally forgot what it was... I'll be sure to post it when I remember it but in the mean time, definitely a good idea!
  11. DayZoey

    Suggestions for Authenticity to DayZ

    Bump for a third update everybody. Also changed the title to reflect Rocket's preference in terminology.
  12. So I've been having this issue for a couple of days now. It's only with the one server but it's the server I play on and I don't wanna have to start from scratch on a public server (or deal with hackers to be honest) and I've tried everything I can find on google and these boards here to fix the problem. I've tried downgrading Arma2 but it won't let me (tells me the beta path cannot be deleted), I've downgraded the DayZ version, deleted it entirely and reinstalled. I've uninstalled the game, reinstalled and reinstalled DayZ using DayZ Commander but nothing seems to be working. I also noted that I did try joining a public hive and it seemed to work just fine, logged in no problem. The only other topics I could find on this went unanswered or had some people raging at the folks trying to help them, if anyone has a solution that I haven't mentioned above, please share. Spent the better part of three hours last night and an hour today trying to fix it and I've gotten bupkiss.
  13. DayZoey

    Darkness at night

    Honestly I think night would be more bearable if NVG weren't really the only viable way to really get around without having to find bajillions of flares to be throwing left and right. I think a helpful change would be to make the avatar's arm static when holding a flashlight (So it's always pointed in front of you or the way you happy to be free looking). This way you wouldn't be forced to a snail's pace when moving around in the pitch black (night could get that dark in areas with thick foliage) and you wouldn't be fumbling around like an idiot whilst waving around a bright light like a runway director. Also, let us hold a flashlight and a pistol at the same time for goodness sakes! Stop subscribing to the Doom 3 dark as fuck scary formula by making us choose between being able to see and being able to defend ourselves. The G17 and CCO variants of the M4 are really the only weapons in the game that change this and those are both fairly difficult to come across unless you're willing to risk military spawns.
  14. DayZoey

    Colapsable AS50

    He's not saying it needs a mount, he's saying it needs set up time. An anti-materiel rifle is probably the quarter weight of a person and that load gets heavy after awhile, not even mentioning the massive recoil from firing a 50. BMG from a rifle like that. I think what he's going for is you move to an area and the AS50 is not fire-able until you reconstruct it and set up a position in the prone stance with the bipod, you'd be allowed to crawl around to adjust position but you couldn't just stand up and take off like the devil without taking the time to collapse it again in to a more portable fashion.
  15. DayZoey

    Gore. Gore. WE NEED GORE!

    They actually busted this on Mythbusters, being shot doesn't throw anyone back. The only way for someone to go flying back when they get shot is for the person firing the gun to do the same (Newton's law of action creating an equal and opposite reaction) so being shot by anything wouldn't cause you to be thrown against the wall. What does happen when you're shot with a high powered rifle (eg. 50. BMG) is the impact of the bullet hitting your flesh and the sheer transfer of inertia to your body would literally shred the hit area and the trauma of losing whatever limb was hit would kill you within moments. There's a reason 50. BMG rifles against infantry is considered a war crime to the Geneva Convention, 50. BMG are -supposed- to be used as anti-vehicle weapons. The standard practice (according to Anthony Swafford, author of Jarhead) in sniper teams with the Barrett 50.cal or variation of weapon that fires 50. BMG is that the sniper humps the anti infantry rifle and the spotter humps the 50. cal. (hump meaning carry, not fuck. Sex with guns does not have a happy ending). On a side note: 9mm is lethal at short range but because both the barrel is short (in comparison to a rifle), the bullet smaller and the amount of powder used to propel it less in quantity it doesn't fly as far. Make no mistake though, being shot by an M1911 within 50 meters would still be very dangerous, within 5 meters it would definitely be lethal to the chest. That all being said, I think gore is something that the game could use but not in excess. If the gore is scaled by caliber and distance in how much gibbing it causes, it would be nice. Just as long as it isn't like... Fallout Bloody Mess gibbing (shooting a supermutant in the foot and his head implodes in to salsa and all his limbs go flying away from his now stumpy corpse).
  16. DayZoey

    Standalone Poll: First Person Only?

    This again? Goodness gracious people, there are servers with third person turned off and there are servers with third person turned on. For those of you who don't like "third person exploits", don't log in to servers that have it turned on. It's by your own choice that you're suffering from some imagined "disadvantage" that everyone has over you. Stop trying to make people, like me who just like the option of being in third person for the sake of it (I like watching my person run/crouch/crawl) accept that your opinion is your opinion and therefore is the only valid one. Jeeze folks...
  17. Hate to be a buzzkill fellas but this subject has already been brought up some time ago, should thread search before posting. :(
  18. This is all fine and well for people who can afford to spend hundreds of dollars on a computer to make it uber boss and run everything on max settings and still have a machine that runs as smoothly as unicorn farts on a rainbow ridden breezy day. Speaking as someone who isn't one of those people, I have to say I'm against this. Forcing players to run settings that would do to modern computers what Crysis did to the computers of its age when it came out, while the game's realism does suffer a smidge (being an advocate for realistic gameplay, this is a but of a tax on my desire for the game) it does allow people who don't have the disposable income of a high class whore. It would defeat Dean Hall's attempts to make a cheap, fun product by making its player base spend hundreds of dollars on upgrading their computers or replacing them entirely just to play his game.
  19. DayZoey

    Suggestions for Authenticity to DayZ

    I do actually kinda have to agree. Why make new maps when the dev team could just add even more to the existing map and make it even larger? I don't really know much about how/why maps are the way they are, maybe the bigger they are the harder they are on the servers. But rather than having Chernarus being the size of a small county, why not make it the size of a very large county? One that has more than say... two major cities in it? This would actually bring sense to the spawn selection thing (not really a realism thing) in that you simply choose the region you spawn in and it plops you somewhere along the coast in that region. Like say we had 4 regions as big as Chernarus in one map, you choose region 1, region 2, region 3 or region 4. Some tweaking and changing would need to be made in order to balance it so people aren't just choosing one area to spawn in because that region has the most military spawns (but even if they did, they'd have to fight everyone else who did the same for the same reason) or some such. So... bigger maps to explore would add to the realism too. You wouldn't even have to increase the player limit on the server to increase tension because eventually people would get lazy or careless and just wander in to an area and if that area happens to have bandits in it, they lose everything they've been working for. The chances are much more slender but it'd add to the tension of both being found and the loss when one got careless and didn't stake the town out first.
  20. DayZoey

    Suggestions for Authenticity to DayZ

    ... Actually I removed the spawns gripe because I felt it didn't really pertain to the "realism" aspect of the game. Derpyhooves is derpy? :P
  21. DayZoey

    Suggestions for Authenticity to DayZ

    Then perhaps it's best we agree to disagree because I hear very little variation in those noises, not enough that you could discern them under duress as a mildly experienced but still fairly new player like myself.
  22. In the justice system murder in self defense is classified as "Man slaughter" I think but... yeah, it's still murder. The problem is that without civilization, we no longer classify crimes in such a fashion. Crime isn't something that exists anymore, theft, destruction of property, murder, these are all things that are needed to be done to survive. So given the context, maybe having a "Murder vs Kill" score really is moot to begin with. Maybe the game should just keep track of kills in general, rather than self defense kills versus flat out "murder".
  23. DayZoey

    Zombies should be harder!

    Slightly off topic: I hate The Walking Dead TV series. Absolutely hate it. Not because the writer "sold out" or "became a money whore" because those are really stupid reasons to start hating something. The TV series is retarded because they tried the Disney approach to making a story from something else. Take a bunch of existing characters within the setting, dump in a whole new ones that don't even need to be there but somehow TV executives feel its necessary for plot or "racial variety" (it's what I call affirmative casting) and then throw it together and -completely- deviate from the story as it was already told. The Walking Dead game did it right because the game's story has virtually nothing to do with the comic book story and still holds its own fairly well despite being a point and click game (a genre rapidly going the way of the Do-Do I feel). The TV series could have been strong on its own if it had taken all those extra characters they threw in and made their own little plotline. Adding in the CDC in season 1 was just a -really- failed attempt to stop the TV series from catching up to where the comics were and running out of free writing material. *Eeeeeeeh Haaaaaaaaah Eeeeeeeeeeeh haaaaaaaaaaaah* /end rant Back on topic: I agree with Dreygar, I don't think the zombies need to be full on barreling at us to be dangerous. In fact shuffling zombies are even more dangerous because they can easily inspire an air of confidence in the survivor "Oh these bastards are slow as hell, I'll just slide in to this house here and-... wait..." suddenly the survivor's only exit from the house is choked with the slow bastards that want to eat his face off. The air of confidence ended up being that survivor's doom, rather than running in to a fence and bled to death because he got his legs broke and he's bleeding when the zombie hit him while he was waiting for the clunky "jump over" animation to complete.
  24. DayZoey

    Suggestions for Authenticity to DayZ

    Like I said, almost exactly the same but not quite. I don't expect the sound variations to be as distinct as say... Call of Duty (that really seems to be the measuring point for any shooter in terms of guns for me... Maybe Rainbow Six Vegas 2 is a better example) but a touch more variation would be nice :)
  25. DayZoey

    Suggestions for Authenticity to DayZ

    Amazing addition, you sir have my beans. I have to disagree with you, I've had a DMR and a Lee Enfield, both firing and been fired at with them. They sound almost exactly the same to me and I'm pretty good at picking out variations in pitch and volume with guns, it's really the only way you can tell what is being shot at you.