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Everything posted by DayZoey

  1. DayZoey


    I can't see sleep as being any good here... We as the players require sleep, how much sleep we have determines our decision making ability, our ability to focus and of course to perform under duress. For the same reason I conceded on my sanity idea and acknowledged morale as a bad idea as well, I don't see why something gimmicky as sleep should be taken in to account.
  2. DayZoey

    Scoped Lee Enfield

    The mk.1 Lee Enfield was not designed to be a scoped rifle. As Gews has said, it would require a ton of specialty parts that wouldn't crop up in the current DayZ setting and even if it did, it'd be an antiquity so likely even more rare. The Lee Enfield Mk.1 is a superb rifle but it isn't in production anymore. It shouldn't be anywhere near as common as it is in DayZ right now, let alone the special parts it would take to make it in to a low range sniper rifle (As a previous poster mentioned, scopes were fairly weak during the era of this rifle's use). Edit: The problem with having a scope on the Mk. 1 Lee Enfield is that you have to have it high enough or forward enough that it will not interfere with the bolt action in any fashion. Unless I am mistaken, turning the bolt on a Lee Enfield almost changes the cylinder bolt's position 90 degrees upward and a scope interfering with that (like you have in the picture ninja has provided) you would have stove piped brass worst case scenario because it wouldn't clear the breach properly. So the scope would either need to be raised or more forward (I've never looked down a scope on a weapon before so I'm not sure how this would affect its use) and further away from the eye to allow the bolt action to properly clear and repeat.
  3. DayZoey

    Suggestion for killing on sight

    The only thing you should feel when you KoS... Is the recoil.
  4. DayZoey

    Campfire damage

    ... I'm not sure if any of you have gone camping but rain doesn't put out a fire unless it's a monsoon level of downpour. Rain makes it difficult to get a fire started and slightly difficult to keep it going if you don't keep your fuel source (ie: wood) dry. If it starts pouring rain and you already have a fire going though, that would not put it out unless you've built a piddly ass tiny fire.
  5. DayZoey

    Gagging and Binding

    I have to throw my lot in with the "Why bother" side of this debate. If for whatever reason someone catches you off guard and holds you at gunpoint to drop all of your stuff and for whatever reason lets you live, you're still in the same position you'd be in if you just commit suicide to start over. So why wouldn't you if they take all your stuff and then demand that you come with them? The exact same applies to this gagging and binding option, nothing has changed except your chances of escape (not survival but escape) are even further diminished from when the other person has (presumably) an automatic weapon aimed at you or multiple people aiming multiple weapons at you. So... honestly I don't see it as being anything but an extra grief tool for the douchebags that have nothing better to do with their time than give other people a hard time. Unless of course... 1) There is some sort of experience/skill system introduced. Nothing elaborate or "number" based like World of Warcraft or shit like that. Something that introduces gradual character improvement (The more you do of something, the better you are at doing it) to the point where people who've had the same character for awhile won't want to lose all that progress to a griefer or a group of people taking them hostage. Gear can be replaced but building skill in gutting animals, running for longer distances without getting tired and such would be a pain to have to start from scratch. 2) There was some sort of benefit to actually letting the player go when you were done with them or for freeing bound players (buddies stage a rescue mission for instance). Maybe regaining some humanity or karma, or getting closer to a "hero" status of the game (Of course to prevent people from farming humanity or karma, one person can't gain humanity or karma from freeing the same people over and over again that they tie up). 3) People weren't such douche bags. Seriously this is a huge one, because I'm so optimistic sometimes there could be a group of bandits that tie me up and drag me off to heaven knows where after stealing all my stuff that lead me on the entire time. Three hours later, they shoot me in the head and log off. Well that's great, I just wasted three hours looking for a chance to keep playing when it would have been just faster to kill myself and move on. In light of this third point, I don't think this is something that will be implemented or widely used. The only use I could see for it is incapacitating someone from contributing to a firefight, like if you caught a lone member of an enemy team you could tie him up to remove the threat he would pose to you in the oncoming exchange of bullets. Also I'd like to mention the gag part of it is pretty useless. Yeah sure it stops them from talking in game over direct and such, nothing stopping them from talking over Skype or TeamSpeak to their friends telling them exactly how many there are, what they are armed with and which direction they're going. So... unless you have a way for a game to be programmed to disable all third party chat programs in existence when they are gagged... I don't see this working.
  6. DayZoey


    Brrring brrring. Hello? Yeah it's L4D, I have some ideas for y- *Click*
  7. DayZoey

    My Suggestions For DayZ. #1

    On the subject of pregnancy tester... The zombie virus makes even male bodies generate an extraordinary amount of estrogen and other women related hormones to giving birth? o_O I don't know any sane person that would use a flint-lock anything in a zombie apocalypse. Those things take 45 seconds to one whole minute and change to reload with a -practiced- user. Not to mention, they're not in production anymore, nor is their ammunition or means of propelling their projectile. Not unless you're willing to break two or three perfectly good bullets to provide -one- shot that might not even work if it got even the remotest bit of wet. I'm not sure on the status of Rocket's intention towards the zombie virus and how it's transmitted but in the game as it is... kind of pointless to have the anti-virus to something that doesn't exist in game.
  8. Oh I expect there are people who can scale fences without making an overtly large amount of noise. I am not one of those people and neither is anyone I know. Again though, to reiterate an earlier point: There is no other noise aside from what zombies and players are making. With no other noise to drown it out it would stick out like a sore thumb in an otherwise completely still sea of silence. You'll notice in cities there's always a constant faint "Whrrrrrrrrr" sound if you really pay attention to it, the reason you may or may not notice it is because you've been in the city for so long you've just tuned it out. The reason for that noise is cars moving about, factory machinery at work and so on and so forth. I'm not saying you'd hear someone climbing a chain link fence on the east side of Cherno when you're on the west side but with 20-100m there would definitely be some sound of clattering metal. That alone could make or break your supply run in to an urban setting.
  9. @Shrykull: Those would be nice, yes within the constraints of the vehicle. @Terminal Boy: Indeed but you're going to have the people who will try and fire pistols or rifles or other magazine fed weapons from their cars. And you can see from the table that the odds of hitting anything while moving in a vehicle begin to diminish very sharply. Firing belt or box fed weapons from a vehicle as military vehicles often do is just applying the law of averages to hitting an unlikely percent. Fire enough bullets at your target and you're -bound- to hit it eventually.
  10. I actually think this is a splendid idea. Cutting a fence is actually fairly quiet and discrete (assuming we're talking about a barb wire and/or chain link) and enables a more organic way to enter and if needed, rapidly exit an urban environment. I have never seen anyone who was capable of climbing a chain link/barbwire fence and being incredibly quiet about it. Add to the fact that there is no urban ambiance from vehicles, sirens and so on and so forth anymore outside of zombie groaning; cutting your way through a chainlink/barbwire fence would be a much more stealthy alternative.
  11. DayZoey

    SA should have Sanity!

    It's spelled Iraq and the nature of the rejection is political and based on the behaviour of those being rejected. It's a completely different subject but The Gulf Wars and the Vietnam Wars have failed for two reason: One the American military wasn't putting a sufficient amount of boots on the ground, you can't hold a place by bombing it to crap and spraying it with agent orange; second because the American military was bombing just about anything that wasn't them, there were even recorded cases of friendly fire on Canadian APCs/Vehicles to which many vehicle crews took to spray painting red Xs on the tops of their vehicles. Still they were bombed. So... the people had very little to do with it outside of the way they were reacting to an outside force that was "trying to save them" but at the same time bombing the ever loving snot out of them. I read in the morale thread that all of these effects should be on the person and that's true. Honestly I'm just trying to think of ways to make lone-wolfing and bandit play less rewarding and teamwork even more rewarding. Lone wolfing because I play by myself and I only die when I do something incredibly stupid (ie: run in to a building with only one exit with a trail of zombies behind me and not enough ammunition to get out) or when I come across another player who is more interested in playing Call of Duty or Battlefield 3 with zombie props kills me.
  12. DayZoey


    Coming across random carcasses in the game should be a huge drop in morale too. It's a huge fear factor for me in the game as it is right now when I hear those flies buzzing, I immediately lose any desire to be where I am because "Oh jeeze... somebody has been killed here fairly recently. How recently? Is the killer still here? Did they bury the body or will the person be coming back for the chance to recover their loot? Crap I gotta get outta here" Don't see why that wouldn't effect our characters' performance, coming across a fresh not-zombie cadaver would be putting them under a great deal of duress.
  13. DayZoey

    SA should have Sanity!

    See you call it punishing playstyles, I call it getting the CoD deathmatch sniper kiddies the f**k out of the game where they shouldn't be. Muahahahaha, my master plan. Seriously though, no. It is not punishing people who spend too much time by themselves, or people who just kill on sight. It is making an easy playstyle not easy anymore. You know what's hard? Finding other people you don't know and teaming up to survive together. Wanna know what else is hard? Being able to tell whether or not the person you're with is on the level. Rocket has said multiple times he's going for an authentic experience, if you ran across someone giggling and talking to themselves because they A) have murdered 50+ people for sport or B ) have spent waaaaay too much time by themselves and are going to act unpredictably and therefore could be a liability. Obviously it's not a fool proof system, see the earlier bit with sometimes people playing a character that is a true sociopath. Wanna know what isn't hard? Just shooting everybody you see that isn't a friend you've known before coming in to the game. Wanna know what else isn't hard? Just playing by yourself and going from town to town looting supplies, avoiding people at all costs. (I do the latter more often than not, so yes, this suggestion would push me out of my comfort zone) That being said... I do like your alternate idea and maybe it could tie in to the loss of humanity, from an onlooker's perspective you would be able to tell how easy it is for someone to kill other people based on how they behave when they're under duress. Though maybe another way to implement it would be when face to face with someone new, someone who is nervous that hasn't killed before or killed much would be breathing very rapidly. Someone that just sees people as loot-bags with legs wouldn't be nervous at all, they know they're gonna get what they want. But no, there is very little if any disparity. I count the first point as two because teamwork should be the name of the game, every zombie apocalypse comic, film, show that I've ever seen has people working together and seldom striking out on their own (unless they're the black dude, in which case by rule of Hollywood they have to die) and working together to achieve a common goal. I also count the last point of the benefits to be double as well because it would actually force people to -think- about Killing on Sight, to think about the consequences of it. Right now the only two consequences for killing on sight are: He might have friends that will shoot me and I might miss and/or he'll shoot back. There needs to be more thought in to murder in the game, it should be something that isn't done so lightly without ramifications.
  14. DayZoey


    Sound fairly similar to what I proposed with sanity about half an hour ago. Still though, it sounds much easier to implement and volumes of more feasible so... Well done :)
  15. DayZoey

    Suggestion for killing on sight

    I didn't say impossible, I just said hard as f**king balls. Edit: I prefer to play by myself so believe me I understand the ramifications of what I'm suggesting. I'm suggesting it because it's too darn easy to survive on my own.
  16. DayZoey

    SA should have Sanity!

    For one: I don't believe that there are sociopaths in those lines of business because people in those lines of business rarely interact with the names and numbers they see on the screen. Sure they know it's happening but they don't have to see it, they don't have to watch someone's life get snuffed out. For two: The capitalist world rewards greed, not sociopathic behaviour. People keep saying "This seems artificial", what is that even supposed to mean? Can we have a clarification of terminology because to me "artificial" means "Man made" or "Not naturally occuring without outside influence". In which case.... Uh, yeah, it's a video game guys. The whole thing is artificial. @Dekartz: I don't think it punishes the playstyles as much as it makes them more difficult than they already are, encouraging team work and less psychotic tendencies in people (read: less Call of Duty team deathmatching in Cherno). That being said, your idea of false positive of peripheral dots is a good idea. My suggested ideas are more for the -really- deep end of the insanity spectrum, like for the people that have racked up more than 20 murders in one single life, spend all their time alone and such.
  17. DayZoey

    SA should have Sanity!

    I'm pretty sure that's a sociopath, not a psychopath. Sociopaths (to my knowledge) know what they are doing is wrong and they don't care, they'll do anything to get the satisfaction they crave. Uhm... Maybe sociopathic characters could be random. Every now and then you'd land a character that doesn't suffer guilt from killing people but it'd be akin to the rarity of finding really high value military gear. It's only something that would happen once in awhile statistically and even then you'd have no way to test it other than by killing people, in which case, if you've got it, you've got it. If not, you've just permanently damaged your current character. @nousernamehelp: Exactly my point, the human psyche isn't meant to deal with the stresses that would come with a zombie apocalypse. Seeing someone eaten alive, especially if that someone was a friend of yours; screaming and flailing as the undead rip their organs from their body and tear their limbs asunder... That would seriously f**k the witnessing people up. edit: @mZLY care to elaborate? That doesn't really... make sense o.O
  18. DayZoey

    SA should have Sanity!

    Wrong thread but bacon would solve that problem yes :D
  19. DayZoey

    Paint cans

    Drawing a penis on the wall? Pffft, amatuer. You draw a penis next to where you gunned people down. Or you draw a cock next to where your buddy died. It's a respectful penis.
  20. DayZoey

    Suggestion for killing on sight

    My solution to making KoS impractical... Make the game hard as f**king balls to survive without team work. Make players terrified to fire their guns (zombies run faster than players do and/or are capable of hitting you while moving) because firing your gun would spawn zombies near you (gun shots travel for -miles-, no reason a zombie or ten wouldn't eventually home in on you if you were pissing brass like you didn't give a f**k) Make zombies less retarded and make players terrified to move around in settlements/cities. Make them attracted to movement, they wouldn't necessarily charge a player moving around in the long grass but there's something moving around out there and it isn't infected; make them investigate movement/light sources like flashlights, flares or chemlights. Just walking towards sources of movement or spontaneous light would be enough to set players on edge and make them scared to move. Also clog the streets with those summbitches. For an apocalypse that recently had it's face zombied off, there's a surprising deficit of the dead people walking around. It wouldn't be that hard to program I don't think, small towns would have X limit of zombies shuffling around, medium sized settlements would have X limit of zombies shuffling around, large towns would have X limit of zombies shuffling around. Cities or major population centers would have a ridiculous number of zombies shuffling around, way more than what we have right now. If zombies are being optimized a bit better than they are now, framerates shouldn't be too much of an issue. Make larger groups more profitable. Larger groups spawn better loot maybe, that way some people would just team up to get better loot. Also reward team work for not shooting your buddy in the back after you've gotten some better loot. Maybe humanity could be karma, the higher your karma, the fewer zombies you are likely to randomly encounter and the better loot spawns you will get. The lower to negative your karma is, the better chances of running in to a random forest horde, slimmer chance of finding wild life to hunt, better chance of equipment/guns breaking and worse chance to find basic survival loot (Food/water). What goes around, comes around. You wanna be a schmuck? Live with the consequences of it.
  21. DayZoey

    Burning down houses/bases

    Iiiiii don't want to set the wooooorld oooooohhnnnn fiiiiiyaaaaaaaaar.... Aaaaaaaaye just want to staaaaahrt... A great big flame in your haaaaaaaaaaaa-aaaaaaart...
  22. DayZoey

    No new loot respawn.

    Here's an idea to make this more feasible for server life... Instead of having loot spawn only once, have the server record the last time a spawn was looted. Yeah it'll put an extra strain on the more populated servers but think about it, if you went in to a town and there were bullets, food and drink all over the place to boot so much so that you couldn't possibly stuff anymore in your packs, you'd know someone hadn't been there for awhile. These fortunate people who had come across a fresh town wouldn't be picking other places for food, ammunition or general supplies. They'd be looking for stuff to improve their situation like a tent, repairing a car or maybe trying to get some military hardware. However on the flip side, depending on how barren a town was when you came across it, you could have a rough estimate as to the last time someone was there. Say if a town was completely emptied with nothing but empty cans and tin containers, someone has been there within the last 30 minutes. If the town had slim pickings, somebody has been there within the last hour. If a town is doing well for itself, someone has been there within the last 2 or 3 hours. Not to say that the game should be dumping supplies on people for finding a fresh town, it'd be much like the same the way it is right now for a fresh town, the chance of decent amounts of food/water/tools and then the chance to turn up nothing in other buildings. If every building you went to only had bent tin cans, empty soda cans and such, you could probably guess someone has been there recently. As for how to program it... Maybe have a timer on a town since the last time someone was there that changes the percentage of useful loot items based on how many hours have passed since the last person wandered in. Just a thought, I don't know how it could be implemented, that's just an idea.
  23. I'm on the fence about this one personally. I don't think we should need to look at our inventory to see what condition our character is in. If we're bleeding profusely, we should see that on our avatar (maybe leaving blood drips behind though not in the same way the Arma 2 engine has it. Something more subtle) as well as maybe the UI symbol option for servers. What they could do though is have a miniature outline of someone as part of the UI instead of the blood/food/water symbols. When the character is bleeding, a blood teardrop shape over the bleeding area (arm, leg, torso, head). If the character has a fractured bone(s), maybe a white bone over the area with a line going through it. Broken bones would be just a bone broken in half over the area. If there are multiple fractures or breaks, one symbol could overlap the other but limit it to 2 so you never really know -how- many bones are broken/fractured. You just know you're hurting pretty bad. Then food and water could be what a mod for Fallout New Vegas did (Project Nevada) where instead of having symbols for being hungry or thirsty, your person makes auditory cues. Tummy rumblings for being hungry, throat clearing for thirsty (from a parched throat). Characters who are tired yawn a lot. Characters that need to relieve themselves maybe start farting a lot (yeah it sounds juvenille and I'm sure enough people would start giggling like ten year olds at the farting but farting before needing to poo is very common as the excrement isn't allowing the gas to pass it as it moves through your bowels, the farts only have one way to go and that way is out). Characters that need to pee might start humming a bit urgently (I danno about you but when I'm doing the pee-pee dance, I hum to keep my mind off of it as much as I can) I don't know code for balls so I don't know how hard all this would be to achieve but just some thoughts.
  24. DayZoey

    Give a reason to play on night servers?

    See so many people use flares and flashlights. Flares give you off for miles away and flashlights have the same problem except your vision is confined to a narrow tube of vision and you're forced to move at a walking pace to even use that narrow tube. You may as well not have it or just use road flares. The problem with road flares is they burn out in 15 minutes. Solution you say? I say Chemlights. Red is the worst if you want to see but the best for being sneaky since someone has to be within 20m or so to see the light. Green is the worst if you want to be sneaky but still someone has to be within roughly 50-100m to see the light. Blue of course is the middle ground, equal light and equal stealthiness. None of the three attract zombies and if some schmuck happens to get the drop on you, you drop the light and run in some random direction and hit the deck. Unless he has NVG the chances of them finding you are slim to absolute f**k all. I actually tested chemlights, setting a marker and then dropping each colour on that marker and running away until I couldn't see it anymore. The numbers aren't perfect obviously (drawn from a really crappy memory) but they're approximately accurate. Chemlights are invaluable tools to have at night and they last for 1 hour. One stack of chemlights can get you through most of an entire night cycle which is usually 12 hours, maybe 4 of which is spent in ink-screen-rendering blackness anyways. Not to mention they're practically invisible to night vision goggles so NVG bandits running around won't see you for miles off. Heck they could walk right by you and probably not notice it if they weren't paying attention. Besides, what better way to headf**k bandits in lowlight conditions then to scatter a bunch of chemlights around Cherno or Elektro before you leave? They last an hour, so you will basically waste some schmuck's time for anywhere up to an hour that he spends running around looking for you because there's chemlights around even though you left X amount of minutes ago. Still though, you want to make night time a good time to play the game? Why don't we eliminate night time being absolutely f**king retarded pitch black? I know it's a fault with the Arma 2 engine, that doesn't stop it from being any less annoying to being able to make out basic shapes and to be walking around in the middle of town and BAM suddenly pitch black. Pitch black should be waaaaaaay more gradual, like a cloud passing over the moon. It should also only ever happen during rain storms when the moon is obscured by clouds until the end of the storm. I'm not a country girl but I've been out in the country at night when the moon is out and it is a lot brighter than you might think it would be. It was almost comparable to being in a city street with the street lights all on except -everything- was brightly lit. That was also a full moon though, something else the Arma 2 engine hasn't really accounted for. So another suggestion for the SA is to add actual lunar cycles to servers. Heck it doesn't even have to be anything really complex, maybe just like... if a server had a full moon one night, it would have a 3/4 the next, then a 1/2 after that, then a 1/4 after that, then a 1/2 again, then a 3/4 again, so on and so forth. Even in pitch blackness though we as human beings would still be able to make out basic shapes, the light -does- exist, it's just very dim. The only time we should -ever- see pitch black is when we're in a room with no windows and the door is shut. We wouldn't have survived as many centuries as we did before the discovery of fire if we were incapable of operating and defending ourselves at night. People will say that me turning up my brightness/contrast in game is cheating at night, I call it adjusting my eyes to the light conditions because the game sure as crap isn't capable of doing that on its own.
  25. DayZoey

    The DayZ Standalone Wishlist

    If pistols are going to play a bigger role, they need to actually have teeth. I've emptied an entire G17 mag in to someone point blank and they did not die. Someone else ran up with an assault rifle and shot them in the knee or something and they finally dropped dead. I'm not sure if it was just -one more bullet- that woulda done it but 17 9mm rounds at point blank? Even if, just for fun saying I had missed 3/4s of those shots, that's -still 3 or 4 shots hitting center mass. That would render someone incapable of continuing combat if not killing them outright.