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About Snowjump

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    On the Coast
  1. Only I play with 8-14 FPS and low settings on old PC because this mod is so exciting? =\
  2. Spawned near Solnechniy at night, met another surviver, we decided to stick together for awhile. We started explore this town with our Macs and flares = > attracted big number of zombies. We were pretty good at shooting them all, untill we attracted new group of zombies. They surrounded us. We killed most of them except for the last one, both fainted. We ran out of all ammo, but last zombie stucked kicking air. Prone among bodies we started looting for beans and ammo, that was surrealistic. =D We didnt find ammo, so we walked away to search wood grey house. Suddenly, this zombie changed his mind and ran after us to house, he blocked us inside. I remembered that I have a granade. Type in chat to my new mate to hide in yellow room, and threw a granade in entrance. Zombie jumped to me and blocked both ways to me to escape. Boom! I died, but I killed this bloody bustard and saved life of another person. I will never forget this night.
  3. I hope to mix 1 and 2, if I wouldn't die or become zombie. But in Russia are too damn cold winters to survive in woods or in towns without functioning system of central heating, however if zombie wouldn't die by starvation they will all die after first winter for sure. So, plan is simple: 1. Find transport and suplies. 2. Leave cities. 3. Wait one winter and come back. 4. Find other survivers to rebuild russian community. 5. Find weapons in old soviet military bases (some of them are full of SKS, AKM and RPG-7 to provide few generations, if this is truth, at least I hope though =D ) to face migrations of zombies from Europe, Asia and Near East in spring, if they wouldn't die too like ours. Unfortunately, it is 99% probability that I will die in first few days. Fortunately, it is 0,0000000001% probability that zombie apocalypse would happen. =D
  4. I suggest "The bean war" is not a problem (so doesn't need to be solved), it is situation, maybe hard situation for someone. But I always thought that this game is hardcore, just find your way to survive. I was shoted few times, I helped few players, some players helped me, and nothing changed my role in this game. I only get more experience and could survive longer.
  5. Snowjump

    Banned from Eu8 for russian language

    >Tokae >It only takes 1 bad apple to spoil the bunch, is a popular phrase over here. Hey, Tokae Little Offtop It only takes 1 spoon of shit to spoil a barrel of honey. Popular phrase in Russia. >Why are these people dangerous? They kill and torture for fun, only in game of course. Trolling the only thing they know and want to do. >Anyway, perhaps we will meet up on a server. I hope so, but every time I was shot in the back, I start thinking to avoid meeting with other players. =D >rocket >"let the admins make the decision" You're the chief, only you have power to change anything there. Despite our opinion we will accept any your decisions. Anyway, glad to see that you communicate with players. And I will never get used to this quote-system. Yes, I know that I use it wrong, but I love to reply to few persons in one massage. >Arcus >Thank god you are here, as you might now by now I want an English speaking server. But as people go in here they think I hate all russians etc. But as you clearly speak great english and all you would be absolutely perfectly welcome to play on the server. Hey, Arcus Also it depends on game or mode. Some of them need establish language for chat, some of them need players to understand language as part of communication to follow rules or orders to achieve victory. In DayZ IMHO critically only chat conversation. While different languages help to simulate our world, we have hardcore game, right? However, if you will have english speaking server, non-english players will continue to join your server by different reasons (like good ping, daytime, national servers are full, etc.), and some of them will not follow formal or informal rules. People always break rules. Theoretically, in our situation, we can ask them to follow rules, but only few of them will. We cant change their behavior through internet, this is work for parents, school, governments and religion, but I doubt that they are interested to explain how to be polite in online-games. But we can make them to follow rules by server/game administration. We have only whip, and dont have honey-cake and influence on their mind. I also checked russian subforum. Folks discus this issue too. I have read only 4 pages and stoped with hand on my face. I didnt find any statements that I could call an argument. Many russian players sure that foreigners complain only because they think that all russians are cheaters, hackers, bandits, sons of devil and just latent xenophobes. And this give to these russians thin that they should pay the same and increase their negative relationship to all foreigners.
  6. Snowjump

    Banned from Eu8 for russian language

    Hello everyone. I'm new here, and I'm Russian. So, sorry for my bad english. I'm very concerned about this situation in DayZ, because I think that problem is more serious due that this mod evokes a lot of emotions during the game. It is hard to believe anyone in this cruel zombie-world and cooperate with other survivors. On the one hand, national differences add more problems to deal with it, and on the other hand, it makes game more realistic. You don't play only role of friendly/neutral/rogue survivor, also you can collect your group by national/age/trust or any other sign. Sorry for rude and impolite behavior of my compatriots. Many of them not tolerate foreign languages or even foreigners, while playing on russian servers or even foreign servers. But not all of us are doing so. I have theory, that great part of them are just teens. I suppose in western countries most kids play with console, in Russia last common console was first Play Station. So, they bring their idiocy and a children's perfectionism in Internet and PC mmo-games. Actualy, russian community have experienced example of unpleasant raid of organized group of kids from nowadays disappeared image-board 2ch to online game FOnline. They took best equipment and guns, and start killing all players and NPCs in-sight. But over time, they quarreled with each other and dissappeared. In DayZ I have heard that someone used slang from that game, please be alerted if someone write in chat this massage: "Суть пустошей", these players could probably be unpredictable and dangerous. The only well-working solution of this issue I see, if server-owners will establish language-policy on their servers and have staff of moderators online. This way is difficult, lead to more dispute among offended players, but only enough effective that I know. Otherwise, we can rely only on our politeness. But prepare to continue hear cheers: "Yankee go home!". Thank you for attention. I'm ready to answer any question about this situation, if I could.