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Rain Ocampo

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About Rain Ocampo

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Rain Ocampo

    Character not saving.

    I have also start to think that too because i use dayz comander and some times takes forever to refresh the servers,other times all show with 1000 ping
  2. Rain Ocampo

    Character not saving.

    So im not the only one having this problem of the character not saving i even made a report on bug section but has not yet show up.
  3. Hi Im having this problem with a server i play alot its the only one im having this error but lately im getting alot the debug plains on others so dunno if my problem is Character corruption. Also i have a question if the character is reset do you lose all your stuff ,for exemple you own tents you arent able to repack them after reset or the stuff you have on backpack? User id:80069702
  4. Rain Ocampo

    Lost all gear and spawned back at beach

    For sure that was a Hacker just had that happem to me few hours ago but i manage to recover all my gear, you just need to remenber were you are are just before that happen and your boddie will be there unless u disconect from server.Btw u can use a online map to guide you the place were u think/know your boddie is,i had to run for almost 1 hour before i reach my dead boddie because i was way north pass the NW airfield and spawn on Balota beach,if u get in the debug area( with nothing arround ) just hit abort and join again(do not disconect server) after u join you will spawn on normal beach.